/* global APP */ import UIEvents from '../../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import { processExternalDeviceRequest } from '../../device-selection'; import { NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE, showNotification, showWarningNotification } from '../../notifications'; import { replaceAudioTrackById, replaceVideoTrackById, setDeviceStatusWarning } from '../../prejoin/actions'; import { isPrejoinPageVisible } from '../../prejoin/functions'; import { APP_WILL_MOUNT, APP_WILL_UNMOUNT } from '../app'; import JitsiMeetJS, { JitsiMediaDevicesEvents, JitsiTrackErrors } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { MiddlewareRegistry } from '../redux'; import { updateSettings } from '../settings'; import { CHECK_AND_NOTIFY_FOR_NEW_DEVICE, NOTIFY_CAMERA_ERROR, NOTIFY_MIC_ERROR, SET_AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE, SET_VIDEO_INPUT_DEVICE, UPDATE_DEVICE_LIST } from './actionTypes'; import { devicePermissionsChanged, removePendingDeviceRequests, setAudioInputDevice, setVideoInputDevice } from './actions'; import { areDeviceLabelsInitialized, formatDeviceLabel, groupDevicesByKind, setAudioOutputDeviceId } from './functions'; import logger from './logger'; const JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP = { microphone: { [JitsiTrackErrors.CONSTRAINT_FAILED]: 'dialog.micConstraintFailedError', [JitsiTrackErrors.GENERAL]: 'dialog.micUnknownError', [JitsiTrackErrors.NOT_FOUND]: 'dialog.micNotFoundError', [JitsiTrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED]: 'dialog.micPermissionDeniedError', [JitsiTrackErrors.TIMEOUT]: 'dialog.micTimeoutError' }, camera: { [JitsiTrackErrors.CONSTRAINT_FAILED]: 'dialog.cameraConstraintFailedError', [JitsiTrackErrors.GENERAL]: 'dialog.cameraUnknownError', [JitsiTrackErrors.NOT_FOUND]: 'dialog.cameraNotFoundError', [JitsiTrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED]: 'dialog.cameraPermissionDeniedError', [JitsiTrackErrors.UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION]: 'dialog.cameraUnsupportedResolutionError', [JitsiTrackErrors.TIMEOUT]: 'dialog.cameraTimeoutError' } }; /** * A listener for device permissions changed reported from lib-jitsi-meet. */ let permissionsListener; /** * Logs the current device list. * * @param {Object} deviceList - Whatever is returned by {@link groupDevicesByKind}. * @returns {string} */ function logDeviceList(deviceList) { const devicesToStr = list => list.map(device => `\t\t${device.label}[${device.deviceId}]`).join('\n'); const audioInputs = devicesToStr(deviceList.audioInput); const audioOutputs = devicesToStr(deviceList.audioOutput); const videoInputs = devicesToStr(deviceList.videoInput); logger.debug('Device list updated:\n' + `audioInput:\n${audioInputs}\n` + `audioOutput:\n${audioOutputs}\n` + `videoInput:\n${videoInputs}`); } /** * Implements the middleware of the feature base/devices. * * @param {Store} store - Redux store. * @returns {Function} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case APP_WILL_MOUNT: { const _permissionsListener = permissions => { store.dispatch(devicePermissionsChanged(permissions)); }; const { mediaDevices } = JitsiMeetJS; permissionsListener = _permissionsListener; mediaDevices.addEventListener(JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.PERMISSIONS_CHANGED, permissionsListener); Promise.all([ mediaDevices.isDevicePermissionGranted('audio'), mediaDevices.isDevicePermissionGranted('video') ]) .then(results => { _permissionsListener({ audio: results[0], video: results[1] }); }) .catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); break; } case APP_WILL_UNMOUNT: if (typeof permissionsListener === 'function') { JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.removeEventListener( JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.PERMISSIONS_CHANGED, permissionsListener); permissionsListener = undefined; } break; case NOTIFY_CAMERA_ERROR: { if (typeof APP !== 'object' || !action.error) { break; } const { message, name } = action.error; const cameraJitsiTrackErrorMsg = JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[name]; const cameraErrorMsg = cameraJitsiTrackErrorMsg || JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP .camera[JitsiTrackErrors.GENERAL]; const additionalCameraErrorMsg = cameraJitsiTrackErrorMsg ? null : message; const titleKey = name === JitsiTrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED ? 'deviceError.cameraPermission' : 'deviceError.cameraError'; store.dispatch(showWarningNotification({ description: additionalCameraErrorMsg, descriptionKey: cameraErrorMsg, titleKey }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); if (isPrejoinPageVisible(store.getState())) { store.dispatch(setDeviceStatusWarning(titleKey)); } break; } case NOTIFY_MIC_ERROR: { if (typeof APP !== 'object' || !action.error) { break; } const { message, name } = action.error; const micJitsiTrackErrorMsg = JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[name]; const micErrorMsg = micJitsiTrackErrorMsg || JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP .microphone[JitsiTrackErrors.GENERAL]; const additionalMicErrorMsg = micJitsiTrackErrorMsg ? null : message; const titleKey = name === JitsiTrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED ? 