/* global $ */ var JitsiPopover = (function () { /** * The default options */ const defaultOptions = { skin: 'white', content: '', hasArrow: true, onBeforePosition: undefined }; /** * Constructs new JitsiPopover and attaches it to the element * @param element jquery selector * @param options the options for the popover. * - {Function} onBeforePosition - function executed just before * positioning the popover. Useful for translation. * @constructor */ function JitsiPopover(element, options) { this.options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); this.elementIsHovered = false; this.popoverIsHovered = false; this.popoverShown = false; element.data("jitsi_popover", this); this.element = element; this.template = this.getTemplate(); var self = this; this.element.on("mouseenter", function () { self.elementIsHovered = true; self.show(); }).on("mouseleave", function () { self.elementIsHovered = false; setTimeout(function () { self.hide(); }, 10); }); } /** * Returns template for popover */ JitsiPopover.prototype.getTemplate = function () { let arrow = ''; if (this.options.hasArrow) { arrow = '
'; } return ( `
` ); }; /** * Shows the popover */ JitsiPopover.prototype.show = function () { if(!JitsiPopover.enabled) return; this.createPopover(); this.popoverShown = true; }; /** * Hides the popover if not hovered or popover is not shown. */ JitsiPopover.prototype.hide = function () { if(!this.elementIsHovered && !this.popoverIsHovered && this.popoverShown) { this.forceHide(); } }; /** * Hides the popover and clears the document elements added by popover. */ JitsiPopover.prototype.forceHide = function () { $(".jitsipopover").remove(); this.popoverShown = false; if(this.popoverIsHovered) { //the browser is not firing hover events //when the element was on hover if got removed. this.popoverIsHovered = false; this.onHoverPopover(this.popoverIsHovered); } }; /** * Creates the popover html. */ JitsiPopover.prototype.createPopover = function () { $("body").append(this.template); let popoverElem = $(".jitsipopover > .jitsipopover__content"); popoverElem.html(this.options.content); if(typeof this.options.onBeforePosition === "function") { this.options.onBeforePosition($(".jitsipopover")); } var self = this; $(".jitsipopover").on("mouseenter", function () { self.popoverIsHovered = true; if(typeof self.onHoverPopover === "function") { self.onHoverPopover(self.popoverIsHovered); } }).on("mouseleave", function () { self.popoverIsHovered = false; self.hide(); if(typeof self.onHoverPopover === "function") { self.onHoverPopover(self.popoverIsHovered); } }); this.refreshPosition(); }; /** * Adds a hover listener to the popover. */ JitsiPopover.prototype.addOnHoverPopover = function (listener) { this.onHoverPopover = listener; }; /** * Refreshes the position of the popover. */ JitsiPopover.prototype.refreshPosition = function () { $(".jitsipopover").position({ my: "bottom", at: "top", collision: "fit", of: this.element, using: function (position, elements) { var calcLeft = elements.target.left - elements.element.left + elements.target.width/2; $(".jitsipopover").css( {top: position.top, left: position.left, display: "table"}); $(".jitsipopover > .arrow").css({left: calcLeft}); $(".jitsipopover > .jitsipopover__menu-padding").css( {left: calcLeft - 50}); } }); }; /** * Updates the content of popover. * @param content new content */ JitsiPopover.prototype.updateContent = function (content) { this.options.content = content; if(!this.popoverShown) return; $(".jitsipopover").remove(); this.createPopover(); }; JitsiPopover.enabled = true; return JitsiPopover; })(); module.exports = JitsiPopover;