/* global $, APP, AJS */ import Overlay from '../overlay/Overlay'; /** * An overlay dialog which is shown before the conference is reloaded. Shows * a warning message and counts down towards the reload. */ class PageReloadOverlayImpl extends Overlay{ /** * Creates new PageReloadOverlayImpl * @param {number} timeoutSeconds how long the overlay dialog will be * displayed, before the conference will be reloaded. */ constructor(timeoutSeconds) { super(); /** * Conference reload counter in seconds. * @type {number} */ this.timeLeft = timeoutSeconds; /** * Conference reload timeout in seconds. * @type {number} */ this.timeout = timeoutSeconds; } /** * Constructs overlay body with the warning message and count down towards * the conference reload. * @override */ _buildOverlayContent() { return `
`; } /** * Updates the progress indicator position and the label with the time left. */ updateDisplay() { const timeLeftTxt = APP.translation.translateString( "dialog.conferenceReloadTimeLeft", { seconds: this.timeLeft }); $("#reloadSecRemaining").text(timeLeftTxt); const ratio = (this.timeout - this.timeLeft) / this.timeout; AJS.progressBars.update("#reloadProgressBar", ratio); } /** * Starts the reload countdown with the animation. * @override */ _onShow() { // Initialize displays this.updateDisplay(); var intervalId = window.setInterval(function() { if (this.timeLeft >= 1) { this.timeLeft -= 1; } this.updateDisplay(); if (this.timeLeft === 0) { window.clearInterval(intervalId); APP.ConferenceUrl.reload(); } }.bind(this), 1000); console.info( "The conference will be reloaded after " + this.timeLeft + " seconds."); } } /** * Holds the page reload overlay instance. * * {@type PageReloadOverlayImpl} */ let overlay; export default { /** * Checks whether the page reload overlay has been displayed. * @return {boolean} true if the page reload overlay is currently * visible or false otherwise. */ isVisible() { return overlay && overlay.isVisible(); }, /** * Shows the page reload overlay which will do the conference reload after * the given amount of time. * * @param {number} timeoutSeconds how many seconds before the conference * reload will happen. */ show(timeoutSeconds) { if (!overlay) { overlay = new PageReloadOverlayImpl(timeoutSeconds); } overlay.show(); } };