--- This is a port of Jicofo's Reservation System as a prosody module -- ref: https://github.com/jitsi/jicofo/blob/master/doc/reservation.md -- -- We try to retain the same behaviour and interfaces where possible, but there -- is some difference: -- * In the event that the DELETE call fails, Jicofo's reservation -- system retains reservation data and allows re-creation of room if requested by -- the same creator without making further call to the API; this module does not -- offer this behaviour. Re-creation of a closed room will behave like a new meeting -- and trigger a new API call to validate the reservation. -- * Jicofo's reservation system expect int-based conflict_id. We take any sensible string. -- -- In broad strokes, this module works by intercepting Conference IQs sent to focus component -- and buffers it until reservation is confirmed (by calling the provided API endpoint). -- The IQ events are routed on to focus component if reservation is valid, or error -- response is sent back to the origin if reservation is denied. Events are routed as usual -- if the room already exists. -- -- -- Installation: -- ============= -- -- Under domain config, -- 1. add "reservations" to modules_enabled. -- 2. Specify URL base for your API endpoint using "reservations_api_prefix" (required) -- 3. Optional config: -- * set "reservations_api_timeout" to change API call timeouts (defaults to 20 seconds) -- * set "reservations_api_headers" to specify custom HTTP headers included in -- all API calls e.g. to provide auth tokens. -- * set "reservations_api_retry_count" to the number of times API call failures are retried (defaults to 3) -- * set "reservations_api_retry_delay" seconds to wait between retries (defaults to 3s) -- * set "reservations_api_should_retry_for_code" to a function that takes an HTTP response code and -- returns true if API call should be retried. By default, retries are done for 5XX -- responses. Timeouts are never retried, and HTTP call failures are always retried. -- * set "reservations_enable_max_occupants" to true to enable integration with -- mod_muc_max_occupants. Setting thia will allow optional "max_occupants" -- payload from API to influence max occupants allowed for a given room. -- -- -- Example config: -- -- VirtualHost "jitmeet.example.com" -- modules_enabled = { -- "reservations"; -- } -- reservations_api_prefix = "http://reservation.example.com" -- -- --- The following are all optional -- reservations_api_headers = { -- ["Authorization"] = "Bearer TOKEN-237958623045"; -- } -- reservations_api_timeout = 10 -- timeout if API does not respond within 10s -- reservations_api_retry_count = 5 -- retry up to 5 times -- reservations_api_retry_delay = 1 -- wait 1s between retries -- reservations_api_should_retry_for_code = function (code) -- return code >= 500 or code == 408 -- end -- local jid = require 'util.jid'; local http = require "net.http"; local json = require "util.json"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local timer = require 'util.timer'; local datetime = require 'util.datetime'; local get_room_from_jid = module:require "util".get_room_from_jid; local is_healthcheck_room = module:require "util".is_healthcheck_room; local room_jid_match_rewrite = module:require "util".room_jid_match_rewrite; local api_prefix = module:get_option("reservations_api_prefix"); local api_headers = module:get_option("reservations_api_headers"); local api_timeout = module:get_option("reservations_api_timeout", 20); local api_retry_count = tonumber(module:get_option("reservations_api_retry_count", 3)); local api_retry_delay = tonumber(module:get_option("reservations_api_retry_delay", 3)); local max_occupants_enabled = module:get_option("reservations_enable_max_occupants", false); -- Option for user to control HTTP response codes that will result in a retry. -- Defaults to returning true on any 5XX code or 0 local api_should_retry_for_code = module:get_option("reservations_api_should_retry_for_code", function (code) return code >= 500; end) local muc_component_host = module:get_option_string("main_muc"); -- How often to check and evict expired reservation data local expiry_check_period = 60; -- Cannot proceed if "reservations_api_prefix" not configured if not api_prefix then module:log("error", "reservations_api_prefix not specified. Disabling %s", module:get_name()); return; end -- get/infer focus component hostname so we can intercept IQ bound for it local focus_component_host = module:get_option_string("focus_component"); if not focus_component_host then local muc_domain_base = module:get_option_string("muc_mapper_domain_base"); if not muc_domain_base then module:log("error", "Could not infer focus domain. Disabling %s", module:get_name()); return; end focus_component_host = 'focus.'