var AudioLevels = require("../audio_levels/AudioLevels"); var Avatar = require("../avatar/Avatar"); var ContactList = require("../side_pannels/contactlist/ContactList"); var MediaStreamType = require("../../../service/RTC/MediaStreamTypes"); var UIEvents = require("../../../service/UI/UIEvents"); var RTC = require("../../RTC/RTC"); var RTCBrowserType = require('../../RTC/RTCBrowserType'); var RemoteVideo = require("./RemoteVideo"); var LargeVideo = require("./LargeVideo"); var LocalVideo = require("./LocalVideo"); var remoteVideos = {}; var localVideoThumbnail = null; var currentDominantSpeaker = null; var lastNCount = config.channelLastN; var localLastNCount = config.channelLastN; var localLastNSet = []; var lastNEndpointsCache = []; var lastNPickupJid = null; var eventEmitter = null; /** * Currently focused video jid * @type {String} */ var focusedVideoResourceJid = null; var VideoLayout = (function (my) { my.init = function (emitter) { eventEmitter = emitter; localVideoThumbnail = new LocalVideo(VideoLayout); VideoLayout.resizeLargeVideoContainer(); LargeVideo.init(VideoLayout, emitter); }; my.isInLastN = function(resource) { return lastNCount < 0 // lastN is disabled, return true || (lastNCount > 0 && lastNEndpointsCache.length == 0) // lastNEndpoints cache not built yet, return true || (lastNEndpointsCache && lastNEndpointsCache.indexOf(resource) !== -1); }; my.changeLocalStream = function (stream, isMuted) { VideoLayout.changeLocalVideo(stream, isMuted); }; my.changeLocalAudio = function(stream, isMuted) { if (isMuted) APP.UI.setAudioMuted(true, true); APP.RTC.attachMediaStream($('#localAudio'), stream.getOriginalStream()); var localAudio = document.getElementById('localAudio'); // Writing volume not allowed in IE if (!RTCBrowserType.isIExplorer()) { localAudio.autoplay = true; localAudio.volume = 0; } }; my.changeLocalVideo = function(stream, isMuted) { // Set default display name. localVideoThumbnail.setDisplayName(); localVideoThumbnail.createConnectionIndicator(); AudioLevels.updateAudioLevelCanvas(null, VideoLayout); localVideoThumbnail.changeVideo(stream, isMuted); LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo( APP.xmpp.myResource(), /* force update only before conference starts */ !APP.xmpp.isConferenceInProgress()); }; my.mucJoined = function () { var myResourceJid = APP.xmpp.myResource(); localVideoThumbnail.joined(APP.xmpp.myJid()); if (!LargeVideo.getResourceJid()) LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(myResourceJid, true); }; /** * Adds or removes icons for not available camera and microphone. * @param resourceJid the jid of user * @param devices available devices */ my.setDeviceAvailabilityIcons = function (resourceJid, devices) { if(!devices) return; if(!resourceJid) { localVideoThumbnail.setDeviceAvailabilityIcons(devices); } else { if(remoteVideos[resourceJid]) remoteVideos[resourceJid].setDeviceAvailabilityIcons(devices); } } /** * Checks if removed video is currently displayed and tries to display * another one instead. * @param removedVideoSrc src stream identifier of the video. */ my.updateRemovedVideo = function(resourceJid) { var videoElem = RTC.getVideoElementName(); if (resourceJid === LargeVideo.getResourceJid()) { // this is currently displayed as large // pick the last visible video in the row // if nobody else is left, this picks the local video var pick = $('#remoteVideos>' + 'span[id!="mixedstream"]:visible:last>' + videoElem).get(0); if (!pick) {"Last visible video no longer exists"); pick = $('#remoteVideos>' + 'span[id!="mixedstream"]>' + videoElem).get(0); if (!pick || !APP.RTC.getVideoSrc(pick)) { // Try local video"Fallback to local video..."); pick = $('#remoteVideos>span>span>' + videoElem).get(0); } } // mute if localvideo if (pick) { var container = pick.parentNode; } else { console.warn("Failed to elect large video"); container = $('#remoteVideos>span[id!