// @flow import { CONFERENCE_JOINED, CONFERENCE_LEFT, SET_PASSWORD } from '../base/conference'; import { ReducerRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_ARRIVED_OR_UPDATED, KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_LEFT, REMOVE_LOBBY_CHAT_WITH_MODERATOR, SET_KNOCKING_STATE, SET_LOBBY_MODE_ENABLED, SET_LOBBY_PARTICIPANT_CHAT_STATE, SET_LOBBY_VISIBILITY, SET_PASSWORD_JOIN_FAILED } from './actionTypes'; const DEFAULT_STATE = { knocking: false, knockingParticipants: [], lobbyEnabled: false, lobbyVisible: false, passwordJoinFailed: false }; /** * Reduces redux actions which affect the display of notifications. * * @param {Object} state - The current redux state. * @param {Object} action - The redux action to reduce. * @returns {Object} The next redux state which is the result of reducing the * specified {@code action}. */ ReducerRegistry.register('features/lobby', (state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) => { switch (action.type) { case CONFERENCE_JOINED: case CONFERENCE_LEFT: return { ...state, knocking: false, passwordJoinFailed: false }; case KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_ARRIVED_OR_UPDATED: return _knockingParticipantArrivedOrUpdated(action.participant, state); case KNOCKING_PARTICIPANT_LEFT: return { ...state, knockingParticipants: state.knockingParticipants.filter(p => p.id !== action.id) }; case SET_KNOCKING_STATE: return { ...state, knocking: action.knocking, passwordJoinFailed: false }; case SET_LOBBY_MODE_ENABLED: return { ...state, lobbyEnabled: action.enabled }; case SET_LOBBY_VISIBILITY: return { ...state, lobbyVisible: action.visible }; case SET_PASSWORD: return { ...state, passwordJoinFailed: false }; case SET_PASSWORD_JOIN_FAILED: return { ...state, passwordJoinFailed: action.failed }; case SET_LOBBY_PARTICIPANT_CHAT_STATE: return { ...state, knockingParticipants: state.knockingParticipants.map(participant => { if (participant.id === action.participant.id) { return { ...participant, chattingWithModerator: action.moderator.id }; } return participant; }) }; case REMOVE_LOBBY_CHAT_WITH_MODERATOR: return { ...state, knockingParticipants: state.knockingParticipants.map(participant => { if (participant.chattingWithModerator === action.moderatorId) { return { ...participant, chattingWithModerator: undefined }; } return participant; }) }; } return state; }); /** * Stores or updates a knocking participant. * * @param {Object} participant - The arrived or updated knocking participant. * @param {Object} state - The current Redux state of the feature. * @returns {Object} */ function _knockingParticipantArrivedOrUpdated(participant, state) { let existingParticipant = state.knockingParticipants.find(p => p.id === participant.id); existingParticipant = { ...existingParticipant, ...participant }; return { ...state, knockingParticipants: [ ...state.knockingParticipants.filter(p => p.id !== participant.id), existingParticipant ] }; }