'deviceError.microphonePermission' : 'deviceError.microphoneError'; store.dispatch(showWarningNotification({ description: additionalMicErrorMsg, descriptionKey: micErrorMsg, titleKey }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); if (isPrejoinPageVisible(store.getState())) { store.dispatch(setDeviceStatusWarning(titleKey)); } break; } case SET_AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE: if (isPrejoinPageVisible(store.getState())) { store.dispatch(replaceAudioTrackById(action.deviceId)); } else { APP.UI.emitEvent(UIEvents.AUDIO_DEVICE_CHANGED, action.deviceId); } break; case SET_VIDEO_INPUT_DEVICE: if (isPrejoinPageVisible(store.getState())) { store.dispatch(replaceVideoTrackById(action.deviceId)); } else { APP.UI.emitEvent(UIEvents.VIDEO_DEVICE_CHANGED, action.deviceId); } break; case UPDATE_DEVICE_LIST: logDeviceList(groupDevicesByKind(action.devices)); if (areDeviceLabelsInitialized(store.getState())) { return _processPendingRequests(store, next, action); } break; case CHECK_AND_NOTIFY_FOR_NEW_DEVICE: _checkAndNotifyForNewDevice(store, action.newDevices, action.oldDevices); break; } return next(action); }); /** * Does extra sync up on properties that may need to be updated after the * conference was joined. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store in which the specified {@code action} * is being dispatched. * @param {Dispatch} next - The redux {@code dispatch} function to dispatch the * specified {@code action} to the specified {@code store}. * @param {Action} action - The redux action {@code CONFERENCE_JOINED} which is * being dispatched in the specified {@code store}. * @private * @returns {Object} The value returned by {@code next(action)}. */ function _processPendingRequests({ dispatch, getState }, next, action) { const result = next(action); const state = getState(); const { pendingRequests } = state['features/base/devices']; if (!pendingRequests || pendingRequests.length === 0) { return result; } pendingRequests.forEach(request => { processExternalDeviceRequest( dispatch, getState, request, request.responseCallback); }); dispatch(removePendingDeviceRequests()); return result; } /** * Finds a new device by comparing new and old array of devices and dispatches * notification with the new device. For new devices with same groupId only one * notification will be shown, this is so to avoid showing multiple notifications * for audio input and audio output devices. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store in which the specified {@code action} * is being dispatched. * @param {MediaDeviceInfo[]} newDevices - The array of new devices we received. * @param {MediaDeviceInfo[]} oldDevices - The array of the old devices we have. * @private * @returns {void} */ function _checkAndNotifyForNewDevice(store, newDevices, oldDevices) { const { dispatch } = store; // let's intersect both newDevices and oldDevices and handle thew newly // added devices const onlyNewDevices = newDevices.filter( nDevice => !oldDevices.find( device => device.deviceId === nDevice.deviceId)); // we group devices by groupID which normally is the grouping by physical device // plugging in headset we provide normally two device, one input and one output // and we want to show only one notification for this physical audio device const devicesGroupBy = onlyNewDevices.reduce((accumulated, value) => { accumulated[value.groupId] = accumulated[value.groupId] || []; accumulated[value.groupId].push(value); return accumulated; }, {}); Object.values(devicesGroupBy).forEach(devicesArray => { if (devicesArray.length < 1) { return; } // let's get the first device as a reference, we will use it for // label and type const newDevice = devicesArray[0]; // we want to strip any device details that are not very // user friendly, like usb ids put in brackets at the end const description = formatDeviceLabel(newDevice.label); let titleKey; switch (newDevice.kind) { case 'videoinput': { titleKey = 'notify.newDeviceCameraTitle'; break; } case 'audioinput' : case 'audiooutput': { titleKey = 'notify.newDeviceAudioTitle'; break; } } if (!isPrejoinPageVisible(store.getState())) { dispatch(showNotification({ description, titleKey, customActionNameKey: 'notify.newDeviceAction', customActionHandler: _useDevice.bind(undefined, store, devicesArray) }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); } }); } /** * Set a device to be currently used, selected by the user. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store in which the specified {@code action} * is being dispatched. * @param {Array} devices - The devices to save. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true in order notifications to be dismissed. * @private */ function _useDevice({ dispatch }, devices) { devices.forEach(device => { switch (device.kind) { case 'videoinput': { dispatch(updateSettings({ userSelectedCameraDeviceId: device.deviceId, userSelectedCameraDeviceLabel: device.label })); dispatch(setVideoInputDevice(device.deviceId)); break; } case 'audioinput': { dispatch(updateSettings({ userSelectedMicDeviceId: device.deviceId, userSelectedMicDeviceLabel: device.label })); dispatch(setAudioInputDevice(device.deviceId)); break; } case 'audiooutput': { setAudioOutputDeviceId( device.deviceId, dispatch, true, device.label) .then(() => logger.log('changed audio output device')) .catch(err => { logger.warn( 'Failed to change audio output device.', 'Default or previously set audio output device will', ' be used instead.', err); }); break; } } }); return true; }