// @flow import React from 'react'; import { LocalVideoMenuTriggerButton, RemoteVideoMenuTriggerButton } from '../../../video-menu'; type Props = { /** * Hide popover callback. */ hidePopover: Function, /** * Whether or not the button is for the local participant. */ local: boolean, /** * The id of the participant for which the button is. */ participantId?: string, /** * Whether popover is visible or not. */ popoverVisible: boolean, /** * Show popover callback. */ showPopover: Function, /** * The type of thumbnail. */ thumbnailType: string, /** * Whether or not the component is visible. */ visible: boolean } // eslint-disable-next-line no-confusing-arrow const VideoMenuTriggerButton = ({ hidePopover, local, participantId, popoverVisible, showPopover, thumbnailType, visible }: Props) => local ? ( ) : ( ); export default VideoMenuTriggerButton;