/* global APP, $, config, interfaceConfig, JitsiMeetJS */ /* jshint -W101 */ import UIUtil from '../util/UIUtil'; import UIEvents from '../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import SideContainerToggler from "../side_pannels/SideContainerToggler"; let roomUrl = null; let emitter = null; /** * Opens the invite link dialog. */ function openLinkDialog () { let inviteAttributes; if (roomUrl === null) { inviteAttributes = 'data-i18n="[value]roomUrlDefaultMsg" value="' + APP.translation.translateString("roomUrlDefaultMsg") + '"'; } else { inviteAttributes = "value=\"" + encodeURI(roomUrl) + "\""; } let title = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.shareLink"); APP.UI.messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog( null, null, null, '

' + title + '

' + '', false, "dialog.Invite", function (e, v) { if (v && roomUrl) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.button'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.USER_INVITED, roomUrl); } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.cancel'); } }, function (event) { if (roomUrl) { document.getElementById('inviteLinkRef').select(); } else { if (event && event.target) { $(event.target).find('button[value=true]') .prop('disabled', true); } } }, function (e, v, m, f) { if(!v && !m && !f) JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.close'); } ); } const buttonHandlers = { "toolbar_button_profile": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.profile.toggled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_PROFILE); }, "toolbar_button_mute": function () { let sharedVideoManager = APP.UI.getSharedVideoManager(); if (APP.conference.audioMuted) { // If there's a shared video with the volume "on" and we aren't // the video owner, we warn the user // that currently it's not possible to unmute. if (sharedVideoManager && sharedVideoManager.isSharedVideoVolumeOn() && !sharedVideoManager.isSharedVideoOwner()) { UIUtil.animateShowElement( $("#unableToUnmutePopup"), true, 5000); } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.audio.unmuted'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.AUDIO_MUTED, false, true); } } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.audio.muted'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.AUDIO_MUTED, true, true); } }, "toolbar_button_camera": function () { if (APP.conference.videoMuted) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.video.enabled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.VIDEO_MUTED, false); } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.video.disabled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.VIDEO_MUTED, true); } }, "toolbar_button_security": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.lock.clicked'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.ROOM_LOCK_CLICKED); }, "toolbar_button_link": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.clicked'); openLinkDialog(); }, "toolbar_button_chat": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.chat.toggled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_CHAT); }, "toolbar_contact_list": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'toolbar.contacts.toggled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_CONTACT_LIST); }, "toolbar_button_etherpad": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.etherpad.clicked'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.ETHERPAD_CLICKED); }, "toolbar_button_sharedvideo": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.sharedvideo.clicked'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.SHARED_VIDEO_CLICKED); }, "toolbar_button_desktopsharing": function () { if (APP.conference.isSharingScreen) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.screen.disabled'); } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.screen.enabled'); } emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING); }, "toolbar_button_fullScreen": function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.fullscreen.enabled'); UIUtil.buttonClick("toolbar_button_fullScreen", "icon-full-screen icon-exit-full-screen"); emitter.emit(UIEvents.FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE); }, "toolbar_button_sip": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.sip.clicked'); showSipNumberInput(); }, "toolbar_button_dialpad": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.sip.dialpad.clicked'); dialpadButtonClicked(); }, "toolbar_button_settings": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.settings.toggled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_SETTINGS); }, "toolbar_button_hangup": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.hangup'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.HANGUP); }, "toolbar_button_login": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.authenticate.login.clicked'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.AUTH_CLICKED); }, "toolbar_button_logout": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.authenticate.logout.clicked'); // Ask for confirmation