Template: jitsi-meet-prosody/jvb-hostname Type: string _Description: The domain of the current installation (e.g. meet.jitsi.com): The value of the domain that is set in the Jitsi Videobridge installation. Template: jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname Type: string _Description: The domain of the current installation (e.g. meet.jitsi.com): The value of the domain that is set in the Jitsi Videobridge installation. Template: jitsi-videobridge/jvbsecret Type: password _Description: Jitsi Videobridge Component secret: The secret used by Jitsi Videobridge to connect to xmpp server as component. Template: jicofo/jicofo-authuser Type: string Default: focus _Description: Jicofo username: The jicofo needs an authenticated admin user to connect to xmpp server. Template: jicofo/jicofo-authpassword Type: password _Description: Jicofo user password: The secret used to connect to xmpp server as jicofo user. Template: jitsi-meet-prosody/turn-secret Type: string _Description: The turn server secret The secret used to connect to turnserver server.