/* global APP, $, Util, nickname:true */ var Replacement = require("./Replacement"); var CommandsProcessor = require("./Commands"); var ToolbarToggler = require("../../toolbars/ToolbarToggler"); var smileys = require("./smileys.json").smileys; var NicknameHandler = require("../../util/NicknameHandler"); var UIUtil = require("../../util/UIUtil"); var UIEvents = require("../../../../service/UI/UIEvents"); var notificationInterval = false; var unreadMessages = 0; /** * Shows/hides a visual notification, indicating that a message has arrived. */ function setVisualNotification(show) { var unreadMsgElement = document.getElementById('unreadMessages'); var unreadMsgBottomElement = document.getElementById('bottomUnreadMessages'); var glower = $('#chatButton'); var bottomGlower = $('#chatBottomButton'); if (unreadMessages) { unreadMsgElement.innerHTML = unreadMessages.toString(); unreadMsgBottomElement.innerHTML = unreadMessages.toString(); ToolbarToggler.dockToolbar(true); var chatButtonElement = document.getElementById('chatButton').parentNode; var leftIndent = (UIUtil.getTextWidth(chatButtonElement) - UIUtil.getTextWidth(unreadMsgElement)) / 2; var topIndent = (UIUtil.getTextHeight(chatButtonElement) - UIUtil.getTextHeight(unreadMsgElement)) / 2 - 3; unreadMsgElement.setAttribute( 'style', 'top:' + topIndent + '; left:' + leftIndent + ';'); var chatBottomButtonElement = document.getElementById('chatBottomButton').parentNode; var bottomLeftIndent = (UIUtil.getTextWidth(chatBottomButtonElement) - UIUtil.getTextWidth(unreadMsgBottomElement)) / 2; var bottomTopIndent = (UIUtil.getTextHeight(chatBottomButtonElement) - UIUtil.getTextHeight(unreadMsgBottomElement)) / 2 - 2; unreadMsgBottomElement.setAttribute( 'style', 'top:' + bottomTopIndent + '; left:' + bottomLeftIndent + ';'); if (!glower.hasClass('icon-chat-simple')) { glower.removeClass('icon-chat'); glower.addClass('icon-chat-simple'); } } else { unreadMsgElement.innerHTML = ''; unreadMsgBottomElement.innerHTML = ''; glower.removeClass('icon-chat-simple'); glower.addClass('icon-chat'); } if (show && !notificationInterval) { notificationInterval = window.setInterval(function () { glower.toggleClass('active'); bottomGlower.toggleClass('active glowing'); }, 800); } else if (!show && notificationInterval) { window.clearInterval(notificationInterval); notificationInterval = false; glower.removeClass('active'); bottomGlower.removeClass('glowing'); bottomGlower.addClass('active'); } } /** * Returns the current time in the format it is shown to the user * @returns {string} */ function getCurrentTime(stamp) { var now = (stamp? new Date(stamp): new Date()); var hour = now.getHours(); var minute = now.getMinutes(); var second = now.getSeconds(); if(hour.toString().length === 1) { hour = '0'+hour; } if(minute.toString().length === 1) { minute = '0'+minute; } if(second.toString().length === 1) { second = '0'+second; } return hour+':'+minute+':'+second; } function toggleSmileys() { var smileys = $('#smileysContainer'); if(!smileys.is(':visible')) { smileys.show("slide", { direction: "down", duration: 300}); } else { smileys.hide("slide", { direction: "down", duration: 300}); } $('#usermsg').focus(); } function addClickFunction(smiley, number) { smiley.onclick = function addSmileyToMessage() { var usermsg = $('#usermsg'); var message = usermsg.val(); message += smileys['smiley' + number]; usermsg.val(message); usermsg.get(0).setSelectionRange(message.length, message.length); toggleSmileys(); usermsg.focus(); }; } /** * Adds the smileys container to the chat */ function addSmileys() { var smileysContainer = document.createElement('div'); smileysContainer.id = 'smileysContainer'; for(var i = 1; i <= 21; i++) { var smileyContainer = document.createElement('div'); smileyContainer.id = 'smiley' + i; smileyContainer.className = 'smileyContainer'; var smiley = document.createElement('img'); smiley.src = 'images/smileys/smiley' + i + '.svg'; smiley.className = 'smiley'; addClickFunction(smiley, i); smileyContainer.appendChild(smiley); smileysContainer.appendChild(smileyContainer); } $("#chatspace").append(smileysContainer); } /** * Resizes the chat conversation. */ function resizeChatConversation() { var msgareaHeight = $('#usermsg').outerHeight(); var chatspace = $('#chatspace'); var width = chatspace.width(); var chat = $('#chatconversation'); var smileys = $('#smileysarea'); smileys.height(msgareaHeight); $("#smileys").css('bottom', (msgareaHeight - 26) / 2); $('#smileysContainer').css('bottom', msgareaHeight); chat.width(width - 10); chat.height(window.innerHeight - 15 - msgareaHeight); } /** * Chat related user interface. */ var Chat = (function (my) { /** * Initializes chat related interface. */ my.init = function () { if(NicknameHandler.getNickname()) Chat.setChatConversationMode(true); NicknameHandler.addListener(UIEvents.NICKNAME_CHANGED, function (nickname) { Chat.setChatConversationMode(true); }); $('#nickinput').keydown(function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); var val = UIUtil.escapeHtml(this.value); this.value = ''; if (!NicknameHandler.getNickname()) { NicknameHandler.setNickname(val); return; } } }); var usermsg = $('#usermsg'); usermsg.keydown(function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); var value = this.value; usermsg.val('').trigger('autosize.resize'); this.focus(); var command = new CommandsProcessor(value); if(command.isCommand()) { command.processCommand(); } else { var message = UIUtil.escapeHtml(value); APP.xmpp.sendChatMessage(message, NicknameHandler.getNickname()); } } }); var onTextAreaResize = function () { resizeChatConversation(); Chat.scrollChatToBottom(); }; usermsg.autosize({callback: onTextAreaResize}); $("#chatspace").bind("shown", function () { unreadMessages = 0; setVisualNotification(false); }); addSmileys(); }; /** * Appends the given message to the chat conversation. */ my.updateChatConversation = function (from, displayName, message, myjid, stamp) { var divClassName = ''; if (APP.xmpp.myJid() === from) { divClassName = "localuser"; } else { divClassName = "remoteuser"; if (!Chat.isVisible()) { unreadMessages++; UIUtil.playSoundNotification('chatNotification'); setVisualNotification(true); } } // replace links and smileys // Strophe already escapes special symbols on sending, // so we escape here only tags to avoid double & var escMessage = message.replace(//g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '
'); var escDisplayName = UIUtil.escapeHtml(displayName); message = Replacement.processReplacements(escMessage); var messageContainer = '
'+ '' + '
' + escDisplayName + '
' + '
' + getCurrentTime(stamp) + '
' + '
' + message + '
' + '
'; $('#chatconversation').append(messageContainer); $('#chatconversation').animate( { scrollTop: $('#chatconversation')[0].scrollHeight}, 1000); }; /** * Appends error message to the conversation * @param errorMessage the received error message. * @param originalText the original message. */ my.chatAddError = function(errorMessage, originalText) { errorMessage = UIUtil.escapeHtml(errorMessage); originalText = UIUtil.escapeHtml(originalText); $('#chatconversation').append( '
Error: ' + 'Your message' + (originalText? (' \"'+ originalText + '\"') : "") + ' was not sent.' + (errorMessage? (' Reason: ' + errorMessage) : '') + '
'); $('#chatconversation').animate( { scrollTop: $('#chatconversation')[0].scrollHeight}, 1000); }; /** * Sets the subject to the UI * @param subject the subject */ my.chatSetSubject = function(subject) { if (subject) subject = subject.trim(); $('#subject').html(Replacement.linkify(UIUtil.escapeHtml(subject))); if(subject === "") { $("#subject").css({display: "none"}); } else { $("#subject").css({display: "block"}); } }; /** * Sets the chat conversation mode. */ my.setChatConversationMode = function (isConversationMode) { if (isConversationMode) { $('#nickname').css({visibility: 'hidden'}); $('#chatconversation').css({visibility: 'visible'}); $('#usermsg').css({visibility: 'visible'}); $('#smileysarea').css({visibility: 'visible'}); $('#usermsg').focus(); } }; /** * Resizes the chat area. */ my.resizeChat = function () { var chatSize = require("../SidePanelToggler").getPanelSize(); $('#chatspace').width(chatSize[0]); $('#chatspace').height(chatSize[1]); resizeChatConversation(); }; /** * Indicates if the chat is currently visible. */ my.isVisible = function () { return $('#chatspace').is(":visible"); }; /** * Shows and hides the window with the smileys */ my.toggleSmileys = toggleSmileys; /** * Scrolls chat to the bottom. */ my.scrollChatToBottom = function() { setTimeout(function () { $('#chatconversation').scrollTop( $('#chatconversation')[0].scrollHeight); }, 5); }; return my; }(Chat || {})); module.exports = Chat;