import React from 'react'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { IReduxState } from '../../../app/types'; import { openDialog } from '../../../base/dialog/actions'; import { IconConnection } from '../../../base/icons/svg'; import Label from '../../../base/label/components/web/Label'; import { COLORS } from '../../../base/label/constants'; import { getParticipantCount } from '../../../base/participants/functions'; import { SpeakerStats } from '../../../speaker-stats'; import { isSpeakerStatsDisabled } from '../../../speaker-stats/functions'; /** * ParticipantsCount react component. * Displays the number of participants and opens Speaker stats on click. * * @class ParticipantsCount */ function SpeakerStatsLabel() { const conference = useSelector((state: IReduxState) => state['features/base/conference'].conference); const count = useSelector(getParticipantCount); const _isSpeakerStatsDisabled = useSelector(isSpeakerStatsDisabled); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const onClick = () => { dispatch(openDialog(SpeakerStats, { conference })); }; if (count <= 2 || _isSpeakerStatsDisabled) { return null; } return (