/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */ // @ts-expect-error import { AUDIO_ONLY_SCREEN_SHARE_NO_TRACK } from '../../../../modules/UI/UIErrors'; import { IReduxState, IStore } from '../../app/types'; import { shouldShowModeratedNotification } from '../../av-moderation/functions'; import { setNoiseSuppressionEnabled } from '../../noise-suppression/actions'; import { showNotification } from '../../notifications/actions'; import { NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE } from '../../notifications/constants'; import { stopReceiver } from '../../remote-control/actions'; import { setScreenAudioShareState, setScreenshareAudioTrack } from '../../screen-share/actions'; import { isAudioOnlySharing, isScreenVideoShared } from '../../screen-share/functions'; // @ts-ignore import { isScreenshotCaptureEnabled, toggleScreenshotCaptureSummary } from '../../screenshot-capture'; // @ts-ignore import { AudioMixerEffect } from '../../stream-effects/audio-mixer/AudioMixerEffect'; import { getCurrentConference } from '../conference/functions'; import { JitsiTrackErrors, JitsiTrackEvents } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { setScreenshareMuted } from '../media/actions'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, VIDEO_TYPE } from '../media/constants'; /* eslint-enable lines-around-comment */ import { addLocalTrack, replaceLocalTrack } from './actions.any'; import { createLocalTracksF, getLocalDesktopTrack, getLocalJitsiAudioTrack } from './functions'; import { IShareOptions, IToggleScreenSharingOptions } from './types'; export * from './actions.any'; /** * Signals that the local participant is ending screensharing or beginning the screensharing flow. * * @param {boolean} enabled - The state to toggle screen sharing to. * @param {boolean} audioOnly - Only share system audio. * @param {Object} shareOptions - The options to be passed for capturing screenshare. * @returns {Function} */ export function toggleScreensharing( enabled?: boolean, audioOnly = false, shareOptions: IShareOptions = {}) { return (dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], getState: IStore['getState']) => { // check for A/V Moderation when trying to start screen sharing if ((enabled || enabled === undefined) && shouldShowModeratedNotification(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, getState())) { return Promise.reject(); } return _toggleScreenSharing({ enabled, audioOnly, shareOptions }, { dispatch, getState }); }; } /** * Displays a UI notification for screensharing failure based on the error passed. * * @private * @param {Object} error - The error. * @param {Object} store - The redux store. * @returns {void} */ function _handleScreensharingError( error: Error | AUDIO_ONLY_SCREEN_SHARE_NO_TRACK, { dispatch }: IStore): void { if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.SCREENSHARING_USER_CANCELED) { return; } let descriptionKey, titleKey; if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED) { descriptionKey = 'dialog.screenSharingPermissionDeniedError'; titleKey = 'dialog.screenSharingFailedTitle'; } else if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.CONSTRAINT_FAILED) { descriptionKey = 'dialog.cameraConstraintFailedError'; titleKey = 'deviceError.cameraError'; } else if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.SCREENSHARING_GENERIC_ERROR) { descriptionKey = 'dialog.screenSharingFailed'; titleKey = 'dialog.screenSharingFailedTitle'; } else if (error === AUDIO_ONLY_SCREEN_SHARE_NO_TRACK) { descriptionKey = 'notify.screenShareNoAudio'; titleKey = 'notify.screenShareNoAudioTitle'; } dispatch(showNotification({ titleKey, descriptionKey }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); } /** * Applies the AudioMixer effect on the local audio track if applicable. If there is no local audio track, the desktop * audio track is added to the conference. * * @private * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} desktopAudioTrack - The audio track to be added to the conference. * @param {*} state - The redux state. * @returns {void} */ async function _maybeApplyAudioMixerEffect(desktopAudioTrack: any, state: IReduxState): Promise { const localAudio = getLocalJitsiAudioTrack(state); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); if (localAudio) { // If there is a localAudio stream, mix in the desktop audio stream captured by the screen sharing API. const mixerEffect = new AudioMixerEffect(desktopAudioTrack); await localAudio.setEffect(mixerEffect); } else { // If no local stream is present ( i.e. no input audio devices) we use the screen share audio // stream as we would use a regular stream. await conference.replaceTrack(null, desktopAudioTrack); } } /** * Toggles