="mixedstream"]:visible:last').get(0); } var jid = null; if(container) { if( == "localVideoWrapper") { jid = APP.xmpp.myResource(); } else { jid = VideoLayout.getPeerContainerResourceJid(container); } } else return; LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(jid); } }; my.onRemoteStreamAdded = function (stream) { if (stream.peerjid) { VideoLayout.ensurePeerContainerExists(stream.peerjid); var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(stream.peerjid); remoteVideos[resourceJid].addRemoteStreamElement( stream.sid, stream.getOriginalStream(), stream.ssrc); } }; my.getLargeVideoJid = function () { return LargeVideo.getResourceJid(); }; my.handleVideoThumbClicked = function(noPinnedEndpointChangedEvent, resourceJid) { if(focusedVideoResourceJid) { var oldSmallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(focusedVideoResourceJid); if(oldSmallVideo) oldSmallVideo.focus(false); } var smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(resourceJid); // Unlock current focused. if (focusedVideoResourceJid === resourceJid) { focusedVideoResourceJid = null; // Enable the currently set dominant speaker. if (currentDominantSpeaker) { if(smallVideo && smallVideo.hasVideo()) { LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(currentDominantSpeaker); } } if (!noPinnedEndpointChangedEvent) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT); } return; } // Lock new video focusedVideoResourceJid = resourceJid; // Update focused/pinned interface. if (resourceJid) { if(smallVideo) smallVideo.focus(true); if (!noPinnedEndpointChangedEvent) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT, resourceJid); } } if (LargeVideo.getResourceJid() === resourceJid && LargeVideo.isLargeVideoOnTop()) { return; } // Triggers a "video.selected" event. The "false" parameter indicates // this isn't a prezi. $(document).trigger("video.selected", [false]); LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(resourceJid); // Writing volume not allowed in IE if (!RTCBrowserType.isIExplorer()) { $('audio').each(function (idx, el) { el.volume = 0; el.volume = 1; }); } }; /** * Checks if container for participant identified by given peerJid exists * in the document and creates it eventually. * * @param peerJid peer Jid to check. * @param userId user email or id for setting the avatar * * @return Returns true if the peer container exists, * false - otherwise */ my.ensurePeerContainerExists = function(peerJid, userId) { ContactList.ensureAddContact(peerJid, userId); var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid); if(!remoteVideos[resourceJid]) { remoteVideos[resourceJid] = new RemoteVideo(peerJid, VideoLayout); Avatar.setUserAvatar(peerJid, userId); // In case this is not currently in the last n we don't show it. if (localLastNCount && localLastNCount > 0 && $('#remoteVideos>span').length >= localLastNCount + 2) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].showPeerContainer('hide'); } else VideoLayout.resizeThumbnails(); } }; my.inputDisplayNameHandler = function (name) { localVideoThumbnail.inputDisplayNameHandler(name); }; my.videoactive = function (videoelem, resourceJid) {; VideoLayout.resizeThumbnails(); // Update the large video to the last added video only if there's no // current dominant, focused speaker or prezi playing or update it to // the current dominant speaker. if ((!focusedVideoResourceJid && !currentDominantSpeaker && !require("../prezi/Prezi").isPresentationVisible()) || (resourceJid && currentDominantSpeaker === resourceJid)) { LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(resourceJid, true); } } /** * Shows the presence status message for the given video. */ my.setPresenceStatus = function (resourceJid, statusMsg) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].setPresenceStatus(statusMsg); }; /** * Shows a visual indicator for the moderator of the conference. */ my.showModeratorIndicator = function () { var isModerator = APP.xmpp.isModerator(); if (isModerator) { localVideoThumbnail.createModeratorIndicatorElement(); } var members = APP.xmpp.getMembers(); Object.keys(members).forEach(function (jid) { if (Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid) === 'focus') { // Skip server side focus return; } var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); var member = members[jid]; if (member.role === 'moderator') { remoteVideos[resourceJid].removeRemoteVideoMenu(); remoteVideos[resourceJid].createModeratorIndicatorElement(); } else