import 'image-capture'; import './createImageBitmap'; import { IStore } from '../app/types'; import { getLocalVideoTrack } from '../base/tracks/functions'; import { getBaseUrl } from '../base/util/helpers'; import { addFaceLandmarks, clearFaceExpressionBuffer, newFaceBox } from './actions'; import { DETECTION_TYPES, DETECT_FACE, FACE_LANDMARKS_DETECTION_ERROR_THRESHOLD, INIT_WORKER, NO_DETECTION, NO_FACE_DETECTION_THRESHOLD, WEBHOOK_SEND_TIME_INTERVAL } from './constants'; import { getDetectionInterval, sendFaceExpressionsWebhook } from './functions'; import logger from './logger'; /** * Class for face language detection. */ class FaceLandmarksDetector { private static instance: FaceLandmarksDetector; private initialized = false; private imageCapture: ImageCapture | null = null; private worker: Worker | null = null; private lastFaceExpression: string | null = null; private lastFaceExpressionTimestamp: number | null = null; private webhookSendInterval: number | null = null; private detectionInterval: number | null = null; private recognitionActive = false; private canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement; private context?: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null; private errorCount = 0; private noDetectionCount = 0; private noDetectionStartTimestamp: number | null = null; /** * Constructor for class, checks if the environment supports OffscreenCanvas. */ private constructor() { if (typeof OffscreenCanvas === 'undefined') { this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); } } /** * Function for retrieving the FaceLandmarksDetector instance. * * @returns {FaceLandmarksDetector} - FaceLandmarksDetector instance. */ public static getInstance(): FaceLandmarksDetector { if (!FaceLandmarksDetector.instance) { FaceLandmarksDetector.instance = new FaceLandmarksDetector(); } return FaceLandmarksDetector.instance; } /** * Returns if the detected environment is initialized. * * @returns {boolean} */ isInitialized(): boolean { return this.initialized; } /** * Initialization function: the worker is loaded and initialized, and then if possible the detection stats. * * @param {IStore} store - Redux store with dispatch and getState methods. * @returns {void} */ init({ dispatch, getState }: IStore) { if (this.isInitialized()) {'Worker has already been initialized'); return; } if (navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { logger.warn('Unsupported environment for face detection'); return; } const baseUrl = `${getBaseUrl()}libs/`; let workerUrl = `${baseUrl}face-landmarks-worker.min.js`; // @ts-ignore const workerBlob = new Blob([ `importScripts("${workerUrl}");` ], { type: 'application/javascript' }); const state = getState(); const addToBuffer = Boolean(state['features/base/config'].webhookProxyUrl); // @ts-ignore workerUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(workerBlob); this.worker = new Worker(workerUrl, { name: 'Face Landmarks Worker' }); this.worker.onmessage = ({ data }: MessageEvent) => { const { faceExpression, faceBox, faceCount } = data; const messageTimestamp =; // if the number of faces detected is different from 1 we do not take into consideration that detection if (faceCount !== 1) { if (this.noDetectionCount === 0) { this.noDetectionStartTimestamp = messageTimestamp; } this.noDetectionCount++; if (this.noDetectionCount === NO_FACE_DETECTION_THRESHOLD && this.noDetectionStartTimestamp) { this.addFaceLandmarks( dispatch, this.noDetectionStartTimestamp, NO_DETECTION, addToBuffer ); } return; } else if (this.noDetectionCount > 0) { this.noDetectionCount = 0; this.noDetectionStartTimestamp = null; } if (faceExpression?.expression) { const { expression } = faceExpression; if (expression !== this.lastFaceExpression) { this.addFaceLandmarks( dispatch, messageTimestamp, expression, addToBuffer ); } } if (faceBox) { dispatch(newFaceBox(faceBox)); } APP.API.notifyFaceLandmarkDetected(faceBox, faceExpression); }; const { faceLandmarks } = state['features/base/config']; const detectionTypes = [ faceLandmarks?.enableFaceCentering && DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_BOX, faceLandmarks?.enableFaceExpressionsDetection && DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_EXPRESSIONS ].filter(Boolean); this.worker.postMessage({ type: INIT_WORKER, baseUrl, detectionTypes }); this.initialized = true; this.startDetection({ dispatch, getState }); } /** * The function which starts the detection process. * * @param {IStore} store - Redux store with dispatch and getState methods. * @param {any} track - Track from middleware; can be undefined. * @returns {void} */ startDetection({ dispatch, getState }: IStore, track?: any) { if (!this.isInitialized()) {'Worker has not been initialized'); return; } if (this.recognitionActive) { logger.log('Face landmarks detection already active.'); return; } const state = getState(); const localVideoTrack = track || getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks']); if (localVideoTrack === undefined) { logger.warn('Face landmarks detection is disabled due to missing local track.'); return; } const stream = localVideoTrack.jitsiTrack.getOriginalStream(); const firstVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; this.imageCapture = new ImageCapture(firstVideoTrack); this.recognitionActive = true; logger.log('Start face landmarks detection'); const { faceLandmarks } = state['features/base/config']; this.detectionInterval = window.setInterval(() => { if (this.worker && this.imageCapture) { this.sendDataToWorker( faceLandmarks?.faceCenteringThreshold ).then(status => { if (status) { this.errorCount = 0; } else if (++this.errorCount > FACE_LANDMARKS_DETECTION_ERROR_THRESHOLD) { /* this prevents the detection from stopping immediately after occurring an error * sometimes due to the small detection interval when starting the detection some errors * might occur due to the track not being ready */ this.stopDetection({ dispatch, getState }); } }); } }, getDetectionInterval(state)); const { webhookProxyUrl } = state['features/base/config']; if (faceLandmarks?.enableFaceExpressionsDetection && webhookProxyUrl) { this.webhookSendInterval = window.setInterval(async () => { const result = await sendFaceExpressionsWebhook(getState()); if (result) { dispatch(clearFaceExpressionBuffer()); } }, WEBHOOK_SEND_TIME_INTERVAL); } } /** * The function which stops the detection process. * * @param {IStore} store - Redux store with dispatch and getState methods. * @returns {void} */ stopDetection({ dispatch, getState }: IStore) { if (!this.recognitionActive || !this.isInitialized()) { return; } const stopTimestamp =; const addToBuffer = Boolean(getState()['features/base/config'].webhookProxyUrl); if (this.lastFaceExpression && this.lastFaceExpressionTimestamp) { this.addFaceLandmarks(dispatch, stopTimestamp, null, addToBuffer); } this.webhookSendInterval && window.clearInterval(this.webhookSendInterval); this.detectionInterval && window.clearInterval(this.detectionInterval); this.webhookSendInterval = null; this.detectionInterval = null; this.imageCapture = null; this.recognitionActive = false; logger.log('Stop face landmarks detection'); } /** * Dispatches the action for adding new face landmarks and changes the state of the class. * * @param {IStore.dispatch} dispatch - The redux dispatch function. * @param {number} endTimestamp - The timestamp when the face landmarks ended. * @param {string} newFaceExpression - The new face expression. * @param {boolean} addToBuffer - Flag for adding the face landmarks to the buffer. * @returns {void} */ private addFaceLandmarks( dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], endTimestamp: number, newFaceExpression: string | null, addToBuffer = false) { if (this.lastFaceExpression && this.lastFaceExpressionTimestamp) { dispatch(addFaceLandmarks( { duration: endTimestamp - this.lastFaceExpressionTimestamp, faceExpression: this.lastFaceExpression, timestamp: this.lastFaceExpressionTimestamp }, addToBuffer )); } this.lastFaceExpression = newFaceExpression; this.lastFaceExpressionTimestamp = endTimestamp; } /** * Sends the image data a canvas from the track in the image capture to the face detection worker. * * @param {number} faceCenteringThreshold - Movement threshold as percentage for sharing face coordinates. * @returns {Promise} - True if sent, false otherwise. */ private async sendDataToWorker(faceCenteringThreshold = 10): Promise { if (!this.imageCapture || !this.worker || !this.imageCapture) { logger.log('Environment not ready! Could not send data to worker'); return false; } // if ImageCapture is polyfilled then it would not have the track, // so there would be no point in checking for its readyState if (this.imageCapture.track && this.imageCapture.track.readyState !== 'live') { logger.log('Track not ready! Could not send data to worker'); return false; } let imageBitmap; let image; try { imageBitmap = await this.imageCapture.grabFrame(); } catch (err) { logger.log('Could not send data to worker'); return false; } if (typeof OffscreenCanvas === 'undefined' && this.canvas && this.context) { this.canvas.width = imageBitmap.width; this.canvas.height = imageBitmap.height; this.context.drawImage(imageBitmap, 0, 0); image = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, imageBitmap.width, imageBitmap.height); } else { image = imageBitmap; } this.worker.postMessage({ type: DETECT_FACE, image, threshold: faceCenteringThreshold }); imageBitmap.close(); return true; } } export default FaceLandmarksDetector.getInstance();