screen sharing. * * @private * @param {boolean} enabled - The state to toggle screen sharing to. * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @returns {void} */ async function _toggleScreenSharing( { enabled, audioOnly = false, shareOptions = {} }: IToggleScreenSharingOptions, store: IStore ): Promise { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const audioOnlySharing = isAudioOnlySharing(state); const screenSharing = isScreenVideoShared(state); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); const localAudio = getLocalJitsiAudioTrack(state); const localScreenshare = getLocalDesktopTrack(state['features/base/tracks']); // Toggle screenshare or audio-only share if the new state is not passed. Happens in the following two cases. // 1. ShareAudioDialog passes undefined when the user hits continue in the share audio demo modal. // 2. Toggle screenshare called from the external API. const enable = audioOnly ? enabled ?? !audioOnlySharing : enabled ?? !screenSharing; const screensharingDetails: { sourceType?: string; } = {}; if (enable) { let tracks; // Spot proxy stream. if (shareOptions.desktopStream) { tracks = [ shareOptions.desktopStream ]; } else { const { _desktopSharingSourceDevice } = state['features/base/config']; if (!shareOptions.desktopSharingSources && _desktopSharingSourceDevice) { shareOptions.desktopSharingSourceDevice = _desktopSharingSourceDevice; } const options = { devices: [ VIDEO_TYPE.DESKTOP ], ...shareOptions }; try { tracks = await createLocalTracksF(options) as any[]; } catch (error) { _handleScreensharingError(error as any, store); throw error; } } const desktopAudioTrack = tracks.find(track => track.getType() === MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO); const desktopVideoTrack = tracks.find(track => track.getType() === MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO); if (audioOnly) { // Dispose the desktop track for audio-only screensharing. desktopVideoTrack.dispose(); if (!desktopAudioTrack) { _handleScreensharingError(AUDIO_ONLY_SCREEN_SHARE_NO_TRACK, store); throw new Error(AUDIO_ONLY_SCREEN_SHARE_NO_TRACK); } } else if (desktopVideoTrack) { if (localScreenshare) { await dispatch(replaceLocalTrack(localScreenshare.jitsiTrack, desktopVideoTrack, conference)); } else { await dispatch(addLocalTrack(desktopVideoTrack)); } if (isScreenshotCaptureEnabled(state, false, true)) { dispatch(toggleScreenshotCaptureSummary(true)); } screensharingDetails.sourceType = desktopVideoTrack.sourceType; } // Apply the AudioMixer effect if there is a local audio track, add the desktop track to the conference // otherwise without unmuting the microphone. if (desktopAudioTrack) { // Noise suppression doesn't work with desktop audio because we can't chain track effects yet, disable it // first. We need to to wait for the effect to clear first or it might interfere with the audio mixer. await dispatch(setNoiseSuppressionEnabled(false)); _maybeApplyAudioMixerEffect(desktopAudioTrack, state); dispatch(setScreenshareAudioTrack(desktopAudioTrack)); // Handle the case where screen share was stopped from the browsers 'screen share in progress' window. if (audioOnly) { desktopAudioTrack?.on( JitsiTrackEvents.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED, () => dispatch(toggleScreensharing(undefined, true))); } } // Show notification about more bandwidth usage in audio-only mode if the user starts screensharing. This // doesn't apply to audio-only screensharing. const { enabled: bestPerformanceMode } = state['features/base/audio-only']; if (bestPerformanceMode && !audioOnly) { dispatch(showNotification({ titleKey: 'notify.screenSharingAudioOnlyTitle', descriptionKey: 'notify.screenSharingAudioOnlyDescription' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.LONG)); } } else { const { desktopAudioTrack } = state['features/screen-share']; dispatch(stopReceiver()); dispatch(toggleScreenshotCaptureSummary(false)); // Mute the desktop track instead of removing it from the conference since we don't want the client to signal // a source-remove to the remote peer for the screenshare track. Later when screenshare is enabled again, the // same sender will be re-used without the need for signaling a new ssrc through source-add. dispatch(setScreenshareMuted(true)); if (desktopAudioTrack) { if (localAudio) { localAudio.setEffect(undefined); } else { await conference.replaceTrack(desktopAudioTrack, null); } desktopAudioTrack.dispose(); dispatch(setScreenshareAudioTrack(null)); } } if (audioOnly) { dispatch(setScreenAudioShareState(enable)); } else { // Notify the external API. APP.API.notifyScreenSharingStatusChanged(enable, screensharingDetails); } }