// @flow import Logger from 'jitsi-meet-logger'; import RNCalendarEvents from 'react-native-calendar-events'; import { SET_ROOM } from '../base/conference'; import { MiddlewareRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { APP_LINK_SCHEME, parseURIString } from '../base/util'; import { APP_WILL_MOUNT } from '../app'; import { maybeAddNewKnownDomain, updateCalendarEntryList } from './actions'; import { REFRESH_CALENDAR_ENTRY_LIST } from './actionTypes'; const FETCH_END_DAYS = 10; const FETCH_START_DAYS = -1; const MAX_LIST_LENGTH = 10; const logger = Logger.getLogger(__filename); MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { const result = next(action); switch (action.type) { case APP_WILL_MOUNT: _ensureDefaultServer(store); _fetchCalendarEntries(store, false); break; case REFRESH_CALENDAR_ENTRY_LIST: _fetchCalendarEntries(store, true); break; case SET_ROOM: _parseAndAddDomain(store); } return result; }); /** * Ensures calendar access if possible and resolves the promise if it's granted. * * @private * @param {boolean} promptForPermission - Flag to tell the app if it should * prompt for a calendar permission if it wasn't granted yet. * @returns {Promise} */ function _ensureCalendarAccess(promptForPermission) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { RNCalendarEvents.authorizationStatus() .then(status => { if (status === 'authorized') { resolve(); } else if (promptForPermission) { RNCalendarEvents.authorizeEventStore() .then(result => { if (result === 'authorized') { resolve(); } else { reject(result); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); } else { reject(status); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); } /** * Ensures presence of the default server in the known domains list. * * @private * @param {Object} store - The redux store. * @returns {Promise} */ function _ensureDefaultServer(store) { const state = store.getState(); const defaultURL = parseURIString( state['features/app'].app._getDefaultURL() ); store.dispatch(maybeAddNewKnownDomain(defaultURL.host)); } /** * Reads the user's calendar and updates the stored entries if need be. * * @private * @param {Object} store - The redux store. * @param {boolean} promptForPermission - Flag to tell the app if it should * prompt for a calendar permission if it wasn't granted yet. * @returns {void} */ function _fetchCalendarEntries(store, promptForPermission) { _ensureCalendarAccess(promptForPermission) .then(() => { const startDate = new Date(); const endDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + FETCH_START_DAYS); endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + FETCH_END_DAYS); RNCalendarEvents.fetchAllEvents( startDate.getTime(), endDate.getTime(), [] ) .then(events => { const { knownDomains } = store.getState()['features/calendar-sync']; const eventList = []; if (events && events.length) { for (const event of events) { const jitsiURL = _getURLFromEvent(event, knownDomains); const now = Date.now(); if (jitsiURL) { const eventStartDate = Date.parse(event.startDate); const eventEndDate = Date.parse(event.endDate); if (isNaN(eventStartDate) || isNaN(eventEndDate)) { logger.warn( 'Skipping calendar event due to invalid dates', event.title, event.startDate, event.endDate ); } else if (eventEndDate > now) { eventList.push({ endDate: eventEndDate, id: event.id, startDate: eventStartDate, title: event.title, url: jitsiURL }); } } } } store.dispatch(updateCalendarEntryList(eventList.sort((a, b) => a.startDate - b.startDate ).slice(0, MAX_LIST_LENGTH))); }) .catch(error => { logger.error('Error fetching calendar.', error); }); }) .catch(reason => { logger.error('Error accessing calendar.', reason); }); } /** * Retreives a jitsi URL from an event if present. * * @private * @param {Object} event - The event to parse. * @param {Array} knownDomains - The known domain names. * @returns {string} * */ function _getURLFromEvent(event, knownDomains) { const linkTerminatorPattern = '[^\\s<>$]'; /* eslint-disable max-len */ const urlRegExp = new RegExp(`http(s)?://(${knownDomains.join('|')})/${linkTerminatorPattern}+`, 'gi'); /* eslint-enable max-len */ const schemeRegExp = new RegExp(`${APP_LINK_SCHEME}${linkTerminatorPattern}+`, 'gi'); const fieldsToSearch = [ event.title, event.url, event.location, event.notes, event.description ]; let matchArray; for (const field of fieldsToSearch) { if (typeof field === 'string') { if ( (matchArray = urlRegExp.exec(field) || schemeRegExp.exec(field)) !== null ) { return matchArray[0]; } } } return null; } /** * Retreives the domain name of a room upon join and stores it * in the known domain list, if not present yet. * * @private * @param {Object} store - The redux store. * @returns {Promise} */ function _parseAndAddDomain(store) { const { locationURL } = store.getState()['features/base/connection']; store.dispatch(maybeAddNewKnownDomain(locationURL.host)); }