if (isModerator) { // We are moderator, but user is not - add menu if ($('#remote_popupmenu_' + resourceJid).length <= 0) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].addRemoteVideoMenu(); } } }); }; /* * Shows or hides the audio muted indicator over the local thumbnail video. * @param {boolean} isMuted */ my.showLocalAudioIndicator = function(isMuted) { localVideoThumbnail.showAudioIndicator(isMuted); }; /** * Resizes the large video container. */ my.resizeLargeVideoContainer = function () { LargeVideo.resize(); VideoLayout.resizeThumbnails(); LargeVideo.position(); }; /** * Resizes thumbnails. */ my.resizeThumbnails = function(animate) { var videoSpaceWidth = $('#remoteVideos').width(); var thumbnailSize = VideoLayout.calculateThumbnailSize(videoSpaceWidth); var width = thumbnailSize[0]; var height = thumbnailSize[1]; $('.userAvatar').css('left', (width - height) / 2); if(animate) { $('#remoteVideos').animate({ height: height }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); $('#remoteVideos>span').animate({ height: height, width: width }, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function () { $(document).trigger( "remotevideo.resized", [width, height]); } }); } else { // size videos so that while keeping AR and max height, we have a // nice fit $('#remoteVideos').height(height); $('#remoteVideos>span').width(width); $('#remoteVideos>span').height(height); $(document).trigger("remotevideo.resized", [width, height]); } }; /** * Calculates the thumbnail size. * * @param videoSpaceWidth the width of the video space */ my.calculateThumbnailSize = function (videoSpaceWidth) { // Calculate the available height, which is the inner window height minus // 39px for the header minus 2px for the delimiter lines on the top and // bottom of the large video, minus the 36px space inside the remoteVideos // container used for highlighting shadow. var availableHeight = 100; var numvids = $('#remoteVideos>span:visible').length; if (localLastNCount && localLastNCount > 0) { numvids = Math.min(localLastNCount + 1, numvids); } // Remove the 3px borders arround videos and border around the remote // videos area and the 4 pixels between the local video and the others //TODO: Find out where the 4 pixels come from and remove them var availableWinWidth = videoSpaceWidth - 2 * 3 * numvids - 70 - 4; var availableWidth = availableWinWidth / numvids; var aspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0; var maxHeight = Math.min(160, availableHeight); availableHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, availableWidth / aspectRatio); if (availableHeight < availableWidth / aspectRatio) { availableWidth = Math.floor(availableHeight * aspectRatio); } return [availableWidth, availableHeight]; }; /** * Returns the corresponding resource jid to the given peer container * DOM element. * * @return the corresponding resource jid to the given peer container * DOM element */ my.getPeerContainerResourceJid = function (containerElement) { var i ='participant_'); if (i >= 0) return + 12); }; /** * On contact list item clicked. */ $(ContactList).bind('contactclicked', function(event, jid) { if (!jid) { return; } var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); var videoContainer = $("#participant_" + resource); if (videoContainer.length > 0) { var videoThumb = $(RTC.getVideoElementName(), videoContainer).get(0); // It is not always the case that a videoThumb exists (if there is // no actual video). if (videoThumb) { if (videoThumb.src && videoThumb.src != '') { // We have a video src, great! Let's update the large video // now. VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked( false, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)); } else { // If we don't have a video src for jid, there's absolutely // no point in calling handleVideoThumbClicked; Quite // simply, it won't work because it needs an src to attach // to the large video. // // Instead, we trigger the pinned endpoint changed event to // let the bridge adjust its lastN set for myjid and store // the pinned user in the lastNPickupJid variable to be // picked up later by the lastN