// @flow import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { withTheme } from 'react-native-paper'; import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar'; import { ColorSchemeRegistry } from '../../../base/color-scheme'; import { getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag } from '../../../base/config'; import { BottomSheet, isDialogOpen, hideDialog } from '../../../base/dialog'; import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n'; import { IconArrowDownLarge, IconArrowUpLarge } from '../../../base/icons'; import { getParticipantDisplayName } from '../../../base/participants'; import { BaseIndicator } from '../../../base/react'; import { connect } from '../../../base/redux'; import { StyleType } from '../../../base/styles'; import { getSourceNameByParticipantId } from '../../../base/tracks'; import statsEmitter from '../../../connection-indicator/statsEmitter'; import styles from './styles'; /** * Size of the rendered avatar in the menu. */ const AVATAR_SIZE = 25; const CONNECTION_QUALITY = [ 'Low', 'Medium', 'Good' ]; export type Props = { /** * The Redux dispatch function. */ dispatch: Function, /** * The ID of the participant that this button is supposed to pin. */ participantID: string, /** * The color-schemed stylesheet of the BottomSheet. */ _bottomSheetStyles: StyleType, /** * True if the menu is currently open, false otherwise. */ _isOpen: boolean, /** * Display name of the participant retrieved from Redux. */ _participantDisplayName: string, /** * The function to be used to translate i18n labels. */ t: Function, /** * Theme used for styles. */ theme: Object, /** * The source name of the track. */ _sourceName: string, /** * Whether source name signaling is enabled. */ _sourceNameSignalingEnabled: boolean } /** * The type of the React {@code Component} state of {@link ConnectionStatusComponent}. */ type State = { resolutionString: string, downloadString: string, uploadString: string, packetLostDownloadString: string, packetLostUploadString: string, serverRegionString: string, codecString: string, connectionString: string }; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let ConnectionStatusComponent_; /** * Class to implement a popup menu that show the connection statistics. */ class ConnectionStatusComponent extends Component { /** * Constructor of the component. * * @param {P} props - The read-only properties with which the new * instance is to be initialized. * * @inheritdoc */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this._onStatsUpdated = this._onStatsUpdated.bind(this); this._onCancel = this._onCancel.bind(this); this._renderMenuHeader = this._renderMenuHeader.bind(this); this.state = { resolutionString: 'N/A', downloadString: 'N/A', uploadString: 'N/A', packetLostDownloadString: 'N/A', packetLostUploadString: 'N/A', serverRegionString: 'N/A', codecString: 'N/A', connectionString: 'N/A' }; } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {React$Node} */ render(): React$Node { const { t, theme } = this.props; const { palette } = theme; return ( { `${t('connectionindicator.status')} ` } { this.state.connectionString } { `${t('connectionindicator.bitrate')}` } { this.state.downloadString } { `${this.state.uploadString} Kbps` } { `${t('connectionindicator.packetloss')}` } { this.state.packetLostDownloadString } { this.state.packetLostUploadString } { `${t('connectionindicator.resolution')} ` } { this.state.resolutionString } { `${t('connectionindicator.codecs')}` } { this.state.codecString } ); } /** * Starts listening for stat updates. * * @inheritdoc * returns {void} */ componentDidMount() { statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props.participantID, this._onStatsUpdated); if (this.props._sourceNameSignalingEnabled) { statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props._sourceName, this._onStatsUpdated); } } /** * Updates which user's stats are being listened to. * * @inheritdoc * returns {void} */ componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if (prevProps.participantID !== this.props.participantID) { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( prevProps.participantID, this._onStatsUpdated); statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props.participantID, this._onStatsUpdated); } if (this.props._sourceNameSignalingEnabled) { if (prevProps._sourceName !== this.props._sourceName) { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( prevProps._sourceName, this._onStatsUpdated); statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props._sourceName, this._onStatsUpdated); } } } _onStatsUpdated: Object => void; /** * Callback invoked when new connection stats associated with the passed in * user ID are available. Will update the component's display of current * statistics. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {void} */ _onStatsUpdated(stats = {}) { const newState = this._buildState(stats); this.setState(newState); } /** * Extracts statistics and builds the state object. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {State} */ _buildState(stats) { const { download: downloadBitrate, upload: uploadBitrate } = this._extractBitrate(stats) ?? {}; const { download: downloadPacketLost, upload: uploadPacketLost } = this._extractPacketLost(stats) ?? {}; return { resolutionString: this._extractResolutionString(stats) ?? this.state.resolutionString, downloadString: downloadBitrate ?? this.state.downloadString, uploadString: uploadBitrate ?? this.state.uploadString, packetLostDownloadString: downloadPacketLost === undefined ? this.state.packetLostDownloadString : `${downloadPacketLost}%`, packetLostUploadString: uploadPacketLost === undefined ? this.state.packetLostUploadString : `${uploadPacketLost}%`, serverRegionString: this._extractServer(stats) ?? this.state.serverRegionString, codecString: this._extractCodecs(stats) ?? this.state.codecString, connectionString: this._extractConnection(stats) ?? this.state.connectionString }; } /** * Extracts the resolution and framerate. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {string} */ _extractResolutionString(stats) { const { framerate, resolution } = stats; let frameRateString, resolutionString; if (this.props._sourceNameSignalingEnabled) { resolutionString = resolution ? `${resolution.width}x${resolution.height}` : null; frameRateString = framerate || null; } else { resolutionString = Object.keys(resolution || {}) .map(ssrc => { const { width, height } = resolution[ssrc]; return `${width}x${height}`; }) .join(', ') || null; frameRateString = Object.keys(framerate || {}) .map(ssrc => framerate[ssrc]) .join(', ') || null; } return resolutionString && frameRateString ? `${resolutionString}@${frameRateString}fps` : undefined; } /** * Extracts the download and upload bitrates. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {{ download, upload }} */ _extractBitrate(stats) { return stats.bitrate; } /** * Extracts the download and upload packet lost. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {{ download, upload }} */ _extractPacketLost(stats) { return stats.packetLoss; } /** * Extracts the server name. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {string} */ _extractServer(stats) { return stats.serverRegion; } /** * Extracts the audio and video codecs names. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {string} */ _extractCodecs(stats) { const { codec } = stats; let codecString; if (this.props._sourceNameSignalingEnabled) { if (codec) { codecString = `${codec.audio}, ${codec.video}`; } } else { // Only report one codec, in case there are multiple for a user. Object.keys(codec || {}) .forEach(ssrc => { const { audio, video } = codec[ssrc]; codecString = `${audio}, ${video}`; }); } return codecString; } /** * Extracts the connection percentage and sets connection quality. * * @param {Object} stats - Connection stats from the library. * @private * @returns {string} */ _extractConnection(stats) { const { connectionQuality } = stats; if (connectionQuality) { const signalLevel = Math.floor(connectionQuality / 33.4); return CONNECTION_QUALITY[signalLevel]; } } _onCancel: () => boolean; /** * Callback to hide the {@code ConnectionStatusComponent}. * * @private * @returns {boolean} */ _onCancel() { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( this.props.participantID, this._onStatsUpdated); if (this.props._sourceNameSignalingEnabled) { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( this.props._sourceName, this._onStatsUpdated); } if (this.props._isOpen) { this.props.dispatch(hideDialog(ConnectionStatusComponent_)); return true; } return false; } _renderMenuHeader: () => React$Element; /** * Function to render the menu's header. * * @returns {React$Element} */ _renderMenuHeader() { const { _bottomSheetStyles, participantID } = this.props; return ( { this.props._participantDisplayName } ); } } /** * Function that maps parts of Redux state tree into component props. * * @param {Object} state - Redux state. * @param {Object} ownProps - Properties of component. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { const { participantID } = ownProps; return { _bottomSheetStyles: ColorSchemeRegistry.get(state, 'BottomSheet'), _isOpen: isDialogOpen(state, ConnectionStatusComponent_), _participantDisplayName: getParticipantDisplayName(state, participantID), _sourceNameSignalingEnabled: getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag(state), _sourceName: getSourceNameByParticipantId(state, ownProps.participantId) }; } ConnectionStatusComponent_ = translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(withTheme(ConnectionStatusComponent))); export default ConnectionStatusComponent_;