import logger from '../logger'; import { RecordingAdapter } from './RecordingAdapter'; /** * Recording adapter that uses {@code MediaRecorder} (default browser encoding * with Opus codec). */ export class OggAdapter extends RecordingAdapter { /** * Instance of MediaRecorder. * @private */ _mediaRecorder = null; /** * Initialization promise. * @private */ _initPromise = null; /** * The recorded audio file. * @private */ _recordedData = null; /** * Implements {@link RecordingAdapter#start()}. * * @inheritdoc */ start(micDeviceId) { if (!this._initPromise) { this._initPromise = this._initialize(micDeviceId); } return this._initPromise.then(() => new Promise(resolve => { this._mediaRecorder.start(); resolve(); }) ); } /** * Implements {@link RecordingAdapter#stop()}. * * @inheritdoc */ stop() { return new Promise( resolve => { this._mediaRecorder.onstop = () => resolve(); this._mediaRecorder.stop(); } ); } /** * Implements {@link RecordingAdapter#exportRecordedData()}. * * @inheritdoc */ exportRecordedData() { if (this._recordedData !== null) { return Promise.resolve({ data: this._recordedData, format: 'ogg' }); } return Promise.reject('No audio data recorded.'); } /** * Implements {@link RecordingAdapter#setMuted()}. * * @inheritdoc */ setMuted(muted) { const shouldEnable = !muted; if (!this._stream) { return Promise.resolve(); } const track = this._stream.getAudioTracks()[0]; if (!track) { logger.error('Cannot mute/unmute. Track not found!'); return Promise.resolve(); } if (track.enabled !== shouldEnable) { track.enabled = shouldEnable; logger.log(muted ? 'Mute' : 'Unmute'); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Initialize the adapter. * * @private * @param {string} micDeviceId - The current microphone device ID. * @returns {Promise} */ _initialize(micDeviceId) { if (this._mediaRecorder) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise((resolve, error) => { this._getAudioStream(micDeviceId) .then(stream => { this._stream = stream; this._mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); this._mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = e => this._saveMediaData(; resolve(); }) .catch(err => { logger.error(`Error calling getUserMedia(): ${err}`); error(); }); }); } /** * Callback for storing the encoded data. * * @private * @param {Blob} data - Encoded data. * @returns {void} */ _saveMediaData(data) { this._recordedData = data; } }