..muc_domain_base; end -- common HTTP headers added to all API calls local http_headers = { ["User-Agent"] = "Prosody ("..prosody.version.."; "..prosody.platform..")"; }; if api_headers then -- extra headers from config for key, value in pairs(api_headers) do http_headers[key] = value; end end --- Utils --- Converts int timestamp to datetime string compatible with Java SimpleDateFormat -- @param t timestamps in seconds. Supports int (as returned by os.time()) or higher -- precision (as returned by socket.gettime()) -- @return formatted datetime string (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX) local function to_java_date_string(t) local t_secs, mantissa = math.modf(t); local ms_str = (mantissa == 0) and '.000' or tostring(mantissa):sub(2,5); local date_str = os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t_secs); return date_str..ms_str..'Z'; end --- Start non-blocking HTTP call -- @param url URL to call -- @param options options table as expected by net.http where we provide optional headers, body or method. -- @param callback if provided, called with callback(response_body, response_code) when call complete. -- @param timeout_callback if provided, called without args when request times out. -- @param retries how many times to retry on failure; 0 means no retries. local function async_http_request(url, options, callback, timeout_callback, retries) local completed = false; local timed_out = false; local retries = retries or api_retry_count; local function cb_(response_body, response_code) if not timed_out then -- request completed before timeout completed = true; if (response_code == 0 or api_should_retry_for_code(response_code)) and retries > 0 then module:log("warn", "API Response code %d. Will retry after %ds", response_code, api_retry_delay); timer.add_task(api_retry_delay, function() async_http_request(url, options, callback, timeout_callback, retries - 1) end) return; end if callback then callback(response_body, response_code) end end end local request = http.request(url, options, cb_); timer.add_task(api_timeout, function () timed_out = true; if not completed then http.destroy_request(request); if timeout_callback then timeout_callback() end end end); end --- Returns current timestamp local function now() -- Don't really need higher precision of socket.gettime(). Besides, we loose -- milliseconds precision when converting back to timestamp from date string -- when we use datetime.parse(t), so let's be consistent. return os.time(); end --- Start RoomReservation implementation -- Status enums used in RoomReservation:meta.status local STATUS = { PENDING = 0; SUCCESS = 1; FAILED = -1; } local RoomReservation = {}; RoomReservation.__index = RoomReservation; function newRoomReservation(room_jid, creator_jid) return setmetatable({ room_jid = room_jid; -- Reservation metadata. store as table so we can set and read atomically. -- N.B. This should always be updated using self.set_status_* meta = { status = STATUS.PENDING; mail_owner = jid.bare(creator_jid); conflict_id = nil; start_time = now(); -- timestamp, in seconds expires_at = nil; -- timestamp, in seconds error_text = nil; error_code = nil; }; -- Array of pending events that we need to route once API call is complete pending_events = {}; -- Set true when API call trigger has been triggered (by enqueue of first event) api_call_triggered = false; }, RoomReservation); end --- Extracts room name from room jid function RoomReservation:get_room_name() return jid.node(self.room_jid); end --- Checks if reservation data is expires and should be evicted from store function RoomReservation:is_expired() return self.meta.expires_at ~= nil and now() > self.meta.expires_at; end --- Main entry point for handing and routing events. function RoomReservation:enqueue_or_route_event(event) if self.meta.status == STATUS.PENDING then table.insert(self.pending_events, event) if not self.api_call_triggered == true then self:call_api_create_conference(); end else -- API call already complete. Immediately route without enqueueing. -- This could happen if request comes in between the time reservation approved -- and when Jicofo actually creates the room. module:log("debug", "Reservation details already stored. Skipping queue for %s", self.room_jid); self:route_event(event); end end --- Updates status and initiates event routing. Called internally when API call complete. function RoomReservation:set_status_success(start_time, duration, mail_owner, conflict_id, max_occupants) module:log("info", "Reservation created successfully for %s", self.room_jid); self.meta = { status = STATUS.SUCCESS; mail_owner = mail_owner or self.meta.mail_owner; conflict_id = conflict_id; start_time = start_time; expires_at = start_time + duration; error_text = nil; error_code = nil; } if max_occupants_enabled and max_occupants then self.meta.max_occupants = max_occupants end self:route_pending_events() end --- Updates status and initiates error response to pending events. Called internally when API call complete. function RoomReservation:set_status_failed(error_code, error_text) module:log("info", "Reservation creation failed for %s - (%s) %s", self.room_jid, error_code, error_text); self.meta = { status = STATUS.FAILED; mail_owner = self.meta.mail_owner; conflict_id = nil; start_time = self.meta.start_time; -- Retain reservation rejection for a short while so we have time to report failure to -- existing clients and not trigger a re-query too soon. -- N.B. Expiry could take longer since eviction happens periodically. expires_at = now() + 30; error_text = error_text; error_code = error_code; } self:route_pending_events() end --- Triggers routing of all enqueued events function RoomReservation:route_pending_events() if self.meta.status == STATUS.PENDING then -- should never be called while PENDING. check just in case. return; end module:log("debug", "Routing all pending events for %s", self.room_jid); local event; while #self.pending_events ~= 0 do event = table.remove(self.pending_events); self:route_event(event) end end --- Event routing implementation function RoomReservation:route_event(event) -- this should only be called after API call complete and status no longer