/* global JitsiMeetJS */ import LoginDialog from './UI/authentication/LoginDialog'; import UIEvents from '../service/UI/UIEvents'; import UIUtil from './UI/util/UIUtil'; import {openConnection} from './connection'; const ConferenceEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.conference; let externalAuthWindow; let authRequiredDialog; function doExternalAuth (room, lockPassword) { if (externalAuthWindow) { externalAuthWindow.focus(); return; } if (room.isJoined()) { room.getExternalAuthUrl(true).then(function (url) { externalAuthWindow = LoginDialog.showExternalAuthDialog( url, function () { externalAuthWindow = null; room.join(lockPassword); } ); }); } else { // If conference has not been started yet // then redirect to login page room.getExternalAuthUrl().then(UIUtil.redirect); } } function doXmppAuth (room, lockPassword) { let loginDialog = LoginDialog.showAuthDialog(function (id, password) { // auth "on the fly": // 1. open new connection with proper id and password // 2. connect to the room // (this will store sessionId in the localStorage) // 3. close new connection // 4. reallocate focus in current room openConnection({id, password}).then(function (connection) { // open room let newRoom = connection.initJitsiConference(room.getName()); newRoom.on(ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_FAILED, function (err) { connection.disconnect(); loginDialog.displayError(err); }); newRoom.room.moderator.allocateConferenceFocus(function () { connection.disconnect(); loginDialog.close(); if (room.isJoined()) { // just reallocate focus if already joined room.room.moderator.allocateConferenceFocus(); } else { // or join room.join(lockPassword); } }); }, function (err) { loginDialog.displayError(err); }); }, function () { // user canceled loginDialog.close(); }); } function authenticate (room, lockPassword) { if (room.isExternalAuthEnabled()) { doExternalAuth(room, lockPassword); } else { doXmppAuth(); } } function requireAuth(roomName) { if (authRequiredDialog) { return; } authRequiredDialog = LoginDialog.showAuthRequiredDialog( roomName, authenticate ); } function closeAuth() { if (externalAuthWindow) { externalAuthWindow.close(); externalAuthWindow = null; } if (authRequiredDialog) { authRequiredDialog.close(); authRequiredDialog = null; } } export default { authenticate, requireAuth, closeAuth };