// @flow import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import React from 'react'; import { ACTION_TRIGGER } from '../../../participants-pane/constants'; import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../environment/utils'; import participantsPaneTheme from '../themes/participantsPaneTheme.json'; type Props = { /** * List item actions. */ actions: React$Node, /** * List item container class name. */ className: string, /** * Icon to be displayed on the list item. (Avatar for participants). */ icon: React$Node, /** * Id of the container. */ id: string, /** * Whether or not the actions should be hidden. */ hideActions?: Boolean, /** * Indicators to be displayed on the list item. */ indicators?: React$Node, /** * Whether or not the item is highlighted. */ isHighlighted?: boolean, /** * Click handler. */ onClick: Function, /** * Long press handler. */ onLongPress: Function, /** * Mouse leave handler. */ onMouseLeave: Function, /** * Data test id. */ testId?: string, /** * Text children to be displayed on the list item. */ textChildren: React$Node | string, /** * The actions trigger. Can be Hover or Permanent. */ trigger: string } const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => { return { container: { alignItems: 'center', color: theme.palette.text01, display: 'flex', ...theme.typography.bodyShortRegular, lineHeight: `${theme.typography.bodyShortRegular.lineHeight}px`, margin: `0 -${participantsPaneTheme.panePadding}px`, padding: `0 ${participantsPaneTheme.panePadding}px`, position: 'relative', boxShadow: 'inset 0px -1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)', minHeight: '40px', '&:hover': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02, '& .indicators': { display: 'none' }, '& .actions': { display: 'flex', boxShadow: `-15px 0px 10px -5px ${theme.palette.ui02}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02 } }, [`@media(max-width: ${participantsPaneTheme.MD_BREAKPOINT})`]: { ...theme.typography.bodyShortRegularLarge, lineHeight: `${theme.typography.bodyShortRegularLarge.lineHeight}px`, padding: `${theme.spacing(2)}px ${participantsPaneTheme.panePadding}px` } }, highlighted: { backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02 }, detailsContainer: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', flex: 1, height: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative' }, name: { display: 'flex', flex: 1, marginRight: `${theme.spacing(2)}px`, overflow: 'hidden', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'flex-start' }, indicators: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', '& > *': { alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }, '& > *:not(:last-child)': { marginRight: `${theme.spacing(2)}px` }, '& .jitsi-icon': { padding: '3px' } }, indicatorsHidden: { display: 'none' }, actionsContainer: { display: 'none', boxShadow: `-15px 0px 10px -5px ${theme.palette.ui02}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02 }, actionsPermanent: { display: 'flex', boxShadow: `-15px 0px 10px -5px ${theme.palette.ui01}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui01 }, actionsVisible: { display: 'flex', boxShadow: `-15px 0px 10px -5px ${theme.palette.ui02}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02 } }; }); const ListItem = ({ actions, className, icon, id, hideActions = false, indicators, isHighlighted, onClick, onLongPress, onMouseLeave, testId, textChildren, trigger }: Props) => { const styles = useStyles(); const _isMobile = isMobileBrowser(); let timeoutHandler; /** * Set calling long press handler after x milliseconds. * * @param {TouchEvent} e - Touch start event. * @returns {void} */ function _onTouchStart(e) { const target = e.touches[0].target; timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => onLongPress(target), 600); } /** * Cancel calling on long press after x milliseconds if the number of milliseconds is not reached * before a touch move(drag), or just clears the timeout. * * @returns {void} */ function _onTouchMove() { clearTimeout(timeoutHandler); } /** * Cancel calling on long press after x milliseconds if the number of milliseconds is not reached yet, * or just clears the timeout. * * @returns {void} */ function _onTouchEnd() { clearTimeout(timeoutHandler); } return (
{indicators && (
)} {!hideActions && (
); }; export default ListItem;