// @flow import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import keyboardShortcut from '../../../../../modules/keyboardshortcut/keyboardshortcut'; import { ACTION_SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED, createShortcutEvent, createToolbarEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../../analytics'; import { getToolbarButtons } from '../../../base/config'; import { isToolbarButtonEnabled } from '../../../base/config/functions.web'; import { openDialog, toggleDialog } from '../../../base/dialog'; import { isIosMobileBrowser, isMobileBrowser } from '../../../base/environment/utils'; import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n'; import JitsiMeetJS from '../../../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { getLocalParticipant, hasRaisedHand, haveParticipantWithScreenSharingFeature, raiseHand } from '../../../base/participants'; import { connect } from '../../../base/redux'; import { getLocalVideoTrack } from '../../../base/tracks'; import { toggleChat } from '../../../chat'; import { ChatButton } from '../../../chat/components'; import { DominantSpeakerName } from '../../../display-name'; import { EmbedMeetingButton } from '../../../embed-meeting'; import { SharedDocumentButton } from '../../../etherpad'; import { FeedbackButton } from '../../../feedback'; import { InviteButton } from '../../../invite/components/add-people-dialog'; import { isVpaasMeeting } from '../../../jaas/functions'; import { KeyboardShortcutsButton } from '../../../keyboard-shortcuts'; import { LocalRecordingButton } from '../../../local-recording'; import { close as closeParticipantsPane, open as openParticipantsPane } from '../../../participants-pane/actions'; import { ParticipantsPaneButton } from '../../../participants-pane/components/web'; import { getParticipantsPaneOpen } from '../../../participants-pane/functions'; import { addReactionToBuffer } from '../../../reactions/actions.any'; import { ReactionsMenuButton } from '../../../reactions/components'; import { REACTIONS } from '../../../reactions/constants'; import { isReactionsEnabled } from '../../../reactions/functions.any'; import { LiveStreamButton, RecordButton } from '../../../recording'; import { isScreenAudioSupported, isScreenVideoShared, ShareAudioButton, startScreenShareFlow } from '../../../screen-share/'; import SecurityDialogButton from '../../../security/components/security-dialog/SecurityDialogButton'; import { SettingsButton } from '../../../settings'; import { SharedVideoButton } from '../../../shared-video/components'; import { SpeakerStatsButton } from '../../../speaker-stats/components/web'; import { ClosedCaptionButton } from '../../../subtitles'; import { TileViewButton, shouldDisplayTileView, toggleTileView } from '../../../video-layout'; import { VideoQualityDialog, VideoQualityButton } from '../../../video-quality/components'; import { VideoBackgroundButton, toggleBackgroundEffect } from '../../../virtual-background'; import { VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE } from '../../../virtual-background/constants'; import { setFullScreen, setOverflowMenuVisible, setToolbarHovered, showToolbox } from '../../actions'; import { THRESHOLDS, NOT_APPLICABLE } from '../../constants'; import { isToolboxVisible } from '../../functions'; import DownloadButton from '../DownloadButton'; import HangupButton from '../HangupButton'; import HelpButton from '../HelpButton'; import MuteEveryoneButton from '../MuteEveryoneButton'; import MuteEveryonesVideoButton from '../MuteEveryonesVideoButton'; import AudioSettingsButton from './AudioSettingsButton'; import FullscreenButton from './FullscreenButton'; import OverflowMenuButton from './OverflowMenuButton'; import ProfileButton from './ProfileButton'; import Separator from './Separator'; import ShareDesktopButton from './ShareDesktopButton'; import ToggleCameraButton from './ToggleCameraButton'; import VideoSettingsButton from './VideoSettingsButton'; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link Toolbox}. */ type Props = { /** * String showing if the virtual background type is desktop-share. */ _backgroundType: String, /** * Toolbar buttons which have their click exposed through the API. */ _buttonsWithNotifyClick: Array, /** * Whether or not the chat feature is currently displayed. */ _chatOpen: boolean, /** * The width of the client. */ _clientWidth: number, /** * The {@code JitsiConference} for the current conference. */ _conference: Object, /** * The tooltip key to use when screensharing is disabled. Or undefined * if non to be shown and the button to be hidden. */ _desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey: boolean, /** * Whether or not screensharing is initialized. */ _desktopSharingEnabled: boolean, /** * Whether or not a dialog is displayed. */ _dialog: boolean, /** * Whether or not call feedback can be sent. */ _feedbackConfigured: boolean, /** * Whether or not the app is currently in full screen. */ _fullScreen: boolean, /** * Whether or not the app is running in an ios