APP.UI.messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog( "dialog.logoutTitle", null, "dialog.logoutQuestion", null, false, "dialog.Yes", function (evt, yes) { if (yes) { emitter.emit(UIEvents.LOGOUT); } } ); }, "toolbar_film_strip": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'toolbar.filmstrip.toggled'); emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_FILM_STRIP); }, "toolbar_button_raisehand": function () { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'toolbar.raiseHand.clicked'); APP.conference.maybeToggleRaisedHand(); } }; const defaultToolbarButtons = { 'microphone': { id: 'toolbar_button_mute', className: "button icon-microphone", shortcut: 'M', shortcutAttr: 'mutePopover', shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('shortcut.audiomute.toggled'); APP.conference.toggleAudioMuted(); }, shortcutDescription: "keyboardShortcuts.mute", popups: [ { id: "micMutedPopup", className: "loginmenu", dataAttr: "[html]toolbar.micMutedPopup" }, { id: "unableToUnmutePopup", className: "loginmenu", dataAttr: "[html]toolbar.unableToUnmutePopup" } ], content: "Mute / Unmute", i18n: "[content]toolbar.mute" }, 'camera': { id: 'toolbar_button_camera', className: "button icon-camera", shortcut: 'V', shortcutAttr: 'toggleVideoPopover', shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('shortcut.videomute.toggled'); APP.conference.toggleVideoMuted(); }, shortcutDescription: "keyboardShortcuts.videoMute", content: "Start / stop camera", i18n: "[content]toolbar.videomute" }, 'desktop': { id: 'toolbar_button_desktopsharing', className: 'button icon-share-desktop', shortcut: 'D', shortcutAttr: 'toggleDesktopSharingPopover', shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('shortcut.screen.toggled'); APP.conference.toggleScreenSharing(); }, shortcutDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleScreensharing', content: 'Share screen', i18n: '[content]toolbar.sharescreen' }, 'security': { id: 'toolbar_button_security' }, 'invite': { id: 'toolbar_button_link', className: 'button icon-link', content: 'Invite others', i18n: '[content]toolbar.invite' }, 'chat': { id: 'toolbar_button_chat', shortcut: 'C', shortcutAttr: 'toggleChatPopover', shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('shortcut.chat.toggled'); APP.UI.toggleChat(); }, shortcutDescription: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleChat', sideContainerId: 'chat_container' }, 'contacts': { id: 'toolbar_contact_list', sideContainerId: 'contacts_container' }, 'profile': { id: 'toolbar_button_profile', sideContainerId: 'profile_container' }, 'etherpad': { id: 'toolbar_button_etherpad' }, 'fullscreen': { id: 'toolbar_button_fullScreen', className: "button icon-full-screen", shortcut: 'F', shortcutAttr: 'toggleFullscreenPopover', shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('shortcut.fullscreen.toggled'); APP.UI.toggleFullScreen(); }, shortcutDescription: "keyboardShortcuts.toggleChat", content: "Enter / Exit Full Screen", i18n: "[content]toolbar.fullscreen" }, 'settings': { id: 'toolbar_button_settings', sideContainerId: "settings_container" }, 'hangup': { id: 'toolbar_button_hangup', className: "button icon-hangup", content: "Hang Up", i18n: "[content]toolbar.hangup" }, 'filmstrip': { id: 'toolbar_film_strip', shortcut: "F", shortcutAttr: "filmstripPopover", shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent("shortcut.film.toggled"); APP.UI.toggleFilmStrip(); }, shortcutDescription: "keyboardShortcuts.toggleFilmstrip" }, 'raisehand': { id: "toolbar_button_raisehand", className: "button icon-raised-hand", shortcut: "R", shortcutAttr: "raiseHandPopover", shortcutFunc: function() { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent("shortcut.raisehand.clicked"); APP.conference.maybeToggleRaisedHand(); }, shortcutDescription: "keyboardShortcuts.raiseHand", content: "Raise Hand", i18n: "[content]toolbar.raiseHand" } }; function dialpadButtonClicked() { //TODO show the dialpad box } function showSipNumberInput () { let defaultNumber = config.defaultSipNumber ? config.defaultSipNumber : ''; let sipMsg = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.sipMsg"); APP.UI.messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog( null, null, null, `


`, false, "dialog.Dial", function (e, v, m, f) { if (v && f.sipNumber) { emitter.emit(UIEvents.SIP_DIAL, f.sipNumber); } }, null, null, ':input:first' ); } const Toolbar = { init (eventEmitter) { emitter = eventEmitter; // The toolbar is enabled by default. this.enabled = true; this.toolbarSelector = $("#mainToolbarContainer"); this.extendedToolbarSelector = $("#extendedToolbar"); // First hide all disabled buttons in the extended toolbar. // TODO: Make the extended toolbar dynamically created. UIUtil.hideDisabledButtons(defaultToolbarButtons); // Initialise the main toolbar. The main toolbar will only take into // account it's own configuration from interface_config. this._initMainToolbarButtons(); Object.keys(defaultToolbarButtons).forEach( id => { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled(id)) { var button = defaultToolbarButtons[id]; if (button.shortcut) APP.keyboardshortcut.registerShortcut( button.shortcut, button.shortcutAttr, button.shortcutFunc, button.shortcutDescription ); } } ); Object.keys(buttonHandlers).forEach( buttonId => $(`#${buttonId}`).click(function(event) { !