// @flow import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { createScreenSharingIssueEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../../analytics'; import { AudioLevelIndicator } from '../../../audio-level-indicator'; import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar'; import { isNameReadOnly } from '../../../base/config'; import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../../base/environment/utils'; import JitsiMeetJS from '../../../base/lib-jitsi-meet/_'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, VideoTrack } from '../../../base/media'; import { getParticipantByIdOrUndefined, getParticipantCount, pinParticipant } from '../../../base/participants'; import { connect } from '../../../base/redux'; import { ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW } from '../../../base/responsive-ui/constants'; import { isTestModeEnabled } from '../../../base/testing'; import { getLocalAudioTrack, getLocalVideoTrack, getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant, updateLastTrackVideoMediaEvent } from '../../../base/tracks'; import { ConnectionIndicator } from '../../../connection-indicator'; import { DisplayName } from '../../../display-name'; import { StatusIndicators, RaisedHandIndicator, DominantSpeakerIndicator } from '../../../filmstrip'; import { PresenceLabel } from '../../../presence-status'; import { getCurrentLayout, LAYOUTS } from '../../../video-layout'; import { LocalVideoMenuTriggerButton, RemoteVideoMenuTriggerButton } from '../../../video-menu'; import { setVolume } from '../../actions.web'; import { DISPLAY_MODE_TO_CLASS_NAME, DISPLAY_VIDEO, DISPLAY_VIDEO_WITH_NAME, VIDEO_TEST_EVENTS, SHOW_TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU_AFTER } from '../../constants'; import { isVideoPlayable, computeDisplayMode } from '../../functions'; const JitsiTrackEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.track; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} state of {@link Thumbnail}. */ export type State = {| /** * The current audio level value for the Thumbnail. */ audioLevel: number, /** * Indicates that the canplay event has been received. */ canPlayEventReceived: boolean, /** * The current display mode of the thumbnail. */ displayMode: number, /** * Indicates whether the thumbnail is hovered or not. */ isHovered: boolean, /** * Whether popover is visible or not. */ popoverVisible: boolean |}; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link Thumbnail}. */ export type Props = {| /** * If the display name is editable or not. */ _allowEditing: boolean, /** * The audio track related to the participant. */ _audioTrack: ?Object, /** * Disable/enable the auto hide functionality for the connection indicator. */ _connectionIndicatorAutoHideEnabled: boolean, /** * Disable/enable the connection indicator. */ _connectionIndicatorDisabled: boolean, /** * The current layout of the filmstrip. */ _currentLayout: string, /** * The default display name for the local participant. */ _defaultLocalDisplayName: string, /** * Indicates whether the local video flip feature is disabled or not. */ _disableLocalVideoFlip: boolean, /** * The display mode of the thumbnail. */ _displayMode: number, /** * The height of the Thumbnail. */ _height: number, /** * The aspect ratio of the Thumbnail in percents. */ _heightToWidthPercent: number, /** * Indicates whether the thumbnail should be hidden or not. */ _isHidden: boolean, /** * Indicates whether audio only mode is enabled. */ _isAudioOnly: boolean, /** * Indicates whether the participant associated with the thumbnail is displayed on the large video. */ _isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo: boolean, /** * Whether we are currently running in a mobile browser. */ _isMobile: boolean, /** * Whether we are currently running in a mobile browser in portrait orientation. */ _isMobilePortrait: boolean, /** * Indicates whether the participant is screen sharing. */ _isScreenSharing: boolean, /** * Indicates whether the video associated with the thumbnail is playable. */ _isVideoPlayable: boolean, /** * Disable/enable the dominant speaker indicator. */ _isDominantSpeakerDisabled: boolean, /** * Indicates whether testing mode is enabled. */ _isTestModeEnabled: boolean, /** * The size of the icon of indicators. */ _indicatorIconSize: number, /** * The current local video flip setting. */ _localFlipX: boolean, /** * An object with information about the participant related to the thumbnail. */ _participant: Object, /** * True if there are more than 2 participants in the call. */ _participantCountMoreThan2: boolean, /** * Indicates whether the "start silent" mode is enabled. */ _startSilent: Boolean, /** * The video track that will be