// @flow import { toState } from '../base/redux'; import { parseStandardURIString } from '../base/util'; import { i18next, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, LANGUAGES } from '../base/i18n'; import { createLocalTrack } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet/functions'; import { getLocalParticipant, isLocalParticipantModerator } from '../base/participants'; import { isFollowMeActive } from '../follow-me'; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** * Used for web. Indicates if the setting section is enabled. * * @param {string} settingName - The name of the setting section as defined in * interface_config.js and SettingsMenu.js. * @returns {boolean} True to indicate that the given setting section * is enabled, false otherwise. */ export function isSettingEnabled(settingName: string) { return interfaceConfig.SETTINGS_SECTIONS.includes(settingName); } /** * Normalizes a URL entered by the user. * FIXME: Consider adding this to base/util/uri. * * @param {string} url - The URL to validate. * @returns {string|null} - The normalized URL, or null if the URL is invalid. */ export function normalizeUserInputURL(url: string) { /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ if (url) { url = url.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase(); const urlRegExp = new RegExp('^(\\w+://)?(.+)$'); const urlComponents = urlRegExp.exec(url); if (urlComponents && (!urlComponents[1] || !urlComponents[1].startsWith('http'))) { url = `https://${urlComponents[2]}`; } const parsedURI = parseStandardURIString(url); if (!parsedURI.host) { return null; } return parsedURI.toString(); } return url; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ } /** * Used for web. Returns whether or not only Device Selection is configured to * display as a setting. * * @returns {boolean} */ export function shouldShowOnlyDeviceSelection() { return interfaceConfig.SETTINGS_SECTIONS.length === 1 && isSettingEnabled('devices'); } /** * Returns the properties for the "More" tab from settings dialog from Redux * state. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful -The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @returns {Object} - The properties for the "More" tab from settings dialog. */ export function getMoreTabProps(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful); const language = i18next.language || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; const { conference, followMeEnabled, startAudioMutedPolicy, startVideoMutedPolicy } = state['features/base/conference']; const followMeActive = isFollowMeActive(state); const configuredTabs = interfaceConfig.SETTINGS_SECTIONS || []; // The settings sections to display. const showModeratorSettings = Boolean( conference && configuredTabs.includes('moderator') && isLocalParticipantModerator(state)); return { currentLanguage: language, followMeActive: Boolean(conference && followMeActive), followMeEnabled: Boolean(conference && followMeEnabled), languages: LANGUAGES, showLanguageSettings: configuredTabs.includes('language'), showModeratorSettings, startAudioMuted: Boolean(conference && startAudioMutedPolicy), startVideoMuted: Boolean(conference && startVideoMutedPolicy) }; } /** * Returns the properties for the "Profile" tab from settings dialog from Redux * state. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful -The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @returns {Object} - The properties for the "Profile" tab from settings * dialog. */ export function getProfileTabProps(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful); const { authEnabled, authLogin, conference } = state['features/base/conference']; const localParticipant = getLocalParticipant(state); return { authEnabled: Boolean(conference && authEnabled), authLogin, displayName: localParticipant.name, email: localParticipant.email }; } /** * Returns a promise which resolves with a list of objects containing * all the video jitsiTracks and appropriate errors for the given device ids. * * @param {string[]} ids - The list of the camera ids for wich to create tracks. * * @returns {Promise} */ export function createLocalVideoTracks(ids: string[]) { return Promise.all(ids.map(deviceId => createLocalTrack('video', deviceId) .then(jitsiTrack => { return { jitsiTrack, deviceId }; }) .catch(() => { return { jitsiTrack: null, deviceId, error: 'deviceSelection.previewUnavailable' }; }))); } /** * Returns a promise which resolves with an object containing the corresponding * the audio jitsiTrack/error. * * @param {string} deviceId - The deviceId for the current microphone. * * @returns {Promise} */ export function createLocalAudioTrack(deviceId: string) { return createLocalTrack('audio', deviceId) .then(jitsiTrack => { return { hasError: false, jitsiTrack }; }) .catch(() => { return { hasError: true, jitsiTrack: null }; }); } /** * Returns the visibility state of the audio settings. * * @param {Object} state - The state of the application. * @returns {boolean} */ export function getAudioSettingsVisibility(state: Object) { return state['features/settings'].audioSettingsVisible; } /** * Returns the visibility state of the video settings. * * @param {Object} state - The state of the application. * @returns {boolean} */ export function getVideoSettingsVisibility(state: Object) { return state['features/settings'].videoSettingsVisible; }