$(this).prop('disabled') && buttonHandlers[buttonId](event); }) ); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.SIDE_TOOLBAR_CONTAINER_TOGGLED, function(containerId, isVisible) { Toolbar._handleSideToolbarContainerToggled( containerId, isVisible); }); if(!APP.tokenData.isGuest) { $("#toolbar_button_profile").addClass("unclickable"); } }, /** * Enables / disables the toolbar. * @param {e} set to {true} to enable the toolbar or {false} * to disable it */ enable (e) { this.enabled = e; if (!e && this.isVisible()) this.hide(false); }, /** * Indicates if the bottom toolbar is currently enabled. * @return {this.enabled} */ isEnabled() { return this.enabled; }, /** * Updates the room invite url. */ updateRoomUrl (newRoomUrl) { roomUrl = newRoomUrl; // If the invite dialog has been already opened we update the // information. let inviteLink = document.getElementById('inviteLinkRef'); if (inviteLink) { inviteLink.value = roomUrl; inviteLink.select(); $('#inviteLinkRef').parent() .find('button[value=true]').prop('disabled', false); } }, /** * Unlocks the lock button state. */ unlockLockButton () { if ($("#toolbar_button_security").hasClass("icon-security-locked")) UIUtil.buttonClick("toolbar_button_security", "icon-security icon-security-locked"); }, /** * Updates the lock button state to locked. */ lockLockButton () { if ($("#toolbar_button_security").hasClass("icon-security")) UIUtil.buttonClick("toolbar_button_security", "icon-security icon-security-locked"); }, /** * Shows or hides authentication button * @param show true to show or false to hide */ showAuthenticateButton (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#authentication').css({display: "inline"}); } else { $('#authentication').css({display: "none"}); } }, showEtherpadButton () { if (!$('#toolbar_button_etherpad').is(":visible")) { $('#toolbar_button_etherpad').css({display: 'inline-block'}); } }, // Shows or hides the 'shared video' button. showSharedVideoButton () { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('sharedvideo') && config.disableThirdPartyRequests !== true) { $('#toolbar_button_sharedvideo').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_sharedvideo').css({display: "none"}); } }, // checks whether desktop sharing is enabled and whether // we have params to start automatically sharing checkAutoEnableDesktopSharing () { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('desktop') && config.autoEnableDesktopSharing) { emitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING); } }, // Shows or hides SIP calls button showSipCallButton (show) { if (APP.conference.sipGatewayEnabled() && UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('sip') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_sip').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_sip').css({display: "none"}); } }, // Shows or hides the dialpad button showDialPadButton (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('dialpad') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_dialpad').css({display: "inline-block"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_dialpad').css({display: "none"}); } }, /** * Displays user authenticated identity name(login). * @param authIdentity identity name to be displayed. */ setAuthenticatedIdentity (authIdentity) { if (authIdentity) { let selector = $('#toolbar_auth_identity'); selector.css({display: "list-item"}); selector.text(authIdentity); } else { $('#toolbar_auth_identity').css({display: "none"}); } }, /** * Shows/hides login button. * @param show true to show */ showLoginButton (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_login').css({display: "list-item"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_login').css({display: "none"}); } }, /** * Shows/hides logout button. * @param show true to show */ showLogoutButton (show) { if (UIUtil.isButtonEnabled('authentication') && show) { $('#toolbar_button_logout').css({display: "list-item"}); } else { $('#toolbar_button_logout').css({display: "none"}); } }, /** * Update the state of the button. The button has blue glow if desktop * streaming is active. */ updateDesktopSharingButtonState () { let button = $("#toolbar_button_desktopsharing"); if (APP.conference.isSharingScreen) { button.addClass("glow"); } else { button.removeClass("glow"); } }, /** * Marks video icon as muted or not. * @param {boolean} muted if icon should look like muted or not */ markVideoIconAsMuted (muted) { $('#toolbar_button_camera').toggleClass("icon-camera-disabled", muted); }, /** * Marks video icon as disabled or not. * @param {boolean} disabled if icon should look like disabled or not */ markVideoIconAsDisabled (disabled) { var $btn = $('#toolbar_button_camera'); $btn .prop("disabled", disabled) .attr("data-i18n", disabled ? "[content]toolbar.cameraDisabled" : "[content]toolbar.videomute") .attr("shortcut", disabled ? "" : "toggleVideoPopover"); disabled ? $btn.attr("disabled", "disabled") : $btn.removeAttr("disabled"); APP.translation.translateElement($btn); disabled && this.markVideoIconAsMuted(disabled); }, /** * Marks audio icon as muted or not. * @param {boolean} muted if icon should look like muted or not */ markAudioIconAsMuted (muted) { $('#toolbar_button_mute').toggleClass("icon-microphone", !muted).toggleClass("icon-mic-disabled", muted); }, /** * Marks audio icon as disabled or not. * @param {boolean} disabled if icon should look like disabled or not */ markAudioIconAsDisabled (disabled) { var $btn = $('#toolbar_button_mute'); $btn .prop("disabled", disabled) .attr("data-i18n", disabled ? "[content]toolbar.micDisabled" : "[content]toolbar.mute") .attr("shortcut", disabled ? "" : "mutePopover"); disabled ? $btn.attr("disabled", "disabled") : $btn.removeAttr("disabled"); APP.translation.translateElement($btn); disabled && this.markAudioIconAsMuted(disabled); }, /** * Indicates if the toolbar is currently hovered. * @return {boolean} true if the toolbar is currently hovered, * false otherwise */ isHovered() { var hovered = false; this.toolbarSelector.find('*').each(function () { let id = $(this).attr('id'); if ($(`#${id}:hover`).length > 0) { hovered = true; // break each return false; } }); if (hovered) return true; if ($("#bottomToolbar:hover").length > 0 || $("#extendedToolbar:hover").length > 0 || SideContainerToggler.isHovered()) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Returns true if this toolbar is currently visible, or false otherwise. * @return true if currently visible, false - otherwise */ isVisible() { return this.toolbarSelector.hasClass("slideInY"); }, /** * Hides the toolbar with animation or not depending on the animate * parameter. */ hide() { this.toolbarSelector.toggleClass("slideInY").toggleClass("slideOutY"); let slideInAnimation = (SideContainerToggler.isVisible) ? "slideInExtX" : "slideInX"; let slideOutAnimation = (SideContainerToggler.isVisible) ? "slideOutExtX" : "slideOutX"; this.extendedToolbarSelector.toggleClass(slideInAnimation) .toggleClass(slideOutAnimation); }, /** * Shows the toolbar with animation or not depending on the animate * parameter. */ show() { if (this.toolbarSelector.hasClass("slideOutY")) this.toolbarSelector.toggleClass("slideOutY"); let slideInAnimation = (SideContainerToggler.isVisible) ? "slideInExtX" : "slideInX"; let slideOutAnimation = (SideContainerToggler.isVisible) ? "slideOutExtX" : "slideOutX"; if (this.extendedToolbarSelector.hasClass(slideOutAnimation)) this.extendedToolbarSelector.toggleClass(slideOutAnimation); this.toolbarSelector.toggleClass("slideInY"); this.extendedToolbarSelector.toggleClass(slideInAnimation); }, registerClickListeners(listener) { $('#mainToolbarContainer').click(listener); $("#extendedToolbar").click(listener); }, /** * Handles the side toolbar toggle. */ _handleSideToolbarContainerToggled(containerId, isVisible) { Object.keys(defaultToolbarButtons).forEach( id => { if (!UIUtil.isButtonEnabled(id)) return; var button = defaultToolbarButtons[id]; if (button.sideContainerId && button.sideContainerId === containerId) { UIUtil.buttonClick(button.id, "selected"); return; } } ); }, /** * Initialise main toolbar buttons. */ _initMainToolbarButtons() { interfaceConfig.MAIN_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS.forEach((value, index) => { if (value && value in defaultToolbarButtons) { let button = defaultToolbarButtons[value]; this._addMainToolbarButton( button, (index === 0), (index === interfaceConfig.MAIN_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS.length -1)); } }); }, /** * Adds the given button to the main (top) toolbar. * * @param {Object} the button to add. * @param {boolean} isFirst indicates if this is the first button in the * toolbar * @param {boolean} isLast indicates if this is the last button in the * toolbar */ _addMainToolbarButton(button, isFirst, isLast) { let buttonElement = document.createElement("a"); if (button.className) buttonElement.className = button.className + ((isFirst) ? " first" : "") + ((isLast) ? " last" : ""); buttonElement.id = button.id; if (button.shortcutAttr) buttonElement.setAttribute("shortcut", button.shortcutAttr); if (button.content) buttonElement.setAttribute("content", button.content); if (button.i18n) buttonElement.setAttribute("data-i18n", button.i18n); buttonElement.setAttribute("data-container", "body"); buttonElement.setAttribute("data-toggle", "popover"); buttonElement.setAttribute("data-placement", "bottom"); this._addPopups(buttonElement, button.popups); document.getElementById("mainToolbar") .appendChild(buttonElement); }, _addPopups(buttonElement, popups = []) { popups.forEach((popup) => { let popupElement = document.createElement("ul"); popupElement.id = popup.id; popupElement.className = popup.className; let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement.setAttribute("data-i18n", popup.dataAttr); popupElement.appendChild(liElement); buttonElement.appendChild(popupElement); }); } }; export default Toolbar;