mobile browser. */ _isIosMobile: boolean, /** * Whether or not the app is running in mobile browser. */ _isMobile: boolean, /** * Whether or not the profile is disabled. */ _isProfileDisabled: boolean, /** * Whether or not the current meeting belongs to a JaaS user. */ _isVpaasMeeting: boolean, /** * The ID of the local participant. */ _localParticipantID: String, /** * The JitsiLocalTrack to display. */ _localVideo: Object, /** * Whether or not the overflow menu is visible. */ _overflowMenuVisible: boolean, /** * Whether or not the participants pane is open. */ _participantsPaneOpen: boolean, /** * Whether or not the local participant's hand is raised. */ _raisedHand: boolean, /** * Whether or not reactions feature is enabled. */ _reactionsEnabled: boolean, /** * Whether or not the local participant is screenSharing. */ _screenSharing: boolean, /** * Whether or not the local participant is sharing a YouTube video. */ _sharingVideo: boolean, /** * Whether or not the tile view is enabled. */ _tileViewEnabled: boolean, /** * The enabled buttons. */ _toolbarButtons: Array, /** * Flag showing whether toolbar is visible. */ _visible: boolean, /** * Returns the selected virtual source object. */ _virtualSource: Object, /** * An object containing the CSS classes. */ classes: Object, /** * Invoked to active other features of the app. */ dispatch: Function, /** * If the dominant speaker name should be displayed or not. */ showDominantSpeakerName?: boolean, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function, /** * Explicitly passed array with the buttons which this Toolbox should display. */ toolbarButtons: Array, }; declare var APP: Object; const styles = theme => { return { overflowMenu: { fontSize: 14, listStyleType: 'none', padding: '8px 0', backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui03 } }; }; /** * Implements the conference toolbox on React/Web. * * @augments Component */ class Toolbox extends Component { /** * Initializes a new {@code Toolbox} instance. * * @param {Props} props - The read-only React {@code Component} props with * which the new instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); // Bind event handlers so they are only bound once per instance. this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this); this._onMouseOver = this._onMouseOver.bind(this); this._onSetOverflowVisible = this._onSetOverflowVisible.bind(this); this._onTabIn = this._onTabIn.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleChat = this._onShortcutToggleChat.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleFullScreen = this._onShortcutToggleFullScreen.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleParticipantsPane = this._onShortcutToggleParticipantsPane.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleRaiseHand = this._onShortcutToggleRaiseHand.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleScreenshare = this._onShortcutToggleScreenshare.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleVideoQuality = this._onShortcutToggleVideoQuality.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane = this._onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane.bind(this); this._onToolbarOpenVideoQuality = this._onToolbarOpenVideoQuality.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleChat = this._onToolbarToggleChat.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleFullScreen = this._onToolbarToggleFullScreen.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleRaiseHand = this._onToolbarToggleRaiseHand.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleScreenshare = this._onToolbarToggleScreenshare.bind(this); this._onShortcutToggleTileView = this._onShortcutToggleTileView.bind(this); this._onEscKey = this._onEscKey.bind(this); } /** * Sets keyboard shortcuts for to trigger ToolbarButtons actions. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentDidMount() { const { _toolbarButtons, t, dispatch, _reactionsEnabled } = this.props; const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS = [ isToolbarButtonEnabled('videoquality', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'A', exec: this._onShortcutToggleVideoQuality, helpDescription: 'toolbar.callQuality' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('chat', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'C', exec: this._onShortcutToggleChat, helpDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleChat' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('desktop', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'D', exec: this._onShortcutToggleScreenshare, helpDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleScreensharing' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('participants-pane', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'P', exec: this._onShortcutToggleParticipantsPane, helpDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleParticipantsPane' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('raisehand', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'R', exec: