import { IStore } from '../app/types'; import { IStateful } from '../base/app/types'; import { addPendingDeviceRequest, getAvailableDevices, setAudioInputDeviceAndUpdateSettings, setAudioOutputDevice, setVideoInputDeviceAndUpdateSettings } from '../base/devices/actions.web'; import { areDeviceLabelsInitialized, getAudioOutputDeviceId, getDeviceIdByLabel, groupDevicesByKind } from '../base/devices/functions.web'; import { isIosMobileBrowser } from '../base/environment/utils'; import JitsiMeetJS from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { toState } from '../base/redux/functions'; import { getUserSelectedCameraDeviceId, getUserSelectedMicDeviceId, getUserSelectedOutputDeviceId } from '../base/settings/functions.web'; /** * Returns the properties for the device selection dialog from Redux state. * * @param {IStateful} stateful -The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @param {boolean} isDisplayedOnWelcomePage - Indicates whether the device selection dialog is displayed on the * welcome page or not. * @returns {Object} - The properties for the device selection dialog. */ export function getDeviceSelectionDialogProps(stateful: IStateful, isDisplayedOnWelcomePage: boolean) { // On mobile Safari because of, the old track is stopped // by the browser when a new track is created for preview. That's why we are disabling all previews. const disablePreviews = isIosMobileBrowser(); const state = toState(stateful); const settings = state['features/base/settings']; const { permissions } = state['features/base/devices']; const inputDeviceChangeSupported = JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable('input'); const speakerChangeSupported = JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable('output'); const userSelectedCamera = getUserSelectedCameraDeviceId(state); const userSelectedMic = getUserSelectedMicDeviceId(state); // When the previews are disabled we don't need multiple audio input support in order to change the mic. This is the // case for Safari on iOS. let disableAudioInputChange = !JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isMultipleAudioInputSupported() && !(disablePreviews && inputDeviceChangeSupported); let disableVideoInputSelect = !inputDeviceChangeSupported; let selectedAudioInputId = settings.micDeviceId; let selectedAudioOutputId = getAudioOutputDeviceId(); let selectedVideoInputId = settings.cameraDeviceId; // audio input change will be a problem only when we are in a // conference and this is not supported, when we open device selection on // welcome page changing input devices will not be a problem // on welcome page we also show only what we have saved as user selected devices if (isDisplayedOnWelcomePage) { disableAudioInputChange = false; disableVideoInputSelect = false; selectedAudioInputId = userSelectedMic; selectedAudioOutputId = getUserSelectedOutputDeviceId(state); selectedVideoInputId = userSelectedCamera; } // we fill the device selection dialog with the devices that are currently // used or if none are currently used with what we have in settings(user selected) return { availableDevices: state['features/base/devices'].availableDevices, disableAudioInputChange, disableDeviceChange: !JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable(), disableVideoInputSelect, hasAudioPermission:, hasVideoPermission:, hideAudioInputPreview: disableAudioInputChange || !JitsiMeetJS.isCollectingLocalStats() || disablePreviews, hideAudioOutputPreview: !speakerChangeSupported || disablePreviews, hideAudioOutputSelect: !speakerChangeSupported, hideVideoInputPreview: !inputDeviceChangeSupported || disablePreviews, selectedAudioInputId, selectedAudioOutputId, selectedVideoInputId }; } /** * Processes device requests from external applications. * * @param {Dispatch} dispatch - The redux {@code dispatch} function. * @param {Function} getState - The redux function that gets/retrieves the redux * state. * @param {Object} request - The request to be processed. * @param {Function} responseCallback - The callback that will send the * response. * @returns {boolean} - True if the request has been processed and false otherwise. */ export function processExternalDeviceRequest( // eslint-disable-line max-params dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], getState: IStore['getState'], request: any, responseCallback: Function) { if (request.type !== 'devices') { return false; } const state = getState(); const settings = state['features/base/settings']; let result = true; switch ( { case 'isDeviceListAvailable': responseCallback(JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceListAvailable()); break; case 'isDeviceChangeAvailable': responseCallback( JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable( request.deviceType)); break; case 'isMultipleAudioInputSupported': responseCallback(JitsiMeetJS.isMultipleAudioInputSupported()); break; case 'getCurrentDevices': // @ts-ignore dispatch(getAvailableDevices()).then((devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]) => { if (areDeviceLabelsInitialized(state)) { const deviceDescriptions: any = { audioInput: undefined, audioOutput: undefined, videoInput: undefined }; const currentlyUsedDeviceIds = new Set([ getAudioOutputDeviceId(), settings.micDeviceId, settings.cameraDeviceId ]); devices.forEach(device => { const { deviceId, kind } = device; if (currentlyUsedDeviceIds.has(deviceId)) { switch (kind) { case 'audioinput': deviceDescriptions.audioInput = device; break; case 'audiooutput': deviceDescriptions.audioOutput = device; break; case 'videoinput': deviceDescriptions.videoInput = device; break; } } }); responseCallback(deviceDescriptions); } else { // The labels are not available if the A/V permissions are // not yet granted. dispatch(addPendingDeviceRequest({ type: 'devices', name: 'getCurrentDevices', responseCallback })); } }); break; case 'getAvailableDevices': // @ts-ignore dispatch(getAvailableDevices()).then((devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]) => { if (areDeviceLabelsInitialized(state)) { responseCallback(groupDevicesByKind(devices)); } else { // The labels are not available if the A/V permissions are // not yet granted. dispatch(addPendingDeviceRequest({ type: 'devices', name: 'getAvailableDevices', responseCallback })); } }); break; case 'setDevice': { const { device } = request; if (!areDeviceLabelsInitialized(state)) { dispatch(addPendingDeviceRequest({ type: 'devices', name: 'setDevice', device, responseCallback })); return true; } const { label, id } = device; const deviceId = label ? getDeviceIdByLabel(state, device.label, device.kind) : id; if (deviceId) { switch (device.kind) { case 'audioinput': dispatch(setAudioInputDeviceAndUpdateSettings(deviceId)); break; case 'audiooutput': dispatch(setAudioOutputDevice(deviceId)); break; case 'videoinput': dispatch(setVideoInputDeviceAndUpdateSettings(deviceId)); break; default: result = false; } } else { result = false; } responseCallback(result); break; } default: return false; } return true; }