 * Contact list.
var ContactList = (function (my) {
     * Indicates if the chat is currently visible.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the chat is currently visible, <tt>false</tt> -
     * otherwise
    my.isVisible = function () {
        return $('#contactlist').is(":visible");

     * Adds a contact for the given peerJid if such doesn't yet exist.
     * @param peerJid the peerJid corresponding to the contact
    my.ensureAddContact = function(peerJid) {
        var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid);

        var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]');

        if (!contact || contact.length <= 0)

     * Adds a contact for the given peer jid.
     * @param peerJid the jid of the contact to add
    my.addContact = function(peerJid) {
        var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid);

        var contactlist = $('#contactlist>ul');

        var newContact = document.createElement('li');
        newContact.id = resourceJid;
        newContact.className = "clickable";
        newContact.onclick = function(event) {
            if(event.currentTarget.className === "clickable") {
                var jid = event.currentTarget.id;
                var videoContainer = $("#participant_" + jid);
                if (videoContainer.length > 0) {
                } else if (jid == Strophe.getResourceFromJid(connection.emuc.myroomjid)) {


        var clElement = contactlist.get(0);

        if (resourceJid === Strophe.getResourceFromJid(connection.emuc.myroomjid)
            && $('#contactlist>ul .title')[0].nextSibling.nextSibling)
                    $('#contactlist>ul .title')[0].nextSibling.nextSibling);
        else {

     * Removes a contact for the given peer jid.
     * @param peerJid the peerJid corresponding to the contact to remove
    my.removeContact = function(peerJid) {
        var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid);

        var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]');

        if (contact && contact.length > 0) {
            var contactlist = $('#contactlist>ul');


     * Opens / closes the contact list area.
    my.toggleContactList = function () {
        var contactlist = $('#contactlist');
        var videospace = $('#videospace');

        var chatSize = (ContactList.isVisible()) ? [0, 0] : Chat.getChatSize();
        var videospaceWidth = window.innerWidth - chatSize[0];
        var videospaceHeight = window.innerHeight;
        var videoSize
            = getVideoSize(null, null, videospaceWidth, videospaceHeight);
        var videoWidth = videoSize[0];
        var videoHeight = videoSize[1];
        var videoPosition = getVideoPosition(videoWidth,
        var horizontalIndent = videoPosition[0];
        var verticalIndent = videoPosition[1];

        var thumbnailSize = VideoLayout.calculateThumbnailSize(videospaceWidth);
        var thumbnailsWidth = thumbnailSize[0];
        var thumbnailsHeight = thumbnailSize[1];
        var completeFunction = ContactList.isVisible() ?
            function() {} : function () { contactlist.trigger('shown');};

        videospace.animate({right: chatSize[0],
                            width: videospaceWidth,
                            height: videospaceHeight},
                            {queue: false,
                            duration: 500,
                            complete: completeFunction

        $('#remoteVideos').animate({height: thumbnailsHeight},
                                    {queue: false,
                                    duration: 500});

        $('#remoteVideos>span').animate({height: thumbnailsHeight,
                                        width: thumbnailsWidth},
                                        {queue: false,
                                        duration: 500,
                                        complete: function() {

        $('#largeVideoContainer').animate({ width: videospaceWidth,
                                            height: videospaceHeight},
                                            {queue: false,
                                             duration: 500

        $('#largeVideo').animate({  width: videoWidth,
                                    height: videoHeight,
                                    top: verticalIndent,
                                    bottom: verticalIndent,
                                    left: horizontalIndent,
                                    right: horizontalIndent},
                                    {   queue: false,
                                        duration: 500

        if (ContactList.isVisible()) {
            $('#contactlist').hide("slide", { direction: "right",
                                            queue: false,
                                            duration: 500});
        } else {
            // Undock the toolbar when the chat is shown and if we're in a 
            // video mode.
            if (VideoLayout.isLargeVideoVisible())

            $('#contactlist').show("slide", { direction: "right",
                                            queue: false,
                                            duration: 500});

     * Creates the avatar element.
     * @return the newly created avatar element
    function createAvatar() {
        var avatar = document.createElement('i');
        avatar.className = "icon-avatar avatar";

        return avatar;

     * Creates the display name paragraph.
     * @param displayName the display name to set
    function createDisplayNameParagraph(displayName) {
        var p = document.createElement('p');
        p.innerHTML = displayName;

        return p;

     * Indicates that the display name has changed.
    $(document).bind(   'displaynamechanged',
                        function (event, peerJid, displayName) {
        if (peerJid === 'localVideoContainer')
            peerJid = connection.emuc.myroomjid;

        var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid);

        var contactName = $('#contactlist #' + resourceJid + '>p');

        if (contactName && displayName && displayName.length > 0)

    my.setClickable = function(resourceJid, isClickable) {
        var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]');
        if(isClickable) {
        } else {

    return my;
}(ContactList || {}));