# Jitsi Meet API You can use the Jitsi Meet API to embed Jitsi Meet in to your application. ## Installation To embed Jitsi Meet in your application you need to add the Jitsi Meet API library: ```javascript ``` ## API ### `api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, room, [width], [height], [htmlElement], [configOverwite], [interfaceConfigOverwrite], [noSsl], [jwt])` The next step for embedding Jitsi Meet is to create the Jitsi Meet API object. Its constructor gets a number of options: * **domain**: domain used to build the conference URL, "meet.jit.si" for example. * **room**: name of the room to join. * **width**: (optional) width for the iframe which will be created. * **height**: (optional) height for the iframe which will be created. * **htmlElement**: (optional) HTL DOM Element where the iframe will be added as a child. * **configOverwite**: (optional) JS object with overrides for options defined in [config.js]. * **interfaceConfigOverwrite**: (optional) JS object with overrides for options defined in [interface_config.js]. * **noSsl**: (optional, defaults to true) Boolean indicating if the server should be contacted using HTTP or HTTPS. * **jwt**: (optional) [JWT](https://jwt.io/) token. Example: ```javascript var domain = "meet.jit.si"; var room = "JitsiMeetAPIExample"; var width = 700; var height = 700; var htmlElement = document.querySelector('#meet'); var api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, room, width, height, htmlElement); ``` You can overwrite options set in [config.js] and [interface_config.js]. For example, to enable the film-strip-only interface mode, you can use: ```javascript var interfaceConfigOverwrite = {filmStripOnly: true}; var api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, room, width, height, undefined, undefined, interfaceConfigOverwrite); ``` You can also pass a jwt token to Jitsi Meet: ```javascript var jwt = ""; var noSsl = false; var api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, room, width, height, htmlElement, configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, noSsl, jwt); ``` ### Controlling the embedded Jitsi Meet Conference You can control the embedded Jitsi Meet conference using the `JitsiMeetExternalAPI` object by using `executeCommand`: ```javascript api.executeCommand(command, ...arguments) ``` The `command` parameter is String object with the name of the command. The following commands are currently supported: * **displayName** - Sets the display name of the local participant. This command requires one argument - the new display name to be set. ```javascript api.executeCommand('displayName', 'New Nickname'); ``` * **toggleAudio** - Mutes / unmutes the audio for the local participant. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleAudio') ``` * **toggleVideo** - Mutes / unmutes the video for the local participant. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleVideo') ``` * **toggleFilmStrip** - Hides / shows the film strip. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleFilmStrip') ``` * **toggleChat** - Hides / shows the chat. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleChat') ``` * **toggleContactList** - Hides / shows the contact list. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleContactList') ``` * **toggleShareScreen** - Starts / stops screen sharing. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('toggleShareScreen') ``` * **hangup** - Hangups the call. No arguments are required. ```javascript api.executeCommand('hangup') ``` * **email** - Changes the local email address. This command requires one argument - the new email address to be set. ```javascript api.executeCommand('email', 'example@example.com') ``` * **avatarUrl** - Changes the local avatar URL. This command requires one argument - the new avatar URL to be set. ```javascript api.executeCommand('avatarUrl', 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/3671647') ``` You can also execute multiple commands using the `executeCommands` method: ```javascript api.executeCommands(commands) ``` The `commands` parameter is an object with the names of the commands as keys and the arguments for the commands asvalues: ```javascript api.executeCommands({displayName: ['nickname'], toggleAudio: []}); ``` You can add event listeners to the embedded Jitsi Meet using the `addEventListener` method. ```javascript api.addEventListener(event, listener) ``` The `event` parameter is a String object with the name of the event. The `listener` parameter is a Function object with one argument that will be notified when the event occurs with data related to the event. The following events are currently supported: * **incomingMessage** - Event notifications about incoming messages. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "from": from, // JID of the user that sent the message "nick": nick, // the nickname of the user that sent the message "message": txt // the text of the message } ``` * **outgoingMessage** - Event notifications about outgoing messages. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "message": txt // the text of the message } ``` * **displayNameChanged** - event notifications about display name changes. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "jid": jid, // the JID of the participant that changed his display name "displayname": displayName // the new display name } ``` * **participantJoined** - event notifications about new participants who join the room. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "jid": jid // the JID of the participant } ``` * **participantLeft** - event notifications about participants that leave the room. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "jid": jid // the JID of the participant } ``` * **videoConferenceJoined** - event notifications fired when the local user has joined the video conference. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "roomName": room // the room name of the conference } ``` * **videoConferenceLeft** - event notifications fired when the local user has left the video conference. The listener will receive an object with the following structure: ```javascript { "roomName": room // the room name of the conference } ``` * **readyToClose** - event notification fired when Jitsi Meet is ready to be closed (hangup operations are completed). You can also add multiple event listeners by using `addEventListeners`. This method requires one argument of type Object. The object argument must have the names of the events as keys and the listeners of the events as values. ```javascript function incomingMessageListener(object) { // ... } function outgoingMessageListener(object) { // ... } api.addEventListeners({ incomingMessage: incomingMessageListener, outgoingMessage: outgoingMessageListener}) ``` If you want to remove a listener you can use `removeEventListener` method with argument the name of the event. ```javascript api.removeEventListener("incomingMessage"); ``` If you want to remove more than one event you can use `removeEventListeners` method with an Array with the names of the events as an argument. ```javascript api.removeEventListeners(["incomingMessage", "outgoingMessageListener"]); ``` You can get the number of participants in the conference with the following API function: ```javascript var numberOfParticipants = api.getNumberOfParticipants(); ``` You can remove the embedded Jitsi Meet Conference with the following API function: ```javascript api.dispose() ``` NOTE: It's a good practice to remove the conference before the page is unloaded. [config.js]: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/config.js [interface_config.js]: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/interface_config.js