import ReducerRegistry from '../base/redux/ReducerRegistry'; import { CHANGE_VOTE, CLEAR_POLLS, RECEIVE_ANSWER, RECEIVE_POLL, REGISTER_VOTE, RESET_NB_UNREAD_POLLS, RETRACT_VOTE } from './actionTypes'; import { IAnswer, IPoll } from './types'; const INITIAL_STATE = { polls: {}, // Number of not read message nbUnreadPolls: 0 }; export interface IPollsState { nbUnreadPolls: number; polls: { [pollId: string]: IPoll; }; } ReducerRegistry.register('features/polls', (state = INITIAL_STATE, action): IPollsState => { switch (action.type) { case CHANGE_VOTE: { const { pollId, value } = action; return { ...state, polls: { ...state.polls, [pollId]: { ...state.polls[pollId], changingVote: value, showResults: !value } } }; } case CLEAR_POLLS: { return { ...state, ...INITIAL_STATE }; } // Reducer triggered when a poll is received case RECEIVE_POLL: { const newState = { ...state, polls: { ...state.polls, // The poll is added to the dictionary of received polls [action.pollId]: action.poll }, nbUnreadPolls: state.nbUnreadPolls + 1 }; return newState; } // Reducer triggered when an answer is received // The answer is added to an existing poll case RECEIVE_ANSWER: { const { pollId, answer }: { answer: IAnswer; pollId: string; } = action; // if the poll doesn't exist if (!(pollId in state.polls)) { console.warn('requested poll does not exist: pollId ', pollId); return state; } // if the poll exists, we update it with the incoming answer const newAnswers = state.polls[pollId].answers .map(_answer => { // checking if the voters is an array for supporting old structure model const answerVoters = _answer.voters ? _answer.voters.length ? [ ..._answer.voters ] : Object.keys(_answer.voters) : []; return { name:, voters: answerVoters }; }); for (let i = 0; i < newAnswers.length; i++) { // if the answer was chosen, we add the senderId to the array of voters of this answer const voters = newAnswers[i].voters as any; const index = voters.indexOf(answer.voterId); if (answer.answers[i]) { if (index === -1) { voters.push(answer.voterId); } } else if (index > -1) { voters.splice(index, 1); } } // finally we update the state by returning the updated poll return { ...state, polls: { ...state.polls, [pollId]: { ...state.polls[pollId], answers: newAnswers } } }; } case REGISTER_VOTE: { const { answers, pollId }: { answers: Array | null; pollId: string; } = action; return { ...state, polls: { ...state.polls, [pollId]: { ...state.polls[pollId], changingVote: false, lastVote: answers, showResults: true } } }; } case RETRACT_VOTE: { const { pollId }: { pollId: string; } = action; return { ...state, polls: { ...state.polls, [pollId]: { ...state.polls[pollId], showResults: false } } }; } case RESET_NB_UNREAD_POLLS: { return { ...state, nbUnreadPolls: 0 }; } default: return state; } });