var JitsiPopover = require("../util/JitsiPopover"); /** * Constructs new connection indicator. * @param videoContainer the video container associated with the indicator. * @constructor */ function ConnectionIndicator(videoContainer, jid) { this.videoContainer = videoContainer; this.bandwidth = null; this.packetLoss = null; this.bitrate = null; this.showMoreValue = false; this.resolution = null; this.transport = []; this.popover = null; this.jid = jid; this.create(); } /** * Values for the connection quality * @type {{98: string, * 81: string, * 64: string, * 47: string, * 30: string, * 0: string}} */ ConnectionIndicator.connectionQualityValues = { 98: "18px", //full 81: "15px",//4 bars 64: "11px",//3 bars 47: "7px",//2 bars 30: "3px",//1 bar 0: "0px"//empty }; ConnectionIndicator.getIP = function(value) { return value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(":")); }; ConnectionIndicator.getPort = function(value) { return value.substring(value.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, value.length); }; ConnectionIndicator.getStringFromArray = function (array) { var res = ""; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { res += (i === 0? "" : ", ") + array[i]; } return res; }; /** * Generates the html content. * @returns {string} the html content. */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.generateText = function () { var downloadBitrate, uploadBitrate, packetLoss, resolution, i; var translate = APP.translation.translateString; if(this.bitrate === null) { downloadBitrate = "N/A"; uploadBitrate = "N/A"; } else { downloadBitrate = + " Kbps" : "N/A"; uploadBitrate = this.bitrate.upload? this.bitrate.upload + " Kbps" : "N/A"; } if(this.packetLoss === null) { packetLoss = "N/A"; } else { packetLoss = "" + ( !== null? : "N/A") + "% " + (this.packetLoss.upload !== null? this.packetLoss.upload : "N/A") + "%"; } var resolutionValue = null; if(this.resolution && this.jid != null) { var keys = Object.keys(this.resolution); for(var ssrc in this.resolution) { resolutionValue = this.resolution[ssrc]; } } if(this.jid === null) { resolution = ""; if(this.resolution === null || !Object.keys(this.resolution) || Object.keys(this.resolution).length === 0) { resolution = "N/A"; } else for(i in this.resolution) { resolutionValue = this.resolution[i]; if(resolutionValue) { if(resolutionValue.height && resolutionValue.width) { resolution += (resolution === ""? "" : ", ") + resolutionValue.width + "x" + resolutionValue.height; } } } } else if(!resolutionValue || !resolutionValue.height || !resolutionValue.width) { resolution = "N/A"; } else { resolution = resolutionValue.width + "x" + resolutionValue.height; } var result = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
" + translate("connectionindicator.bitrate") + "" + downloadBitrate + " " + uploadBitrate + "
" + translate("connectionindicator.packetloss") + "" + packetLoss + "
" + translate("connectionindicator.resolution") + "" + resolution + "
"; if(this.videoContainer.videoSpanId == "localVideoContainer") { result += "
" + translate("connectionindicator." + (this.showMoreValue ? "less" : "more")) + "

"; } if(this.showMoreValue) { var downloadBandwidth, uploadBandwidth, transport; if(this.bandwidth === null) { downloadBandwidth = "N/A"; uploadBandwidth = "N/A"; } else { downloadBandwidth = + " Kbps" : "N/A"; uploadBandwidth = this.bandwidth.upload? this.bandwidth.upload + " Kbps" : "N/A"; } if(!this.transport || this.transport.length === 0) { transport = "" + "" + translate("connectionindicator.address") + "" + " N/A"; } else { var data = {remoteIP: [], localIP:[], remotePort:[], localPort:[]}; for(i = 0; i < this.transport.length; i++) { var ip = ConnectionIndicator.getIP(this.transport[i].ip); var port = ConnectionIndicator.getPort(this.transport[i].ip); var localIP = ConnectionIndicator.getIP(this.transport[i].localip); var localPort = ConnectionIndicator.getPort(this.transport[i].localip); if(data.remoteIP.indexOf(ip) == -1) { data.remoteIP.push(ip); } if(data.remotePort.indexOf(port) == -1) { data.remotePort.push(port); } if(data.localIP.indexOf(localIP) == -1) { data.localIP.push(localIP); } if(data.localPort.indexOf(localPort) == -1) { data.localPort.push(localPort); } } var