PENDING assert(self.meta.status ~= STATUS.PENDING, "Attempting to route event while API call still PENDING") local meta = self.meta; local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if meta.status == STATUS.FAILED then module:log("debug", "Route: Sending reservation error to %s", stanza.attr.from); self:reply_with_error(event, meta.error_code, meta.error_text); else if meta.status == STATUS.SUCCESS then if self:is_expired() then module:log("debug", "Route: Sending reservation expiry to %s", stanza.attr.from); self:reply_with_error(event, 419, "Reservation expired"); else module:log("debug", "Route: Forwarding on event from %s", stanza.attr.from); prosody.core_post_stanza(origin, stanza, false); -- route iq to intended target (focus) end else -- this should never happen unless dev made a mistake. Block by default just in case. module:log("error", "Reservation for %s has invalid state %s. Rejecting request.", self.room_jid, meta.status); self:reply_with_error(event, 500, "Failed to determine reservation state"); end end end --- Generates reservation-error stanza and sends to event origin. function RoomReservation:reply_with_error(event, error_code, error_text) local stanza = event.stanza; local id = stanza.attr.id; local to = stanza.attr.from; local from = stanza.attr.to; event.origin.send( st.iq({ type="error", to=to, from=from, id=id }) :tag("error", { type="cancel" }) :tag("service-unavailable", { xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" }):up() :tag("text", { xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" }):text(error_text):up() :tag("reservation-error", { xmlns="http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus", ["error-code"]=tostring(error_code) }) ); end --- Initiates non-blocking API call to validate reservation function RoomReservation:call_api_create_conference() self.api_call_triggered = true; local url = api_prefix..'/conference'; local request_data = { name = self:get_room_name(); start_time = to_java_date_string(self.meta.start_time); mail_owner = self.meta.mail_owner; } local http_options = { body = http.formencode(request_data); -- because Jicofo reservation encodes as form data instead JSON method = 'POST'; headers = http_headers; } module:log("debug", "Sending POST /conference for %s", self.room_jid); async_http_request(url, http_options, function (response_body, response_code) self:on_api_create_conference_complete(response_body, response_code); end, function () self:on_api_call_timeout(); end); end --- Parses and validates HTTP response body for conference payload -- Ref: https://github.com/jitsi/jicofo/blob/master/doc/reservation.md -- @return nil if invalid, or table with payload parsed from JSON response function RoomReservation:parse_conference_response(response_body) local data = json.decode(response_body); if data == nil then -- invalid JSON payload module:log("error", "Invalid JSON response from API - %s", response_body); return; end if data.name == nil or data.name:lower() ~= self:get_room_name() then module:log("error", "Missing or mismatching room name - %s", data.name); return; end if data.id == nil then module:log("error", "Missing id"); return; end if data.mail_owner == nil then module:log("error", "Missing mail_owner"); return; end local duration = tonumber(data.duration); if duration == nil then module:log("error", "Missing or invalid duration - %s", data.duration); return; end data.duration = duration; -- if optional max_occupants field set, cast to number if data.max_occupants ~= nil then local max_occupants = tonumber(data.max_occupants) if max_occupants == nil or max_occupants < 1 then -- N.B. invalid max_occupants rejected even if max_occupants_enabled=false module:log("error", "Invalid value for max_occupants - %s", data.max_occupants); return; end data.max_occupants = max_occupants end local start_time = datetime.parse(data.start_time); -- N.B. we lose milliseconds portion of the date if start_time == nil then module:log("error", "Missing or invalid start_time - %s", data.start_time); return; end data.start_time = start_time; return data; end --- Parses and validates HTTP error response body for API call. -- Expect JSON with a "message" field. -- @return message string, or generic error message if invalid payload. function RoomReservation:parse_error_message_from_response(response_body) local data = json.decode(response_body); if data ~= nil and data.message ~= nil then module:log("debug", "Invalid error response body. Will use generic error message."); return data.message; else return "Rejected by reservation server"; end end --- callback on API timeout function RoomReservation:on_api_call_timeout() self:set_status_failed(500, 'Reservation lookup timed out'); end --- callback on API response function RoomReservation:on_api_create_conference_complete(response_body, response_code) if response_code == 200 or response_code == 201 then self:handler_conference_data_returned_from_api(response_body); elseif response_code == 409 then self:handle_conference_already_exist(response_body); elseif response_code == nil then -- warrants a retry, but this should be done automatically by the http call method. self:set_status_failed(500, 'Could not contact reservation server'); else self:set_status_failed(response_code, self:parse_error_message_from_response(response_body)); end end function RoomReservation:handler_conference_data_returned_from_api(response_body) local data = self:parse_conference_response(response_body); if not data then -- invalid response from API module:log("error", "API returned success code but invalid payload"); self:set_status_failed(500, 'Invalid response from reservation server'); else self:set_status_success(data.start_time, data.duration, data.mail_owner, data.id, data.max_occupants) end end function RoomReservation:handle_conference_already_exist(response_body) local data = json.decode(response_body); if data == nil or data.conflict_id == nil then -- yes, in the case of 409, API expected to return "id" as "conflict_id". self:set_status_failed(409, 'Invalid response from reservation server'); else local url = api_prefix..'