// @flow import { jitsiLocalStorage } from '@jitsi/js-utils'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import { BILLING_ID, VPAAS_TENANT_PREFIX } from './constants'; import logger from './logger'; /** * Returns the full vpaas tenant if available, given a path. * * @param {string} path - The meeting url path. * @returns {string} */ export function extractVpaasTenantFromPath(path: string) { const [ , tenant ] = path.split('/'); if (tenant.startsWith(VPAAS_TENANT_PREFIX)) { return tenant; } return ''; } /** * Returns true if the current meeting is a vpaas one. * * @param {Object} state - The state of the app. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isVpaasMeeting(state: Object) { return Boolean( state['features/base/config'].billingCounterUrl && state['features/base/jwt'].jwt && extractVpaasTenantFromPath( state['features/base/connection'].locationURL.pathname) ); } /** * Sends a billing counter request. * * @param {Object} reqData - The request info. * @param {string} reqData.baseUrl - The base url for the request. * @param {string} billingId - The unique id of the client. * @param {string} jwt - The JWT token. * @param {string} tenat - The client tenant. * @returns {void} */ export async function sendCountRequest({ baseUrl, billingId, jwt, tenant }: { baseUrl: string, billingId: string, jwt: string, tenant: string }) { const fullUrl = `${baseUrl}/${encodeURIComponent(tenant)}/${billingId}`; const headers = { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${jwt}` }; try { const res = await fetch(fullUrl, { method: 'GET', headers }); if (!res.ok) { logger.error('Status error:', res.status); } } catch (err) { logger.error('Could not send request', err); } } /** * Returns the stored billing id (or generates a new one if none is present). * * @returns {string} */ export function getBillingId() { let billingId = jitsiLocalStorage.getItem(BILLING_ID); if (!billingId) { billingId = uuid.v4(); jitsiLocalStorage.setItem(BILLING_ID, billingId); } return billingId; }