/* @flow */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n'; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link NoRoomError}. */ type Props = { /** * Additional CSS classnames to append to the root of the component. */ className: string, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function }; /** * Displays an error message stating no room name was specified to fetch dial-in * numbers for. * * @extends Component */ class NoRoomError extends Component { /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { t } = this.props; return (
{ t('info.noNumbers') }
{ t('info.noRoom') }
); } } export default translate(NoRoomError);