#!/bin/bash set -e EMAIL=$1 DOMAIN=$2 if [ -z "${DOMAIN}" ] || [ -z "${EMAIL}" ]; then echo "You need to provide email and domain as parameters." exit 1 fi JAAS_ENDPOINT="https://account-provisioning.cloudflare.jitsi.net/operations" CHALLENGE_FILE="/usr/share/jitsi-meet/.well-known/jitsi-challenge.txt" SUPPORT_MSG="Reach out to JaaS support or retry with /usr/share/jitsi-meet/scripts/register-jaas-account.sh" create_error=0 create_data=$(curl -s -f -X 'POST' "${JAAS_ENDPOINT}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: */*' \ -d "{ \"domain\": \"${DOMAIN}\", \"email\": \"${EMAIL}\" }") || create_error=$? if [ ${create_error} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Account creation failed. Status: ${create_error}, response: ${create_data}" exit 2 fi # make sure .well-known exists mkdir -p "$(dirname "$CHALLENGE_FILE")" # Creating the challenge file echo "${create_data}" | jq -r .challenge > ${CHALLENGE_FILE} op_id=$(echo "${create_data}" | jq -r .operationId) ready_error=0 ready_data=$(curl -s -f -X 'PUT' "${JAAS_ENDPOINT}/${op_id}/ready") || ready_error=$? if [ ${ready_error} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Validating domain failed. Status: ${ready_error}" echo "Response: " echo "${ready_data}" | jq -r echo "${SUPPORT_MSG}" echo exit 3 fi SLEEP_TIME=0 WAIT_BEFORE_CHECK=10 TIMEOUT=60 echo -n "Creating..." (while true; do provisioned_data=$(curl -s -f "${JAAS_ENDPOINT}/${op_id}") status=$(echo "${provisioned_data}" | jq -r .status) if [ "${status}" == "PROVISIONED" ]; then echo "" echo "==================" echo "" echo "JaaS account was created. To finish setup follow the email that was sent." echo "" echo "==================" exit 0; elif [ "${status}" == "FAILED" ]; then echo "" echo "==================" echo "" echo "JaaS account creation failed:${provisioned_data}" echo "" echo "==================" exit 4 elif [ "${status}" == "VERIFIED" ] && [ "${verified}" != "true" ]; then echo -n "Account was successfully verified..." verified="true" fi if [ ${SLEEP_TIME} -ge ${TIMEOUT} ]; then echo "" echo "==================" echo "" echo "Timeout creating account. ${SUPPORT_MSG}" echo "" echo "==================" exit 5 fi echo -n "waiting..." sleep ${WAIT_BEFORE_CHECK} SLEEP_TIME=$((SLEEP_TIME+WAIT_BEFORE_CHECK)) done) rm ${CHALLENGE_FILE} || true