import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { CONFERENCE_FAILED, CONFERENCE_LEFT } from '../conference/actionTypes'; import ReducerRegistry from '../redux/ReducerRegistry'; import { TRACK_REMOVED } from '../tracks/actionTypes'; import { SET_AUDIO_AVAILABLE, SET_AUDIO_MUTED, SET_AUDIO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS, SET_CAMERA_FACING_MODE, SET_SCREENSHARE_MUTED, SET_VIDEO_AVAILABLE, SET_VIDEO_MUTED, SET_VIDEO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS, STORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM, TOGGLE_CAMERA_FACING_MODE } from './actionTypes'; import { CAMERA_FACING_MODE, SCREENSHARE_MUTISM_AUTHORITY } from './constants'; /** * Media state object for local audio. * * @typedef {Object} AudioMediaState * @property {boolean} muted=false - Audio muted state. */ // FIXME Technically, _AUDIO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE is a constant internal to the // feature base/media and used in multiple files so it should be in // constants.js. Practically though, AudioMediaState would then be used in // multiple files as well so I don't know where and how to move it. /** * Initial state for local audio. * * @type {AudioMediaState} */ export const _AUDIO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE = { available: true, unmuteBlocked: false, muted: false }; /** * Reducer for audio media state. * * @param {AudioMediaState} state - Media state of local audio. * @param {Object} action - Action object. * @param {string} action.type - Type of action. * @private * @returns {AudioMediaState} */ function _audio(state: IAudioState = _AUDIO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE, action: any) { switch (action.type) { case SET_AUDIO_AVAILABLE: return { ...state, available: action.available }; case SET_AUDIO_MUTED: return { ...state, muted: action.muted }; case SET_AUDIO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS: return { ...state, unmuteBlocked: action.blocked }; default: return state; } } /** * Media state object for local screenshare. * * @typedef {Object} ScreenshareMediaState * @property {boolean} available=true - Screenshare available state. * @property {boolean} muted=true - Screenshare muted state. * @property {boolean} unmuteBlocked=false - Screenshare unmute blocked state. */ /** * Initial state for video. * * @type {ScreenshareMediaState} */ export const _SCREENSHARE_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE = { available: true, muted: SCREENSHARE_MUTISM_AUTHORITY.USER, unmuteBlocked: false }; /** * Reducer for screenshare media state. * * @param {VideoMediaState} state - Media state of local screenshare. * @param {Object} action - Action object. * @param {string} action.type - Type of action. * @private * @returns {ScreenshareMediaState} */ function _screenshare(state: IScreenshareState = _SCREENSHARE_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE, action: any) { switch (action.type) { case SET_SCREENSHARE_MUTED: return { ...state, muted: action.muted }; case SET_VIDEO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS: return { ...state, unmuteBlocked: action.blocked }; default: return state; } } /** * Media state object for local video. * * @typedef {Object} VideoMediaState * @property {CAMERA_FACING_MODE} facingMode='user' - Camera facing mode. * @property {boolean} muted=false - Video muted state. */ // FIXME Technically, _VIDEO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE is a constant internal to the // feature base/media and used in multiple files so it should be in // constants.js. Practically though, VideoMediaState would then be used in // multiple files as well so I don't know where and how to move it. /** * Initial state for video. * * @type {VideoMediaState} */ export const _VIDEO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE = { available: true, unmuteBlocked: false, facingMode: CAMERA_FACING_MODE.USER, muted: 0, /** * The video {@link Transform}s applied to {@code MediaStream}s by * {@code id} i.e. "pinch to zoom". */ transforms: {} }; /** * Reducer for camera media state. * * @param {VideoMediaState} state - Media state of local video. * @param {Object} action - Action object. * @param {string} action.type - Type of action. * @private * @returns {VideoMediaState} */ function _video(state: IVideoState = _VIDEO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE, action: any) { switch (action.type) { case CONFERENCE_FAILED: case CONFERENCE_LEFT: return _clearAllVideoTransforms(state); case SET_CAMERA_FACING_MODE: return { ...state, facingMode: action.cameraFacingMode }; case SET_VIDEO_AVAILABLE: return { ...state, available: action.available }; case SET_VIDEO_MUTED: return { ...state, muted: action.muted }; case SET_VIDEO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS: return { ...state, unmuteBlocked: action.blocked }; case STORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM: return _storeVideoTransform(state, action); case TOGGLE_CAMERA_FACING_MODE: { let cameraFacingMode = state.facingMode; cameraFacingMode = cameraFacingMode === CAMERA_FACING_MODE.USER ? CAMERA_FACING_MODE.ENVIRONMENT : CAMERA_FACING_MODE.USER; return { ...state, facingMode: cameraFacingMode }; } case TRACK_REMOVED: return _trackRemoved(state, action); default: return state; } } interface IAudioState { available: boolean; muted: boolean; unmuteBlocked: boolean; } interface IScreenshareState { available: boolean; muted: number; unmuteBlocked: boolean; } interface IVideoState { available: boolean; facingMode: string; muted: number; transforms: Object; unmuteBlocked: boolean; } export interface IMediaState { audio: IAudioState; screenshare: IScreenshareState; video: IVideoState; } /** * Listen for various actions related to media devices. * * @param {Object} state - State of media devices. * @param {Object} action - Action object. * @param {string} action.type - Type of action. * @param {Object} - Information about media devices to be * modified. * @returns {Object} */ ReducerRegistry.register('features/base/media', combineReducers({ audio: _audio, screenshare: _screenshare, video: _video })); /** * Removes all stored video {@link Transform}s. * * @param {Object} state - The {@code video} state of the feature base/media. * @private * @returns {Object} */ function _clearAllVideoTransforms(state: IVideoState) { return { ...state, transforms: _VIDEO_INITIAL_MEDIA_STATE.transforms }; } /** * Stores the last applied transform to a stream. * * @param {Object} state - The {@code video} state of the feature base/media. * @param {Object} action - The redux action {@link STORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM}. * @private * @returns {Object} */ function _storeVideoTransform(state: IVideoState, { streamId, transform }: { streamId: string, transform: string }) { return { ...state, transforms: { ...state.transforms, [streamId]: transform } }; } /** * Removes the stored video {@link Transform} associated with a * {@code MediaStream} when its respective track is removed. * * @param {Object} state - The {@code video} state of the feature base/media. * @param {Object} action - The redux action {@link TRACK_REMOVED}. * @private * @returns {Object} */ function _trackRemoved(state: IVideoState, { track: { jitsiTrack } } : {track: {jitsiTrack: any}}) { if (jitsiTrack) { const streamId = jitsiTrack.getStreamId(); if (streamId && streamId in state.transforms) { const nextTransforms: any = { ...state.transforms }; delete nextTransforms[streamId]; return { ...state, transforms: nextTransforms }; } } return state; }