/* global $ */ import VideoLayout from "../videolayout/VideoLayout"; import LargeContainer from '../videolayout/LargeContainer'; import UIUtil from "../util/UIUtil"; import SidePanelToggler from "../side_pannels/SidePanelToggler"; const options = $.param({ showControns: true, showChat: false, showLineNumbers: true, useMonospaceFont: false }); function bubbleIframeMouseMove(iframe){ var existingOnMouseMove = iframe.contentWindow.onmousemove; iframe.contentWindow.onmousemove = function(e){ if(existingOnMouseMove) existingOnMouseMove(e); var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); var boundingClientRect = iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); evt.initMouseEvent( "mousemove", true, // bubbles false, // not cancelable window, e.detail, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX + boundingClientRect.left, e.clientY + boundingClientRect.top, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, null // no related element ); iframe.dispatchEvent(evt); }; } const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 640; const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 480; const EtherpadContainerType = "etherpad"; class Etherpad extends LargeContainer { constructor (domain, name) { super(); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = domain + name + '?' + options; iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.scrolling = "no"; iframe.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; iframe.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; iframe.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: hidden;'); this.container.appendChild(iframe); iframe.onload = function() { document.domain = document.domain; bubbleIframeMouseMove(iframe); setTimeout(function() { const doc = iframe.contentDocument; // the iframes inside of the etherpad are // not yet loaded when the etherpad iframe is loaded const outer = doc.getElementsByName("ace_outer")[0]; bubbleIframeMouseMove(outer); const inner = doc.getElementsByName("ace_inner")[0]; bubbleIframeMouseMove(inner); }, 2000); }; this.iframe = iframe; } get isOpen () { return !!this.iframe; } get container () { return document.getElementById('etherpad'); } resize (containerWidth, containerHeight, animate) { let remoteVideos = $('#remoteVideos'); let height = containerHeight - remoteVideos.outerHeight(); let width = containerWidth; $(this.iframe).width(width).height(height); } show () { const $iframe = $(this.iframe); const $container = $(this.container); return new Promise(resolve => { $iframe.fadeIn(300, function () { document.body.style.background = '#eeeeee'; $iframe.css({visibility: 'visible'}); $container.css({zIndex: 2}); resolve(); }); }); } hide () { const $iframe = $(this.iframe); const $container = $(this.container); return new Promise(resolve => { $iframe.fadeOut(300, function () { $iframe.css({visibility: 'hidden'}); $container.css({zIndex: 0}); resolve(); }); }); } } export default class EtherpadManager { constructor (domain, name) { if (!domain || !name) { throw new Error("missing domain or name"); } this.domain = domain; this.name = name; this.etherpad = null; } get isOpen () { return !!this.etherpad; } openEtherpad () { this.etherpad = new Etherpad(this.domain, this.name); VideoLayout.addLargeVideoContainer( EtherpadContainerType, this.etherpad ); } toggleEtherpad () { if (!this.isOpen) { this.openEtherpad(); } let isVisible = VideoLayout.isLargeContainerTypeVisible( EtherpadContainerType ); VideoLayout.showLargeVideoContainer(EtherpadContainerType, !isVisible); } }