var KeyboardShortcut = (function(my) { //maps keycode to character, id of popover for given function and function var shortcuts = { 67: { character: "C", id: "toggleChatPopover", function: BottomToolbar.toggleChat }, 70: { character: "F", id: "filmstripPopover", function: BottomToolbar.toggleFilmStrip }, 77: { character: "M", id: "mutePopover", function: toggleAudio }, 84: { character: "T", function: function() { if(!isAudioMuted()) { toggleAudio(); } } }, 86: { character: "V", id: "toggleVideoPopover", function: toggleVideo } }; window.onkeyup = function(e) { if(!($(":focus").is("input[type=text]") || $(":focus").is("input[type=password]") || $(":focus").is("textarea"))) { var keycode = e.which; if (typeof shortcuts[keycode] === "object") { shortcuts[keycode].function(); } else if (keycode >= "0".charCodeAt(0) && keycode <= "9".charCodeAt(0)) { var remoteVideos = $(".videocontainer:not(#mixedstream)"), videoWanted = keycode - "0".charCodeAt(0) + 1; if (remoteVideos.length > videoWanted) { remoteVideos[videoWanted].click(); } } } }; window.onkeydown = function(e) { if(!($(":focus").is("input[type=text]") || $(":focus").is("input[type=password]") || $(":focus").is("textarea"))) { if(e.which === "T".charCodeAt(0)) { if(isAudioMuted()) { toggleAudio(); } } } }; /** * * @param id indicates the popover associated with the shortcut * @returns {string} the keyboard shortcut used for the id given */ my.getShortcut = function(id) { for(var keycode in shortcuts) { if(shortcuts.hasOwnProperty(keycode)) { if (shortcuts[keycode].id === id) { return " (" + shortcuts[keycode].character + ")"; } } } return ""; }; return my; }(KeyboardShortcut || {}));