displayed in the thumbnail. */ _videoTrack: ?Object, /** * The volume level for the thumbnail. */ _volume?: ?number, /** * The width of the thumbnail. */ _width: number, /** * The redux dispatch function. */ dispatch: Function, /** * The horizontal offset in px for the thumbnail. Used to center the thumbnails from the last row in tile view. */ horizontalOffset: number, /** * The ID of the participant related to the thumbnail. */ participantID: ?string, /** * Styles that will be set to the Thumbnail's main span element. */ style?: ?Object |}; /** * Click handler for the display name container. * * @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The click event. * @returns {void} */ function onClick(event) { // If the event is propagated to the thumbnail container the participant will be pinned. That's why the propagation // needs to be stopped. event.stopPropagation(); } /** * Implements a thumbnail. * * @augments Component */ class Thumbnail extends Component { /** * The long touch setTimeout handler. */ timeoutHandle: Object; /** * Reference to local or remote Video Menu trigger button instance. */ videoMenuTriggerRef: Object; /** * Timeout used to detect double tapping. * It is active while user has tapped once. */ _firstTap: ?TimeoutID; /** * Initializes a new Thumbnail instance. * * @param {Object} props - The read-only React Component props with which * the new instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const state = { audioLevel: 0, canPlayEventReceived: false, isHovered: false, displayMode: DISPLAY_VIDEO, popoverVisible: false }; this.state = { ...state, displayMode: computeDisplayMode(Thumbnail.getDisplayModeInput(props, state)), popoverVisible: false }; this.timeoutHandle = null; this.videoMenuTriggerRef = null; this._clearDoubleClickTimeout = this._clearDoubleClickTimeout.bind(this); this._updateAudioLevel = this._updateAudioLevel.bind(this); this._onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay.bind(this); this._onClick = this._onClick.bind(this); this._onVolumeChange = this._onVolumeChange.bind(this); this._onMouseEnter = this._onMouseEnter.bind(this); this._onMouseLeave = this._onMouseLeave.bind(this); this._onTestingEvent = this._onTestingEvent.bind(this); this._onTouchStart = this._onTouchStart.bind(this); this._onTouchEnd = this._onTouchEnd.bind(this); this._onTouchMove = this._onTouchMove.bind(this); this._showPopover = this._showPopover.bind(this); this._hidePopover = this._hidePopover.bind(this); } /** * Starts listening for audio level updates after the initial render. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentDidMount() { this._listenForAudioUpdates(); this._onDisplayModeChanged(); } /** * Stops listening for audio level updates on the old track and starts * listening instead on the new track. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { if (prevProps._audioTrack !== this.props._audioTrack) { this._stopListeningForAudioUpdates(prevProps._audioTrack); this._listenForAudioUpdates(); this._updateAudioLevel(0); } if (prevState.displayMode !== this.state.displayMode) { this._onDisplayModeChanged(); } } /** * Handles display mode changes. * * @returns {void} */ _onDisplayModeChanged() { const input = Thumbnail.getDisplayModeInput(this.props, this.state); this._maybeSendScreenSharingIssueEvents(input); } /** * Sends screen sharing issue event if an issue is detected. * * @param {Object} input - The input used to compute the thumbnail display mode. * @returns {void} */ _maybeSendScreenSharingIssueEvents(input) { const { _currentLayout, _isAudioOnly, _isScreenSharing } = this.props; const { displayMode } = this.state; const tileViewActive = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW; if (![ DISPLAY_VIDEO, DISPLAY_VIDEO_WITH_NAME ].includes(displayMode) && tileViewActive && _isScreenSharing && !_isAudioOnly) { sendAnalytics(createScreenSharingIssueEvent({ source: 'thumbnail', ...input })); } } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#getDerivedStateFromProps()}. * * @inheritdoc */ static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props, prevState: State) { if (!props._videoTrack && prevState.canPlayEventReceived) { const newState = { ...prevState, canPlayEventReceived: false }; return { ...newState, displayMode: computeDisplayMode(Thumbnail.getDisplayModeInput(props, newState)) }; } const newDisplayMode = computeDisplayMode(Thumbnail.getDisplayModeInput(props, prevState)); if (newDisplayMode !