import { ReducerRegistry } from '../base/redux'; import { START_FACE_RECOGNITION, STOP_FACE_RECOGNITION, UPDATE_FACE_COORDINATES } from './actionTypes'; /** * The default state object. */ const defaultState = { /** * Map of participant ids containing their respective facebox in the shape of a left, right, bottom, top percentages * The percentages indicate the distance of the detected face starting edge (top or left) to the corresponding edge. * * Examples: * 70% left indicates a 70% distance from the left edge of the video to the left edge of the detected face. * 70% right indicates a 70% distance from the right edge of the video to the left edge of the detected face. * 30% top indicates a 30% distance from the top edge of the video to the top edge of the detected face. * 30% bottom indicates a 30% distance from the bottom edge of the video to the top edge of the detected face. */ faceBoxes: {}, /** * Flag indicating whether face recognition is currently running. */ recognitionActive: false }; ReducerRegistry.register('features/face-centering', (state = defaultState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case UPDATE_FACE_COORDINATES: { return { ...state, faceBoxes: { ...state.faceBoxes, []: action.faceBox } }; } case START_FACE_RECOGNITION: { return { ...state, recognitionActive: true }; } case STOP_FACE_RECOGNITION: { return defaultState; } } return state; });