import * as unorm from 'unorm'; /** * Applies NFKC normalization to the given text. * NOTE: Here we use the unorm package because the JSC version in React Native for Android crashes. * * @param {string} text - The text that needs to be normalized. * @returns {string} - The normalized text. */ export function normalizeNFKC(text: string) { return unorm.nfkc(text); } /** * Replaces accent characters with english alphabet characters. * NOTE: Here we use the unorm package because the JSC version in React Native for Android crashes. * * @param {string} text - The text that needs to be normalized. * @returns {string} - The normalized text. */ export function normalizeAccents(text: string) { return unorm.nfd(text).replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ''); }