== prevState.displayMode) { return { ...prevState, displayMode: newDisplayMode }; } return null; } /** * Extracts information for props and state needed to compute the display mode. * * @param {Props} props - The component's props. * @param {State} state - The component's state. * @returns {Object} */ static getDisplayModeInput(props: Props, state: State) { const { _currentLayout, _isAudioOnly, _isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo, _isScreenSharing, _isVideoPlayable, _participant, _videoTrack } = props; const tileViewActive = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW; const { canPlayEventReceived, isHovered } = state; return { isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo: _isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo, isHovered, isAudioOnly: _isAudioOnly, tileViewActive, isVideoPlayable: _isVideoPlayable, connectionStatus: _participant?.connectionStatus, canPlayEventReceived, videoStream: Boolean(_videoTrack), isRemoteParticipant: !_participant?.isFakeParticipant && !_participant?.local, isScreenSharing: _isScreenSharing, videoStreamMuted: _videoTrack ? _videoTrack.muted : 'no stream' }; } /** * Unsubscribe from audio level updates. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentWillUnmount() { this._stopListeningForAudioUpdates(this.props._audioTrack); } _clearDoubleClickTimeout: () => void; /** * Clears the first click timeout. * * @returns {void} */ _clearDoubleClickTimeout() { clearTimeout(this._firstTap); this._firstTap = undefined; } /** * Starts listening for audio level updates from the library. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _listenForAudioUpdates() { const { _audioTrack } = this.props; if (_audioTrack) { const { jitsiTrack } = _audioTrack; jitsiTrack && jitsiTrack.on(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED, this._updateAudioLevel); } } /** * Stops listening to further updates from the passed track. * * @param {Object} audioTrack - The track. * @private * @returns {void} */ _stopListeningForAudioUpdates(audioTrack) { if (audioTrack) { const { jitsiTrack } = audioTrack; jitsiTrack && jitsiTrack.off(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED, this._updateAudioLevel); } } _updateAudioLevel: (number) => void; /** * Updates the internal state of the last know audio level. The level should * be between 0 and 1, as the level will be used as a percentage out of 1. * * @param {number} audioLevel - The new audio level for the track. * @private * @returns {void} */ _updateAudioLevel(audioLevel) { this.setState({ audioLevel }); } _showPopover: () => void; /** * Shows popover. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _showPopover() { this.setState({ popoverVisible: true }); } _hidePopover: () => void; /** * Hides popover. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _hidePopover() { this.setState({ popoverVisible: false }); } /** * Returns an object with the styles for thumbnail. * * @returns {Object} - The styles for the thumbnail. */ _getStyles(): Object { const { canPlayEventReceived } = this.state; const { _currentLayout, _height, _isHidden, _isScreenSharing, _participant, _width, horizontalOffset, style } = this.props; const tileViewActive = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW; let styles: { avatar: Object, thumbnail: Object, video: Object } = { thumbnail: {}, avatar: {}, video: {} }; const avatarSize = _height / 2; let { left } = style || {}; if (typeof left === 'number' && horizontalOffset) { left += horizontalOffset; } let videoStyles = null; if (!_isScreenSharing) { if (canPlayEventReceived || _participant.local) { videoStyles = { objectFit: _height < 320 && tileViewActive ? 'contain' : 'cover' }; } else { videoStyles = { display: 'none' }; } } styles = { thumbnail: { ...style, left, height: `${_height}px`, minHeight: `${_height}px`, minWidth: `${_width}px`, width: `${_width}px` }, avatar: { height: `${avatarSize}px`, width: `${avatarSize}px` }, video: videoStyles }; if (_isHidden) { styles.thumbnail.display = 'none'; } return styles; } _onClick: () => void; /** * On click handler. * * @returns {void} */ _onClick() { const { _participant, dispatch } = this.props; const { id, pinned } = _participant; dispatch(pinParticipant(pinned ? null : id)); } _onMouseEnter: () => void; /** * Mouse enter handler. * * @returns {void} */ _onMouseEnter() { this.setState({ isHovered: true }); } _onMouseLeave: () => void; /** * Mouse leave handler. * * @returns {void} */ _onMouseLeave() { this.setState({ isHovered: false }); } _onTouchStart: () => void; /** * Handler for touch start. * * @returns {void} */ _onTouchStart() { this.timeoutHandle = setTimeout(this._showPopover, SHOW_TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU_AFTER); if (this._firstTap) { this._clearDoubleClickTimeout(); this._onClick(); return; } this._firstTap = setTimeout(this._clearDoubleClickTimeout, 300); } _onTouchEnd: () => void; /** * Cancel showing popover context menu after x miliseconds if the no. Of miliseconds is not reached