local_address_key = "connectionindicator.localaddress"; var remote_address_key = "connectionindicator.remoteaddress"; var localTransport = "" + translate(local_address_key, {count: data.localIP.length}) + " " + ConnectionIndicator.getStringFromArray(data.localIP) + ""; transport = "" + translate(remote_address_key, {count: data.remoteIP.length}) + " " + ConnectionIndicator.getStringFromArray(data.remoteIP) + ""; var key_remote = "connectionindicator.remoteport", key_local = "connectionindicator.localport"; transport += "" + "" + "" + translate(key_remote, {count: this.transport.length}) + ""; localTransport += "" + "" + "" + translate(key_local, {count: this.transport.length}) + ""; transport += ConnectionIndicator.getStringFromArray(data.remotePort); localTransport += ConnectionIndicator.getStringFromArray(data.localPort); transport += ""; transport += localTransport + ""; transport +="" + "" + translate("connectionindicator.transport") + "" + "" + this.transport[0].type + ""; } result += "" + "" + ""; result += transport + "
" + "" + translate("connectionindicator.bandwidth") + "" + "" + "" + downloadBandwidth + " " + uploadBandwidth + "
"; } return result; }; /** * Shows or hide the additional information. */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.showMore = function () { this.showMoreValue = !this.showMoreValue; this.updatePopoverData(); }; function createIcon(classes) { var icon = document.createElement("span"); for(var i in classes) { icon.classList.add(classes[i]); } icon.appendChild( document.createElement("i")).classList.add("icon-connection"); return icon; } /** * Creates the indicator */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.create = function () { this.connectionIndicatorContainer = document.createElement("div"); this.connectionIndicatorContainer.className = "connectionindicator"; = "none"; this.videoContainer.container.appendChild(this.connectionIndicatorContainer); this.popover = new JitsiPopover( $("#" + this.videoContainer.videoSpanId + " > .connectionindicator"), {content: "
" + APP.translation.translateString("") + "
", skin: "black"}); this.emptyIcon = this.connectionIndicatorContainer.appendChild( createIcon(["connection", "connection_empty"])); this.fullIcon = this.connectionIndicatorContainer.appendChild( createIcon(["connection", "connection_full"])); }; /** * Removes the indicator */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.remove = function() { if (this.connectionIndicatorContainer.parentNode) { this.connectionIndicatorContainer.parentNode.removeChild( this.connectionIndicatorContainer); } this.popover.forceHide(); }; /** * Updates the data of the indicator * @param percent the percent of connection quality * @param object the statistics data. */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.updateConnectionQuality = function (percent, object) { if(percent === null) { = "none"; this.popover.forceHide(); return; } else { if( == "none") { = "block"; this.videoContainer.updateIconPositions(); } } this.bandwidth = object.bandwidth; this.bitrate = object.bitrate; this.packetLoss = object.packetLoss; this.transport = object.transport; if(object.resolution) { this.resolution = object.resolution; } for(var quality in ConnectionIndicator.connectionQualityValues) { if(percent >= quality) { = ConnectionIndicator.connectionQualityValues[quality]; } } this.updatePopoverData(); }; /** * Updates the resolution * @param resolution the new resolution */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.updateResolution = function (resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; this.updatePopoverData(); }; /** * Updates the content of the popover */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.updatePopoverData = function () { this.popover.updateContent( "
" + this.generateText() + "
"); APP.translation.translateElement($(".connection_info")); }; /** * Hides the popover */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.hide = function () { this.popover.forceHide(); }; /** * Hides the indicator */ ConnectionIndicator.prototype.hideIndicator = function () { = "none"; if(this.popover) this.popover.forceHide(); }; module.exports = ConnectionIndicator;