// @flow import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { openDialog } from '../../base/dialog'; import { getLocalParticipant, getParticipantCountWithFake, getRemoteParticipants } from '../../base/participants'; import MuteRemoteParticipantDialog from '../../video-menu/components/web/MuteRemoteParticipantDialog'; import { findStyledAncestor, shouldRenderInviteButton } from '../functions'; import { InviteButton } from './InviteButton'; import MeetingParticipantContextMenu from './MeetingParticipantContextMenu'; import MeetingParticipantItem from './MeetingParticipantItem'; import { Heading, ParticipantContainer } from './styled'; type NullProto = { [key: string]: any, __proto__: null }; type RaiseContext = NullProto | {| /** * Target elements against which positioning calculations are made */ offsetTarget?: HTMLElement, /** * The ID of the participant. */ participantID?: String, |}; const initialState = Object.freeze(Object.create(null)); /** * Renders the MeetingParticipantList component. * * @returns {ReactNode} - The component. */ export function MeetingParticipantList() { const dispatch = useDispatch(); const isMouseOverMenu = useRef(false); const participants = useSelector(getRemoteParticipants); const localParticipant = useSelector(getLocalParticipant); // This is very important as getRemoteParticipants is not changing its reference object // and we will not re-render on change, but if count changes we will do const participantsCount = useSelector(getParticipantCountWithFake); const showInviteButton = useSelector(shouldRenderInviteButton); const [ raiseContext, setRaiseContext ] = useState(initialState); const { t } = useTranslation(); const lowerMenu = useCallback(() => { /** * We are tracking mouse movement over the active participant item and * the context menu. Due to the order of enter/leave events, we need to * defer checking if the mouse is over the context menu with * queueMicrotask */ window.queueMicrotask(() => { if (isMouseOverMenu.current) { return; } if (raiseContext !== initialState) { setRaiseContext(initialState); } }); }, [ raiseContext ]); const raiseMenu = useCallback((participantID, target) => { setRaiseContext({ participantID, offsetTarget: findStyledAncestor(target, ParticipantContainer) }); }, [ raiseContext ]); const toggleMenu = useCallback(participantID => e => { const { participantID: raisedParticipant } = raiseContext; if (raisedParticipant && raisedParticipant === participantID) { lowerMenu(); } else { raiseMenu(participantID, e.target); } }, [ raiseContext ]); const menuEnter = useCallback(() => { isMouseOverMenu.current = true; }, []); const menuLeave = useCallback(() => { isMouseOverMenu.current = false; lowerMenu(); }, [ lowerMenu ]); const muteAudio = useCallback(id => () => { dispatch(openDialog(MuteRemoteParticipantDialog, { participantID: id })); }); // FIXME: // It seems that useTranslation is not very scallable. Unmount 500 components that have the useTranslation hook is // taking more than 10s. To workaround the issue we need to pass the texts as props. This is temporary and dirty // solution!!! // One potential proper fix would be to use react-window component in order to lower the number of components // mounted. const participantActionEllipsisLabel = t('MeetingParticipantItem.ParticipantActionEllipsis.options'); const youText = t('chat.you'); const askUnmuteText = t('participantsPane.actions.askUnmute'); const muteParticipantButtonText = t('dialog.muteParticipantButton'); const renderParticipant = id => ( ); const items = []; localParticipant && items.push(renderParticipant(localParticipant?.id)); participants.forEach(p => { items.push(renderParticipant(p?.id)); }); return ( <> {t('participantsPane.headings.participantsList', { count: participantsCount })} {showInviteButton && }
{ items }
); }