/conference/'..data.conflict_id; local http_options = { method = 'GET'; headers = http_headers; } async_http_request(url, http_options, function(response_body, response_code) if response_code == 200 then self:handler_conference_data_returned_from_api(response_body); else self:set_status_failed(response_code, self:parse_error_message_from_response(response_body)); end end, function () self:on_api_call_timeout(); end); end end --- End RoomReservation --- Store reservations lookups that are still pending or with room still active local reservations = {} local function get_or_create_reservations(room_jid, creator_jid) if reservations[room_jid] == nil then module:log("debug", "Creating new reservation data for %s", room_jid); reservations[room_jid] = newRoomReservation(room_jid, creator_jid); end return reservations[room_jid]; end local function evict_expired_reservations() local expired = {} -- first, gather jids of expired rooms. So we don't remove from table while iterating. for room_jid, res in pairs(reservations) do if res:is_expired() then table.insert(expired, room_jid); end end local room; for _, room_jid in ipairs(expired) do room = get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if room then -- Close room if still active (reservation duration exceeded) module:log("info", "Room exceeded reservation duration. Terminating %s", room_jid); room:destroy(nil, "Scheduled conference duration exceeded."); -- Rely on room_destroyed to calls DELETE /conference and drops reservation[room_jid] else module:log("error", "Reservation references expired room that is no longer active. Dropping %s", room_jid); -- This should not happen unless evict_expired_reservations somehow gets triggered -- between the time room is destroyed and room_destroyed callback is called. (Possible?) -- But just in case, we drop the reservation to avoid repeating this path on every pass. reservations[room_jid] = nil; end end end timer.add_task(expiry_check_period, function() evict_expired_reservations(); return expiry_check_period; end) --- Intercept conference IQ to Jicofo handle reservation checks before allowing normal event flow module:log("info", "Hook to global pre-iq/host"); module:hook("pre-iq/host", function(event) local stanza = event.stanza; if stanza.name ~= "iq" or stanza.attr.to ~= focus_component_host or stanza.attr.type ~= 'set' then return; -- not IQ for jicofo. Ignore this event. end local conference = stanza:get_child('conference', 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/focus'); if conference == nil then return; -- not Conference IQ. Ignore. end local room_jid = room_jid_match_rewrite(conference.attr.room); if get_room_from_jid(room_jid) ~= nil then module:log("debug", "Skip reservation check for existing room %s", room_jid); return; -- room already exists. Continue with normal flow end local res = get_or_create_reservations(room_jid, stanza.attr.from); res:enqueue_or_route_event(event); -- hand over to reservation obj to route event return true; end); --- Forget reservation details once room destroyed so query is repeated if room re-created local function room_destroyed(event) local res; local room = event.room if not is_healthcheck_room(room.jid) then res = reservations[room.jid] -- drop reservation data for this room reservations[room.jid] = nil if res then -- just in case event triggered more than once? module:log("info", "Dropped reservation data for destroyed room %s", room.jid); local conflict_id = res.meta.conflict_id if conflict_id then local url = api_prefix..'/conference/'..conflict_id; local http_options = { method = 'DELETE'; headers = http_headers; } module:log("debug", "Sending DELETE /conference/%s", conflict_id); async_http_request(url, http_options); end end end end --- If max_occupants_enabled, update room max_occupants if returned by API local function room_created(event) local res; local room = event.room if max_occupants_enabled and not is_healthcheck_room(room.jid) then res = reservations[room.jid] if res and res.meta.max_occupants ~= nil then module:log("info", "Setting max_occupants %d for room %s", res.meta.max_occupants, room.jid); room._data.max_occupants = res.meta.max_occupants end end end function process_host(host) if host == muc_component_host then -- the conference muc component module:log("info", "Hook to muc-room-destroyed on %s", host); module:context(host):hook("muc-room-destroyed", room_destroyed, -1); if max_occupants_enabled then module:log("info", "Hook to muc-room-created on %s (mod_muc_max_occupants integration enabled)", host); module:context(host):hook("muc-room-created", room_created); end end end if prosody.hosts[muc_component_host] == nil then module:log("info", "No muc component found, will listen for it: %s", muc_component_host) prosody.events.add_handler("host-activated", process_host); else process_host(muc_component_host); end