// @flow import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import { statsEmitter } from '../../../connection-indicator'; import { getLocalParticipant } from '../../participants'; import { connect } from '../../redux'; import { isTestModeEnabled } from '../functions'; import { TestHint } from './index'; /** * Defines the TestConnectionInfo's properties. */ type Props = { /** * The JitsiConference's connection state. It's the lib-jitsi-meet's event * name converted to a string directly. At the time of this writing these * are the possible values: * 'conference.connectionEstablished' * 'conference.connectionInterrupted' * 'conference.connectionRestored'. */ _conferenceConnectionState: string, /** * This will be a boolean converted to a string. The value will be 'true' * once the conference is joined (the XMPP MUC room to be specific). */ _conferenceJoinedState: string, /** * The local participant's ID. Required to be able to observe the local RTP * stats. */ _localUserId: string, /** * The local participant's role. */ _localUserRole: string, /** * Indicates whether or not the test mode is currently on. Otherwise the * TestConnectionInfo component will not render. */ _testMode: boolean } /** * Describes the TestConnectionInfo's state. */ type State = { /** * The RTP stats section. */ stats: { /** * The local bitrate. */ bitrate: { /** * The local download RTP bitrate. */ download: number, /** * The local upload RTP bitrate. */ upload: number } } } /** * The component will expose some of the app state to the jitsi-meet-torture * through the UI accessibility layer which is visible to the tests. The Web * tests currently will execute JavaScript and access globals variables to learn * this information, but there's no such option on React Native(maybe that's * a good thing). */ class TestConnectionInfo extends Component { _onStatsUpdated: Object => void; /** * Initializes new TestConnectionInfo instance. * * @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new * instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this._onStatsUpdated = this._onStatsUpdated.bind(this); this.state = { stats: { bitrate: { download: 0, upload: 0 } } }; } /** * The {@link statsEmitter} callback hoked up for the local participant. * * @param {Object} stats - These are the RTP stats. Look in * the lib-jitsi-meet for more details on the actual structure or add * a console print and figure out there. * @returns {void} * @private */ _onStatsUpdated(stats = {}) { this.setState({ stats: { bitrate: { download: stats.bitrate?.download || 0, upload: stats.bitrate?.upload || 0 } } }); } /** * Starts listening for the local RTP stat updates. * * @inheritdoc * returns {void} */ componentDidMount() { statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props._localUserId, this._onStatsUpdated); } /** * Updates which user's stats are being listened to (the local participant's * id changes). * * @inheritdoc * returns {void} */ componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if (prevProps._localUserId !== this.props._localUserId) { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( prevProps._localUserId, this._onStatsUpdated); statsEmitter.subscribeToClientStats( this.props._localUserId, this._onStatsUpdated); } } /** * Removes the local stats listener. * * @private * @returns {void} */ componentWillUnmount() { statsEmitter.unsubscribeToClientStats( this.props._localUserId, this._onStatsUpdated); } /** * Renders the component if the app is currently running in the test mode * (config.testing.testMode == true). * * @returns {ReactElement|null} */ render() { if (!this.props._testMode) { return null; } return ( ); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated TestConnectionInfo's props. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state) { const conferenceJoined = Boolean(state['features/base/conference'].conference); const localParticipant = getLocalParticipant(state); return { _conferenceConnectionState: state['features/testing'].connectionState, _conferenceJoinedState: conferenceJoined.toString(), _localUserId: localParticipant?.id, _localUserRole: localParticipant?.role, _testMode: isTestModeEnabled(state) }; } export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(TestConnectionInfo);