this._onShortcutToggleRaiseHand, helpDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.raiseHand' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('fullscreen', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'S', exec: this._onShortcutToggleFullScreen, helpDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.fullScreen' }, isToolbarButtonEnabled('tileview', _toolbarButtons) && { character: 'W', exec: this._onShortcutToggleTileView, helpDescription: 'toolbar.tileViewToggle' } ]; KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS.forEach(shortcut => { if (typeof shortcut === 'object') { APP.keyboardshortcut.registerShortcut( shortcut.character, null, shortcut.exec, shortcut.helpDescription); } }); if (_reactionsEnabled) { const REACTION_SHORTCUTS = Object.keys(REACTIONS).map(key => { const onShortcutSendReaction = () => { dispatch(addReactionToBuffer(key)); sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( `reaction.${key}` )); }; return { character: REACTIONS[key].shortcutChar, exec: onShortcutSendReaction, helpDescription: t(`toolbar.reaction${key.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${key.slice(1)}`), altKey: true }; }); REACTION_SHORTCUTS.forEach(shortcut => { APP.keyboardshortcut.registerShortcut( shortcut.character, null, shortcut.exec, shortcut.helpDescription, shortcut.altKey); }); } } /** * Update the visibility of the {@code OverflowMenuButton}. * * @inheritdoc */ componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { _dialog, dispatch } = this.props; if (prevProps._overflowMenuVisible && !prevProps._dialog && _dialog) { this._onSetOverflowVisible(false); dispatch(setToolbarHovered(false)); } } /** * Removes keyboard shortcuts registered by this component. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {void} */ componentWillUnmount() { [ 'A', 'C', 'D', 'R', 'S' ].forEach(letter => APP.keyboardshortcut.unregisterShortcut(letter)); if (this.props._reactionsEnabled) { Object.keys(REACTIONS).map(key => REACTIONS[key].shortcutChar) .forEach(letter => APP.keyboardshortcut.unregisterShortcut(letter, true)); } } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { _chatOpen, _visible, _toolbarButtons } = this.props; const rootClassNames = `new-toolbox ${_visible ? 'visible' : ''} ${ _toolbarButtons.length ? '' : 'no-buttons'} ${_chatOpen ? 'shift-right' : ''}`; return (
{ this._renderToolboxContent() }
); } _onEscKey: (KeyboardEvent) => void; /** * Key handler for overflow menu. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Esc key click to close the popup. * @returns {void} */ _onEscKey(e) { if (e.key === 'Escape') { e.stopPropagation(); this._closeOverflowMenuIfOpen(); } } /** * Closes the overflow menu if opened. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _closeOverflowMenuIfOpen() { const { dispatch, _overflowMenuVisible } = this.props; _overflowMenuVisible && dispatch(setOverflowMenuVisible(false)); } /** * Dispatches an action to open the video quality dialog. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doOpenVideoQuality() { this.props.dispatch(openDialog(VideoQualityDialog)); } /** * Dispatches an action to toggle the display of chat. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleChat() { this.props.dispatch(toggleChat()); } /** * Dispatches an action to toggle screensharing. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleFullScreen() { const fullScreen = !this.props._fullScreen; this.props.dispatch(setFullScreen(fullScreen)); } /** * Dispatches an action to toggle the local participant's raised hand state. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleRaiseHand() { const { _raisedHand } = this.props; this.props.dispatch(raiseHand(!_raisedHand)); } /** * Dispatches an action to toggle screensharing. * * @private * @param {boolean} enabled - The state to toggle screen sharing to. * @param {boolean} audioOnly - Only share system audio. * @returns {void} */ _doToggleScreenshare() { const { _backgroundType, _desktopSharingEnabled, _localVideo, _virtualSource, dispatch } = this.props; if (_backgroundType === VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.DESKTOP_SHARE) { const noneOptions = { enabled: false, backgroundType: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.NONE, selectedThumbnail: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.NONE, backgroundEffectEnabled: false }; _virtualSource.dispose(); dispatch(toggleBackgroundEffect(noneOptions, _localVideo)); return; } if (_desktopSharingEnabled) { dispatch(startScreenShareFlow()); } } /** * Dispatches an action to toggle the video quality dialog. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleVideoQuality() { this.props.dispatch(toggleDialog(VideoQualityDialog)); } /** * Dispaches an action to toggle tile view. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleTileView() { this.props.dispatch(toggleTileView()); } /** * Returns all buttons that could be rendered. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} The button maps mainMenuButtons and overflowMenuButtons. */ _getAllButtons() { const { _feedbackConfigured, _isIosMobile, _isMobile, _screenSharing } = this.props; const microphone = { key: 'microphone', Content: AudioSettingsButton, group: 0 }; const camera = { key: 'camera', Content: VideoSettingsButton, group: 0 }; const profile = this._isProfileVisible() && { key: 'profile', Content: ProfileButton, group: 1 }; const chat = { key: 'chat', Content: ChatButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarToggleChat, group: 2 }; const desktop = this._showDesktopSharingButton() && { key: 'desktop', Content: ShareDesktopButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarToggleScreenshare, group: 2 }; const raisehand = { key: 'raisehand', Content: ReactionsMenuButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarToggleRaiseHand, group: 2 }; const participants = { key: 'participants-pane', Content: ParticipantsPaneButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane, group: 2 }; const invite = { key: 'invite', Content: InviteButton, group: 2 }; const tileview = { key: 'tileview', Content: TileViewButton, group: 2 }; const toggleCamera = { key: 'toggle-camera', Content: ToggleCameraButton, group: 2 }; const videoQuality = { key: 'videoquality', Content: VideoQualityButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarOpenVideoQuality, group: 2 }; const fullscreen = !_isIosMobile && { key: 'fullscreen', Content: FullscreenButton, handleClick: this._onToolbarToggleFullScreen, group: 2 }; const security = { key: 'security', alias: 'info', Content: SecurityDialogButton, group: 2 }; const cc = { key: 'closedcaptions', Content: ClosedCaptionButton, group: 2 }; const recording = { key: 'recording', Content: RecordButton, group: 2 }; const localRecording = { key: 'localrecording', Content: LocalRecordingButton, group: 2 }; const livestreaming = { key: 'livestreaming', Content: LiveStreamButton, group: 2 }; const muteEveryone = { key: 'mute-everyone', Content: MuteEveryoneButton, group: 2 }; const muteVideoEveryone = { key: 'mute-video-everyone', Content: MuteEveryonesVideoButton, group: 2 }; const shareVideo = { key: 'sharedvideo', Content: SharedVideoButton, group: 3 }; const shareAudio = this._showAudioSharingButton() && { key: 'shareaudio', Content: ShareAudioButton, group: 3 }; const etherpad = { key: 'etherpad', Content: SharedDocumentButton, group: 3 }; const virtualBackground = !_screenSharing && { key: 'select-background', Content: VideoBackgroundButton, group: 3 }; const speakerStats = { key: 'stats', Content: SpeakerStatsButton, group: 3 }; const settings = { key: 'settings', Content: SettingsButton, group: 4 }; const shortcuts = !_isMobile && keyboardShortcut.getEnabled() && { key: 'shortcuts', Content: KeyboardShortcutsButton, group: 4 }; const embed = this._isEmbedMeetingVisible() && { key: 'embedmeeting', Content: EmbedMeetingButton, group: 4 }; const feedback = _feedbackConfigured && { key: 'feedback', Content: FeedbackButton, group: 4 }; const download = { key: 'download', Content: DownloadButton, group: 4 }; const help = { key: 'help', Content: HelpButton, group: 4 }; return { microphone, camera, profile, desktop, chat, raisehand, participants, invite, tileview, toggleCamera, videoQuality, fullscreen, security, cc, recording, localRecording, livestreaming, muteEveryone, muteVideoEveryone, shareVideo, shareAudio, etherpad, virtualBackground, speakerStats, settings, shortcuts, embed, feedback, download, help }; } /** * Overwrites click handlers for buttons in case click is exposed through the iframe API. * * @param {Object} buttons - The list of toolbar buttons. * @returns {void} */ _overwriteButtonsClickHandlers(buttons) { if (typeof APP === 'undefined' || !this.props._buttonsWithNotifyClick?.length) { return; } Object.values(buttons).forEach((button: any) => { if ( typeof button === 'object' && this.props._buttonsWithNotifyClick.includes(button.key) ) { button.handleClick = () => APP.API.notifyToolbarButtonClicked(button.key); } }); } /** * Returns all buttons that need to be rendered. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} The visible buttons arrays . */ _getVisibleButtons() { const { _clientWidth, _toolbarButtons } = this.props; const buttons = this._getAllButtons(); this._overwriteButtonsClickHandlers(buttons); const isHangupVisible = isToolbarButtonEnabled('hangup', _toolbarButtons); const { order } = THRESHOLDS.find(({ width }) => _clientWidth > width) || THRESHOLDS[THRESHOLDS.length - 1]; let sliceIndex = order.length + 2; const keys = Object.keys(buttons); const filtered = [ ...order.map(key => buttons[key]), ...Object.values(buttons).filter((button, index) => !order.includes(keys[index])) ].filter(Boolean).filter(({ key, alias = NOT_APPLICABLE }) => isToolbarButtonEnabled(key, _toolbarButtons) || isToolbarButtonEnabled(alias, _toolbarButtons)); if (isHangupVisible) { sliceIndex -= 1; } // This implies that the overflow button will be displayed, so save some space for it. if (sliceIndex < filtered.length) { sliceIndex -= 1; } return { mainMenuButtons: filtered.slice(0, sliceIndex), overflowMenuButtons: filtered.slice(sliceIndex) }; } _onMouseOut: () => void; /** * Dispatches an action signaling the toolbar is not being hovered. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onMouseOut() { const { _overflowMenuVisible, dispatch } = this.props; !_overflowMenuVisible && dispatch(setToolbarHovered(false)); } _onMouseOver: () => void; /** * Dispatches an action signaling the toolbar is being hovered. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onMouseOver() { this.props.dispatch(setToolbarHovered(true)); } _onSetOverflowVisible: (boolean) => void; /** * Sets the visibility of the overflow menu. * * @param {boolean} visible - Whether or not the overflow menu should be * displayed. * @private * @returns {void} */ _onSetOverflowVisible(visible) { this.props.dispatch(setOverflowMenuVisible(visible)); this.props.dispatch(setToolbarHovered(visible)); } _onShortcutToggleChat: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling the display of chat. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleChat() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.chat', { enable: !this.props._chatOpen })); // Checks if there was any text selected by the user. // Used for when we press simultaneously keys for copying // text messages from the chat board if (window.getSelection().toString() !== '') { return false; } this._doToggleChat(); } _onShortcutToggleParticipantsPane: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling the display of the participants pane. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleParticipantsPane() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.participants-pane', { enable: !this.props._participantsPaneOpen })); this._onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane(); } _onShortcutToggleVideoQuality: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling the display of Video Quality. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleVideoQuality() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent('video.quality')); this._doToggleVideoQuality(); } _onShortcutToggleTileView: () => void; /** * Dispatches an action for toggling the tile view. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleTileView() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.tileview', { enable: !this.props._tileViewEnabled })); this._doToggleTileView(); } _onShortcutToggleFullScreen: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling full screen mode. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleFullScreen() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.fullscreen', { enable: !this.props._fullScreen })); this._doToggleFullScreen(); } _onShortcutToggleRaiseHand: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling raise hand. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleRaiseHand() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.raise.hand', ACTION_SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED, { enable: !this.props._raisedHand })); this._doToggleRaiseHand(); } _onShortcutToggleScreenshare: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling screensharing. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleScreenshare() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.screen.sharing', ACTION_SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED, { enable: !this.props._screenSharing })); this._doToggleScreenshare(); } _onTabIn: () => void; /** * Toggle the toolbar visibility when tabbing into it. * * @returns {void} */ _onTabIn() { if (!this.props._visible) { this.props.dispatch(showToolbox()); } } _onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane: () => void; /** * Dispatches an action for toggling the participants pane. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleParticipantsPane() { const { dispatch, _participantsPaneOpen } = this.props; if (_participantsPaneOpen) { dispatch(closeParticipantsPane()); } else { dispatch(openParticipantsPane()); } } _onToolbarOpenVideoQuality: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for toggling * open the video quality dialog. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarOpenVideoQuality() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent('video.quality')); this._doOpenVideoQuality(); } _onToolbarToggleChat: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for toggling * the display of chat. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleChat() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent( 'toggle.chat', { enable: !this.props._chatOpen })); this._closeOverflowMenuIfOpen(); this._doToggleChat(); } _onToolbarToggleFullScreen: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for toggling * full screen mode. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleFullScreen() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent( 'toggle.fullscreen', { enable: !this.props._fullScreen })); this._closeOverflowMenuIfOpen(); this._doToggleFullScreen(); } _onToolbarToggleRaiseHand: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for toggling * raise hand. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleRaiseHand() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent( 'raise.hand', { enable: !this.props._raisedHand })); this._doToggleRaiseHand(); } _onToolbarToggleScreenshare: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for toggling * screensharing. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleScreenshare() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent( 'toggle.screen.sharing', ACTION_SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED, { enable: !this.props._screenSharing })); this._closeOverflowMenuIfOpen(); this._doToggleScreenshare(); } /** * Returns true if the audio sharing button should be visible and * false otherwise. * * @returns {boolean} */ _showAudioSharingButton() { const { _desktopSharingEnabled } = this.props; return _desktopSharingEnabled && isScreenAudioSupported(); } /** * Returns true if the desktop sharing button should be visible and * false otherwise. * * @returns {boolean} */ _showDesktopSharingButton() { const { _desktopSharingEnabled, _desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey } = this.props; return _desktopSharingEnabled || _desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey; } /** * Returns true if the embed meeting button is visible and false otherwise. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isEmbedMeetingVisible() { return !this.props._isVpaasMeeting && !this.props._isMobile; } /** * Returns true if the profile button is visible and false otherwise. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isProfileVisible() { return !this.props._isProfileDisabled; } /** * Renders the toolbox content. * * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderToolboxContent() { const { _isMobile, _overflowMenuVisible, _reactionsEnabled, _toolbarButtons, classes, showDominantSpeakerName, t } = this.props; const toolbarAccLabel = 'toolbar.accessibilityLabel.moreActionsMenu'; const containerClassName = `toolbox-content${_isMobile ? ' toolbox-content-mobile' : ''}`; const { mainMenuButtons, overflowMenuButtons } = this._getVisibleButtons(); return (
{ showDominantSpeakerName && }
{mainMenuButtons.map(({ Content, key, ...rest }) => Content !== Separator && ( ))} {Boolean(overflowMenuButtons.length) && ( key === 'raisehand') }> )}
); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to {@link Toolbox}'s React {@code Component} * props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux store/state. * @param {Object} ownProps - The props explicitly passed. * @private * @returns {{}} */ function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { const { conference } = state['features/base/conference']; let desktopSharingEnabled = JitsiMeetJS.isDesktopSharingEnabled(); const { callStatsID, disableProfile, enableFeaturesBasedOnToken, buttonsWithNotifyClick } = state['features/base/config']; const { fullScreen, overflowMenuVisible } = state['features/toolbox']; const localParticipant = getLocalParticipant(state); const localVideo = getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks']); const { clientWidth } = state['features/base/responsive-ui']; let desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey; if (enableFeaturesBasedOnToken) { if (desktopSharingEnabled) { // we enable desktop sharing if any participant already have this // feature enabled and if the user supports it. desktopSharingEnabled = haveParticipantWithScreenSharingFeature(state); desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey = 'dialog.shareYourScreenDisabled'; } } let { toolbarButtons } = ownProps; const stateToolbarButtons = getToolbarButtons(state); if (toolbarButtons) { toolbarButtons = toolbarButtons.filter(name => isToolbarButtonEnabled(name, stateToolbarButtons)); } else { toolbarButtons = stateToolbarButtons; } return { _backgroundType: state['features/virtual-background'].backgroundType, _buttonsWithNotifyClick: buttonsWithNotifyClick, _chatOpen: state['features/chat'].isOpen, _clientWidth: clientWidth, _conference: conference, _desktopSharingEnabled: desktopSharingEnabled, _desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey: desktopSharingDisabledTooltipKey, _dialog: Boolean(state['features/base/dialog'].component), _feedbackConfigured: Boolean(callStatsID), _fullScreen: fullScreen, _isProfileDisabled: Boolean(disableProfile), _isIosMobile: isIosMobileBrowser(), _isMobile: isMobileBrowser(), _isVpaasMeeting: isVpaasMeeting(state), _localParticipantID: localParticipant?.id, _localVideo: localVideo, _overflowMenuVisible: overflowMenuVisible, _participantsPaneOpen: getParticipantsPaneOpen(state), _raisedHand: hasRaisedHand(localParticipant), _reactionsEnabled: isReactionsEnabled(state), _screenSharing: isScreenVideoShared(state), _tileViewEnabled: shouldDisplayTileView(state), _toolbarButtons: toolbarButtons, _virtualSource: state['features/virtual-background'].virtualSource, _visible: isToolboxVisible(state) }; } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(withStyles(styles)(Toolbox)));