// @flow import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import { pinParticipant, getPinnedParticipant } from '../base/participants'; import { StateListenerRegistry, equals } from '../base/redux'; import { isFollowMeActive } from '../follow-me'; import { selectParticipant } from '../large-video'; import { setParticipantsWithScreenShare } from './actions'; declare var APP: Object; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** * StateListenerRegistry provides a reliable way of detecting changes to * preferred layout state and dispatching additional actions. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => state['features/video-layout'].tileViewEnabled, /* listener */ (tileViewEnabled, store) => { const { dispatch } = store; dispatch(selectParticipant()); } ); /** * For auto-pin mode, listen for changes to the known media tracks and look * for updates to screen shares. The listener is debounced to avoid state * thrashing that might occur, especially when switching in or out of p2p. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => state['features/base/tracks'], /* listener */ debounce((tracks, store) => { if (!_getAutoPinSetting() || isFollowMeActive(store)) { return; } const oldScreenSharesOrder = store.getState()['features/video-layout'].screenShares || []; const knownSharingParticipantIds = tracks.reduce((acc, track) => { if (track.mediaType === 'video' && track.videoType === 'desktop') { const skipTrack = _getAutoPinSetting() === 'remote-only' && track.local; if (!skipTrack) { acc.push(track.participantId); } } return acc; }, []); // Filter out any participants which are no longer screen sharing // by looping through the known sharing participants and removing any // participant IDs which are no longer sharing. const newScreenSharesOrder = oldScreenSharesOrder.filter( participantId => knownSharingParticipantIds.includes(participantId)); // Make sure all new sharing participant get added to the end of the // known screen shares. knownSharingParticipantIds.forEach(participantId => { if (!newScreenSharesOrder.includes(participantId)) { newScreenSharesOrder.push(participantId); } }); if (!equals(oldScreenSharesOrder, newScreenSharesOrder)) { store.dispatch( setParticipantsWithScreenShare(newScreenSharesOrder)); _updateAutoPinnedParticipant(store); } }, 100)); /** * A selector for retrieving the current automatic pinning setting. * * @private * @returns {string|undefined} The string "remote-only" is returned if only * remote screensharing should be automatically pinned, any other truthy value * means automatically pin all screenshares. Falsy means do not automatically * pin any screenshares. */ function _getAutoPinSetting() { return typeof interfaceConfig === 'object' ? interfaceConfig.AUTO_PIN_LATEST_SCREEN_SHARE : 'remote-only'; } /** * Private helper to automatically pin the latest screen share stream or unpin * if there are no more screen share streams. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @returns {void} */ function _updateAutoPinnedParticipant({ dispatch, getState }) { const state = getState(); const screenShares = state['features/video-layout'].screenShares; if (!screenShares) { return; } const latestScreenshareParticipantId = screenShares[screenShares.length - 1]; const pinned = getPinnedParticipant(getState); if (latestScreenshareParticipantId) { dispatch(pinParticipant(latestScreenshareParticipantId)); } else if (pinned) { dispatch(pinParticipant(null)); } }