import { JitsiRecordingConstants } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when a live streaming session is stopped. * * @type {string} */ export const LIVE_STREAMING_OFF_SOUND_ID = 'LIVE_STREAMING_OFF_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when a live streaming session is started. * * @type {string} */ export const LIVE_STREAMING_ON_SOUND_ID = 'LIVE_STREAMING_ON_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the prompt to start recording notification. * * @type {string} */ export const PROMPT_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_ID = 'PROMPT_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_ID'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when a recording session is stopped. * * @type {string} */ export const RECORDING_OFF_SOUND_ID = 'RECORDING_OFF_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when a recording session is started. * * @type {string} */ export const RECORDING_ON_SOUND_ID = 'RECORDING_ON_SOUND'; /** * Expected supported recording types. * * @enum {string} */ export const RECORDING_TYPES = { JITSI_REC_SERVICE: 'recording-service', DROPBOX: 'dropbox', LOCAL: 'local' }; /** * An array defining the priorities of the recording (or live streaming) * statuses, where the index of the array is the priority itself. * * @type {Array} */ export const RECORDING_STATUS_PRIORITIES = [ JitsiRecordingConstants.status.OFF, JitsiRecordingConstants.status.PENDING, JitsiRecordingConstants.status.ON ];