var config = {
    hosts: {
        domain: '',
        //anonymousdomain: '',
        muc: '', // FIXME: use XEP-0030
        bridge: '', // FIXME: use XEP-0030
        //jirecon: '',
        //call_control: '',
        //focus: '' - defaults to ''
//  getroomnode: function (path) { return 'someprefixpossiblybasedonpath'; },
//  useStunTurn: true, // use XEP-0215 to fetch STUN and TURN server
//  useIPv6: true, // ipv6 support. use at your own risk
    useNicks: false,
    bosh: '//', // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that
    clientNode: '', // The name of client node advertised in XEP-0115 'c' stanza
    //focusUserJid: '', // The real JID of focus participant - can be overridden here
    //defaultSipNumber: '', // Default SIP number
    desktopSharing: 'ext', // Desktop sharing method. Can be set to 'ext', 'webrtc' or false to disable.
    chromeExtensionId: 'diibjkoicjeejcmhdnailmkgecihlobk', // Id of desktop streamer Chrome extension
    desktopSharingSources: ['screen', 'window'],
    minChromeExtVersion: '0.1', // Required version of Chrome extension
    openSctp: true, // Toggle to enable/disable SCTP channels
    disableStats: false,
    disableAudioLevels: false,
    channelLastN: -1, // The default value of the channel attribute last-n.
    adaptiveLastN: false,
    adaptiveSimulcast: false,
    useRtcpMux: true, // required for FF support
    useBundle: true, // required for FF support
    enableRecording: false,
    enableWelcomePage: true,
    enableSimulcast: false, // blocks FF support
    logStats: false, // Enable logging of PeerConnection stats via the focus
//    startAudioMuted: 10, //every participant after the Nth will start audio muted
//    startVideoMuted: 10, //every participant after the Nth will start video muted
//    defaultLanguage: "en",
    /*noticeMessage: 'Service update is scheduled for 16th March 2015. ' +
    'During that time service will not be available. ' +
    'Apologise for inconvenience.'*/