yet, * or just clears the timeout. * * @returns {void} */ _onTouchEnd() { clearTimeout(this.timeoutHandle); } _onTouchMove: () => void; /** * Cancel showing Context menu after x miliseconds if the number of miliseconds is not reached * before a touch move(drag), or just clears the timeout. * * @returns {void} */ _onTouchMove() { clearTimeout(this.timeoutHandle); } /** * Renders a fake participant (youtube video) thumbnail. * * @param {string} id - The id of the participant. * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderFakeParticipant() { const { _isMobile, _participant: { avatarURL } } = this.props; const styles = this._getStyles(); const containerClassName = this._getContainerClassName(); return ( {avatarURL ? ( ) : this._renderAvatar(styles.avatar)} ); } /** * Renders the top indicators of the thumbnail. * * @returns {Component} */ _renderTopIndicators() { const { _connectionIndicatorAutoHideEnabled, _connectionIndicatorDisabled, _currentLayout, _isDominantSpeakerDisabled, _indicatorIconSize: iconSize, _participant, _participantCountMoreThan2 } = this.props; const { isHovered } = this.state; const showConnectionIndicator = isHovered || !_connectionIndicatorAutoHideEnabled; const { id, dominantSpeaker = false } = _participant; const showDominantSpeaker = !_isDominantSpeakerDisabled && dominantSpeaker; let statsPopoverPosition, tooltipPosition; switch (_currentLayout) { case LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW: statsPopoverPosition = 'right-start'; tooltipPosition = 'right'; break; case LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: statsPopoverPosition = 'left-start'; tooltipPosition = 'left'; break; case LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: statsPopoverPosition = 'top'; tooltipPosition = 'top'; break; default: statsPopoverPosition = 'auto'; tooltipPosition = 'top'; } return (
{ !_connectionIndicatorDisabled && } { showDominantSpeaker && _participantCountMoreThan2 && }
); } /** * Renders the avatar. * * @param {Object} styles - The styles that will be applied to the avatar. * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderAvatar(styles) { const { _participant } = this.props; const { id } = _participant; return (
); } /** * Returns the container class name. * * @returns {string} - The class name that will be used for the container. */ _getContainerClassName() { let className = 'videocontainer'; const { displayMode } = this.state; const { _isAudioOnly, _isDominantSpeakerDisabled, _isHidden, _participant } = this.props; const isRemoteParticipant = !_participant?.local && !_participant?.isFakeParticipant; className += ` ${DISPLAY_MODE_TO_CLASS_NAME[displayMode]}`; if (_participant?.pinned) { className += ' videoContainerFocused'; } if (!_isDominantSpeakerDisabled && _participant?.dominantSpeaker) { className += ' active-speaker'; } if (_isHidden) { className += ' hidden'; } if (isRemoteParticipant && _isAudioOnly) { className += ' audio-only'; } return className; } /** * Renders the local participant's thumbnail. * * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderLocalParticipant() { const { _allowEditing, _defaultLocalDisplayName, _disableLocalVideoFlip, _isMobile, _isMobilePortrait, _isScreenSharing, _localFlipX, _participant, _videoTrack } = this.props; const { id } = _participant || {}; const { audioLevel } = this.state; const styles = this._getStyles(); let containerClassName = this._getContainerClassName(); const videoTrackClassName = !_disableLocalVideoFlip && _videoTrack && !_isScreenSharing && _localFlipX ? 'flipVideoX' : ''; if (_isMobilePortrait) { styles.thumbnail.height = styles.thumbnail.width; containerClassName = `${containerClassName} self-view-mobile-portrait`; } return (
{ this._renderTopIndicators() }
{ this._renderAvatar(styles.avatar) } ); } _onCanPlay: Object => void; /** * Canplay event listener. * * @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The event. * @returns {void} */ _onCanPlay(event) { this.setState({ canPlayEventReceived: true }); const { _isTestModeEnabled, _videoTrack } = this.props; if (_videoTrack && _isTestModeEnabled) { this._onTestingEvent(event); } } _onTestingEvent: Object => void; /** * Event handler for testing events. * * @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The event. * @returns {void} */ _onTestingEvent(event) { const { _videoTrack, dispatch } = this.props; const jitsiVideoTrack = _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack; dispatch(updateLastTrackVideoMediaEvent(jitsiVideoTrack, event.type)); } /** * Renders a remote participant's 'thumbnail. * * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderRemoteParticipant() { const { _isMobile, _isTestModeEnabled, _participant, _startSilent, _videoTrack, _volume = 1 } = this.props; const { id } = _participant; const { audioLevel } = this.state; const styles = this._getStyles(); const containerClassName = this._getContainerClassName(); // hide volume when in silent mode const onVolumeChange = _startSilent ? undefined : this._onVolumeChange; const jitsiVideoTrack = _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack; const videoTrackId = jitsiVideoTrack && jitsiVideoTrack.getId(); const videoEventListeners = {}; if (_videoTrack && _isTestModeEnabled) { VIDEO_TEST_EVENTS.forEach(attribute => { videoEventListeners[attribute] = this._onTestingEvent; }); } videoEventListeners.onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay; return ( { _videoTrack && }
{ this._renderTopIndicators() }
{ this._renderAvatar(styles.avatar) }
); } _onVolumeChange: number => void; /** * Handles volume changes. * * @param {number} value - The new value for the volume. * @returns {void} */ _onVolumeChange(value) { const { _participant, dispatch } = this.props; const { id } = _participant; dispatch(setVolume(id, value)); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { _participant } = this.props; if (!_participant) { return null; } const { isFakeParticipant, local } = _participant; if (local) { return this._renderLocalParticipant(); } if (isFakeParticipant) { return this._renderFakeParticipant(); } return this._renderRemoteParticipant(); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for this component. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @param {Object} ownProps - The own props of the component. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps): Object { const { participantID } = ownProps; const participant = getParticipantByIdOrUndefined(state, participantID); const id = participant?.id; const isLocal = participant?.local ?? true; const tracks = state['features/base/tracks']; const { participantsVolume } = state['features/filmstrip']; const _videoTrack = isLocal ? getLocalVideoTrack(tracks) : getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, participantID); const _audioTrack = isLocal ? getLocalAudioTrack(tracks) : getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, participantID); const _currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(state); let size = {}; let _isMobilePortrait = false; const { startSilent, defaultLocalDisplayName, disableLocalVideoFlip, iAmRecorder, iAmSipGateway } = state['features/base/config']; const { NORMAL = 8 } = interfaceConfig.INDICATOR_FONT_SIZES || {}; const { localFlipX } = state['features/base/settings']; const _isMobile = isMobileBrowser(); switch (_currentLayout) { case LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: case LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: { const { horizontalViewDimensions = { local: {}, remote: {} }, verticalViewDimensions = { local: {}, remote: {} } } = state['features/filmstrip']; const { local, remote } = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW ? verticalViewDimensions : horizontalViewDimensions; const { width, height } = isLocal ? local : remote; size = { _width: width, _height: height }; _isMobilePortrait = _isMobile && state['features/base/responsive-ui'].aspectRatio === ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW; break; } case LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW: { const { width, height } = state['features/filmstrip'].tileViewDimensions.thumbnailSize; size = { _width: width, _height: height }; break; } } return { _allowEditing: !isNameReadOnly(state), _audioTrack, _connectionIndicatorAutoHideEnabled: Boolean(state['features/base/config'].connectionIndicators?.autoHide ?? true), _connectionIndicatorDisabled: _isMobile || Boolean(state['features/base/config'].connectionIndicators?.disabled), _currentLayout, _defaultLocalDisplayName: defaultLocalDisplayName, _disableLocalVideoFlip: Boolean(disableLocalVideoFlip), _isHidden: isLocal && iAmRecorder && !iAmSipGateway, _isAudioOnly: Boolean(state['features/base/audio-only'].enabled), _isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo: state['features/large-video']?.participantId === id, _isDominantSpeakerDisabled: interfaceConfig.DISABLE_DOMINANT_SPEAKER_INDICATOR, _isMobile, _isMobilePortrait, _isScreenSharing: _videoTrack?.videoType === 'desktop', _isTestModeEnabled: isTestModeEnabled(state), _isVideoPlayable: id && isVideoPlayable(state, id), _indicatorIconSize: NORMAL, _localFlipX: Boolean(localFlipX), _participant: participant, _participantCountMoreThan2: getParticipantCount(state) > 2, _startSilent: Boolean(startSilent), _videoTrack, _volume: isLocal ? undefined : id ? participantsVolume[id] : undefined, ...size }; } export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(Thumbnail);