import _ from 'lodash'; import { IStateful } from '../base/app/types'; import { getCurrentConference } from '../base/conference/functions'; import { getParticipantById, getParticipantCount, isLocalParticipantModerator } from '../base/participants/functions'; import { toState } from '../base/redux/functions'; import { FEATURE_KEY } from './constants'; import { IRoom, IRooms } from './types'; /** * Returns the rooms object for breakout rooms. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @returns {Object} Object of rooms. */ export const getBreakoutRooms = (stateful: IStateful): IRooms => toState(stateful)[FEATURE_KEY].rooms; /** * Returns the main room. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @returns {IRoom|undefined} The main room object, or undefined. */ export const getMainRoom = (stateful: IStateful) => { const rooms = getBreakoutRooms(stateful); return _.find(rooms, room => Boolean(room.isMainRoom)); }; export const getRoomsInfo = (stateful: IStateful) => { const breakoutRooms = getBreakoutRooms(stateful); const conference = getCurrentConference(stateful); const initialRoomsInfo = { rooms: [] }; // only main roomn if (!breakoutRooms || Object.keys(breakoutRooms).length === 0) { return { ...initialRoomsInfo, rooms: [ { isMainRoom: true, id: conference?.room?.roomjid, jid: conference?.room?.myroomjid, participants: conference?.participants && Object.keys(conference.participants).length ? Object.keys(conference.participants).map(participantId => { const participantItem = conference?.participants[participantId]; const storeParticipant = getParticipantById(stateful, participantItem._id); return { jid: participantItem._jid, role: participantItem._role, displayName: participantItem._displayName, avatarUrl: storeParticipant?.loadableAvatarUrl, id: participantItem._id }; }) : [] } ] }; } return { ...initialRoomsInfo, rooms: Object.keys(breakoutRooms).map(breakoutRoomKey => { const breakoutRoomItem = breakoutRooms[breakoutRoomKey]; return { isMainRoom: Boolean(breakoutRoomItem.isMainRoom), id:, jid: breakoutRoomItem.jid, participants: breakoutRoomItem.participants && Object.keys(breakoutRoomItem.participants).length ? Object.keys(breakoutRoomItem.participants).map(participantLongId => { const participantItem = breakoutRoomItem.participants[participantLongId]; const ids = participantLongId.split('/'); const storeParticipant = getParticipantById(stateful, ids.length > 1 ? ids[1] : participantItem.jid); return { jid: participantItem?.jid, role: participantItem?.role, displayName: participantItem?.displayName, avatarUrl: storeParticipant?.loadableAvatarUrl, id: storeParticipant ? : participantLongId }; }) : [] }; }) }; }; /** * Returns the room by Jid. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @param {string} roomJid - The jid of the room. * @returns {IRoom|undefined} The main room object, or undefined. */ export const getRoomByJid = (stateful: IStateful, roomJid: string) => { const rooms = getBreakoutRooms(stateful); return _.find(rooms, (room: IRoom) => room.jid === roomJid); }; /** * Returns the id of the current room. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @returns {string} Room id or undefined. */ export const getCurrentRoomId = (stateful: IStateful) => { const conference = getCurrentConference(stateful); return conference?.getName(); }; /** * Determines whether the local participant is in a breakout room. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @returns {boolean} */ export const isInBreakoutRoom = (stateful: IStateful) => { const conference = getCurrentConference(stateful); return conference?.getBreakoutRooms() ?.isBreakoutRoom(); }; /** * Returns the breakout rooms config. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - The redux store, the redux * {@code getState} function, or the redux state itself. * @returns {Object} */ export const getBreakoutRoomsConfig = (stateful: IStateful) => { const state = toState(stateful); const { breakoutRooms = {} } = state['features/base/config']; return breakoutRooms; }; /** * Returns whether the add breakout room button is visible. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - Global state. * @returns {boolean} */ export const isAddBreakoutRoomButtonVisible = (stateful: IStateful) => { const state = toState(stateful); const isLocalModerator = isLocalParticipantModerator(state); const { conference } = state['features/base/conference']; const isBreakoutRoomsSupported = conference?.getBreakoutRooms()?.isSupported(); const { hideAddRoomButton } = getBreakoutRoomsConfig(state); return isLocalModerator && isBreakoutRoomsSupported && !hideAddRoomButton; }; /** * Returns whether the auto assign participants to breakout rooms button is visible. * * @param {IStateful} stateful - Global state. * @returns {boolean} */ export const isAutoAssignParticipantsVisible = (stateful: IStateful) => { const state = toState(stateful); const rooms = getBreakoutRooms(state); const inBreakoutRoom = isInBreakoutRoom(state); const isLocalModerator = isLocalParticipantModerator(state); const participantsCount = getParticipantCount(state); const { hideAutoAssignButton } = getBreakoutRoomsConfig(state); return !inBreakoutRoom && isLocalModerator && participantsCount > 2 && Object.keys(rooms).length > 1 && !hideAutoAssignButton; };