var Avatar = (function(my) { var users = {}; var activeSpeakerJid; /** * Sets the user's avatar in the settings menu(if local user), contact list * and thumbnail * @param jid jid of the user * @param id email or userID to be used as a hash */ my.setUserAvatar = function(jid, id) { if(id) { if(users[jid] === id) { return; } users[jid] = id; } var thumbUrl = getGravatarUrl(users[jid] || jid, 100); var contactListUrl = getGravatarUrl(users[jid] || jid); var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); var thumbnail = $('#participant_' + resourceJid); var avatar = $('#avatar_' + resourceJid); // set the avatar in the settings menu if it is local user and get the // local video container if(jid === connection.emuc.myroomjid) { $('#avatar').get(0).src = thumbUrl; thumbnail = $('#localVideoContainer'); } // set the avatar in the contact list var contact = $('#' + resourceJid + '>img'); if(contact && contact.length > 0) { contact.get(0).src = contactListUrl; } // set the avatar in the thumbnail if(avatar && avatar.length > 0) { avatar[0].src = thumbUrl; } else { if (thumbnail && thumbnail.length > 0) { avatar = document.createElement('img'); = 'avatar_' + resourceJid; avatar.className = 'userAvatar'; avatar.src = thumbUrl; thumbnail.append(avatar); } } //if the user is the current active speaker - update the active speaker // avatar if(jid === activeSpeakerJid) { Avatar.updateActiveSpeakerAvatarSrc(jid); } }; /** * Hides or shows the user's avatar * @param jid jid of the user * @param show whether we should show the avatar or not * video because there is no dominant speaker and no focused speaker */ my.showUserAvatar = function(jid, show) { if(users[jid]) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); var video = $('#participant_' + resourceJid + '>video'); var avatar = $('#avatar_' + resourceJid); if(jid === connection.emuc.myroomjid) { video = $('#localVideoWrapper>video'); } if(show === undefined || show === null) { show = isUserMuted(jid); } //if the user is the currently focused, the dominant speaker or if //there is no focused and no dominant speaker and the large video is //currently shown if (activeSpeakerJid === jid && VideoLayout.isLargeVideoOnTop()) { setVisibility($("#largeVideo"), !show); setVisibility($('#activeSpeakerAvatar'), show); setVisibility($('#activeSpeakerAudioLevel'), show); setVisibility(avatar, false); setVisibility(video, false); } else { if (video && video.length > 0) { setVisibility(video, !show); setVisibility(avatar, show); } } } }; /** * Updates the src of the active speaker avatar * @param jid of the current active speaker */ my.updateActiveSpeakerAvatarSrc = function(jid) { if(!jid) { jid = connection.emuc.findJidFromResource( VideoLayout.getLargeVideoState().userResourceJid); } var avatar = $("#activeSpeakerAvatar")[0]; var url = getGravatarUrl(users[jid], interfaceConfig.ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE); if(jid === activeSpeakerJid && avatar.src === url) { return; } activeSpeakerJid = jid; var isMuted = isUserMuted(jid); if(jid && isMuted !== null) { avatar.src = url; setVisibility($("#largeVideo"), !isMuted); Avatar.showUserAvatar(jid, isMuted); } }; function setVisibility(selector, show) { if (selector && selector.length > 0) { selector.css("visibility", show ? "visible" : "hidden"); } } function isUserMuted(jid) { // XXX(gp) we may want to rename this method to something like // isUserStreaming, for example. if (jid && jid != connection.emuc.myroomjid) { var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if (!VideoLayout.isInLastN(resource)) { return true; } } if (!mediaStreams[jid] || !mediaStreams[jid][MediaStream.VIDEO_TYPE]) { return null; } return mediaStreams[jid][MediaStream.VIDEO_TYPE].muted; } function getGravatarUrl(id, size) { if(id === connection.emuc.myroomjid || !id) { id = SettingsMenu.getUID(); } return '' + MD5.hexdigest(id.trim().toLowerCase()) + "?d=retro&size=" + (size || "30"); } return my; }(Avatar || {}));