// @flow import { isMobileBrowser } from '../base/environment/utils'; import { JitsiRecordingConstants, browser } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { getLocalParticipant, getRemoteParticipants, isLocalParticipantModerator } from '../base/participants'; import { isInBreakoutRoom } from '../breakout-rooms/functions'; import { isEnabled as isDropboxEnabled } from '../dropbox'; import { extractFqnFromPath } from '../dynamic-branding/functions.any'; import LocalRecordingManager from './components/Recording/LocalRecordingManager'; import { RECORDING_STATUS_PRIORITIES, RECORDING_TYPES } from './constants'; import logger from './logger'; /** * Searches in the passed in redux state for an active recording session of the * passed in mode. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * @param {string} mode - Find an active recording session of the given mode. * @returns {Object|undefined} */ export function getActiveSession(state: Object, mode: string) { const { sessionDatas } = state['features/recording']; const { status: statusConstants } = JitsiRecordingConstants; return sessionDatas.find(sessionData => sessionData.mode === mode && (sessionData.status === statusConstants.ON || sessionData.status === statusConstants.PENDING)); } /** * Returns an estimated recording duration based on the size of the video file * in MB. The estimate is calculated under the assumption that 1 min of recorded * video needs 10MB of storage on average. * * @param {number} size - The size in MB of the recorded video. * @returns {number} - The estimated duration in minutes. */ export function getRecordingDurationEstimation(size: ?number) { return Math.floor((size || 0) / 10); } /** * Searches in the passed in redux state for a recording session that matches * the passed in recording session ID. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * @param {string} id - The ID of the recording session to find. * @returns {Object|undefined} */ export function getSessionById(state: Object, id: string) { return state['features/recording'].sessionDatas.find( sessionData => sessionData.id === id); } /** * Fetches the recording link from the server. * * @param {string} url - The base url. * @param {string} recordingSessionId - The ID of the recording session to find. * @param {string} region - The meeting region. * @param {string} tenant - The meeting tenant. * @returns {Promise} */ export async function getRecordingLink(url: string, recordingSessionId: string, region: string, tenant: string) { const fullUrl = `${url}?recordingSessionId=${recordingSessionId}®ion=${region}&tenant=${tenant}`; const res = await fetch(fullUrl, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }); const json = await res.json(); return res.ok ? json : Promise.reject(json); } /** * Selector used for determining if recording is saved on dropbox. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * @returns {string} */ export function isSavingRecordingOnDropbox(state: Object) { return isDropboxEnabled(state) && state['features/recording'].selectedRecordingService === RECORDING_TYPES.DROPBOX; } /** * Selector used for determining disable state for the meeting highlight button. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * @returns {string} */ export function isHighlightMeetingMomentDisabled(state: Object) { return state['features/recording'].disableHighlightMeetingMoment; } /** * Returns the recording session status that is to be shown in a label. E.g. If * there is a session with the status OFF and one with PENDING, then the PENDING * one will be shown, because that is likely more important for the user to see. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * @param {string} mode - The recording mode to get status for. * @returns {string|undefined} */ export function getSessionStatusToShow(state: Object, mode: string): ?string { const recordingSessions = state['features/recording'].sessionDatas; let status; if (Array.isArray(recordingSessions)) { for (const session of recordingSessions) { if (session.mode === mode && (!status || (RECORDING_STATUS_PRIORITIES.indexOf(session.status) > RECORDING_STATUS_PRIORITIES.indexOf(status)))) { status = session.status; } } } if ((!Array.isArray(recordingSessions) || recordingSessions.length === 0) && mode === JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.FILE && (LocalRecordingManager.isRecordingLocally() || isRemoteParticipantRecordingLocally(state))) { status = JitsiRecordingConstants.status.ON; } return status; } /** * Check if local recording is supported. * * @returns {boolean} - Whether local recording is supported or not. */ export function supportsLocalRecording() { return browser.isChromiumBased() && !browser.isElectron() && !isMobileBrowser() && navigator.product !== 'ReactNative'; } /** * Returns the recording button props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state to search in. * * @returns {{ * disabled: boolean, * tooltip: string, * visible: boolean * }} */ export function getRecordButtonProps(state: Object): ?string { let visible; // a button can be disabled/enabled if enableFeaturesBasedOnToken // is on or if the livestreaming is running. let disabled; let tooltip = ''; // If the containing component provides the visible prop, that is one // above all, but if not, the button should be autonomus and decide on // its own to be visible or not. const isModerator = isLocalParticipantModerator(state); const { enableFeaturesBasedOnToken, recordingService, localRecording } = state['features/base/config']; const { features = {} } = getLocalParticipant(state); const localRecordingEnabled = !localRecording?.disable && supportsLocalRecording(); const dropboxEnabled = isDropboxEnabled(state); visible = isModerator && (recordingService?.enabled || localRecordingEnabled || dropboxEnabled); if (enableFeaturesBasedOnToken) { visible = visible && String(features.recording) === 'true'; disabled = String(features.recording) === 'disabled'; if (!visible && !disabled) { disabled = true; visible = true; tooltip = 'dialog.recordingDisabledTooltip'; } } // disable the button if the livestreaming is running. if (getActiveSession(state, JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM)) { disabled = true; tooltip = 'dialog.recordingDisabledBecauseOfActiveLiveStreamingTooltip'; } // disable the button if we are in a breakout room. if (isInBreakoutRoom(state)) { disabled = true; visible = false; } return { disabled, tooltip, visible }; } /** * Returns the resource id. * * @param {Object | string} recorder - A participant or it's resource. * @returns {string|undefined} */ export function getResourceId(recorder: string | Object) { if (recorder) { return typeof recorder === 'string' ? recorder : recorder.getId(); } } /** * Sends a meeting highlight to backend. * * @param {Object} state - Redux state. * @returns {boolean} - True if sent, false otherwise. */ export async function sendMeetingHighlight(state: Object) { const { webhookProxyUrl: url } = state['features/base/config']; const { conference } = state['features/base/conference']; const { jwt } = state['features/base/jwt']; const { connection } = state['features/base/connection']; const jid = connection.getJid(); const localParticipant = getLocalParticipant(state); const headers = { ...jwt ? { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${jwt}` } : {}, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; const reqBody = { meetingFqn: extractFqnFromPath(state), sessionId: conference.getMeetingUniqueId(), submitted: Date.now(), participantId: localParticipant.jwtId, participantName: localParticipant.name, participantJid: jid }; if (url) { try { const res = await fetch(`${url}/v2/highlights`, { method: 'POST', headers, body: JSON.stringify(reqBody) }); if (res.ok) { return true; } logger.error('Status error:', res.status); } catch (err) { logger.error('Could not send request', err); } } return false; } /** * Whether a remote participant is recording locally or not. * * @param {Object} state - Redux state. * @returns {boolean} */ function isRemoteParticipantRecordingLocally(state) { const participants = getRemoteParticipants(state); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const for (let value of participants.values()) { if (value.localRecording) { return true; } } return false; }