changed event handler. lastNPickupJid = jid; eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)); } } else if (jid == APP.xmpp.myJid()) { $("#localVideoContainer").click(); } } }); /** * On audio muted event. */ my.onAudioMute = function (jid, isMuted) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if (resourceJid === APP.xmpp.myResource()) { localVideoThumbnail.showAudioIndicator(isMuted); } else { VideoLayout.ensurePeerContainerExists(jid); remoteVideos[resourceJid].showAudioIndicator(isMuted); if (APP.xmpp.isModerator()) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].updateRemoteVideoMenu(isMuted); } } }; /** * On video muted event. */ my.onVideoMute = function (jid, value) { if(jid !== APP.xmpp.myJid() && !APP.RTC.muteRemoteVideoStream(jid, value)) return; if (jid === APP.xmpp.myJid()) { localVideoThumbnail.showVideoIndicator(value); } else { VideoLayout.ensurePeerContainerExists(jid); remoteVideos[Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)].showVideoIndicator(value); } }; /** * Display name changed. */ my.onDisplayNameChanged = function (jid, displayName, status) { if (jid === 'localVideoContainer' || jid === APP.xmpp.myJid()) { localVideoThumbnail.setDisplayName(displayName); } else { VideoLayout.ensurePeerContainerExists(jid); remoteVideos[Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)].setDisplayName( displayName, status); } }; /** * On dominant speaker changed event. */ my.onDominantSpeakerChanged = function (resourceJid) { // We ignore local user events. if (resourceJid === APP.xmpp.myResource()) return; var members = APP.xmpp.getMembers(); // Update the current dominant speaker. if (resourceJid !== currentDominantSpeaker) { var currentJID = APP.xmpp.findJidFromResource(currentDominantSpeaker); var newJID = APP.xmpp.findJidFromResource(resourceJid); if(currentDominantSpeaker && (!members || !members[currentJID] || !members[currentJID].displayName)) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].setDisplayName(null); } if(resourceJid && (!members || !members[newJID] || !members[newJID].displayName)) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].setDisplayName(null, interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_DOMINANT_SPEAKER_DISPLAY_NAME); } currentDominantSpeaker = resourceJid; } else { return; } // Obtain container for new dominant speaker. var container = document.getElementById( 'participant_' + resourceJid); // Local video will not have container found, but that's ok // since we don't want to switch to local video. if (container && !focusedVideoResourceJid) { var video = container.getElementsByTagName(RTC.getVideoElementName()); // Update the large video if the video source is already available, // otherwise wait for the "videoactive.jingle" event. if (video.length && video[0].currentTime > 0) { LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(resourceJid); } } }; /** * On last N change event. * * @param lastNEndpoints the list of last N endpoints * @param endpointsEnteringLastN the list currently entering last N * endpoints */ my.onLastNEndpointsChanged = function ( lastNEndpoints, endpointsEnteringLastN, stream) { if (lastNCount !== lastNEndpoints.length) lastNCount = lastNEndpoints.length; lastNEndpointsCache = lastNEndpoints; // Say A, B, C, D, E, and F are in a conference and LastN = 3. // // If LastN drops to, say, 2, because of adaptivity, then E should see // thumbnails for A, B and C. A and B are in E's server side LastN set, // so E sees them. C is only in E's local LastN set. // // If F starts talking and LastN = 3, then E should see thumbnails for // F, A, B. B gets "ejected" from E's server side LastN set, but it // enters E's local LastN ejecting C. // Increase the local LastN set size, if necessary. if (lastNCount > localLastNCount) { localLastNCount = lastNCount; } // Update the local LastN set preserving the order in which the // endpoints appeared in the LastN/local LastN set. var nextLocalLastNSet = lastNEndpoints.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < localLastNSet.length; i++) { if (nextLocalLastNSet.length >= localLastNCount) { break; } var resourceJid = localLastNSet[i]; if (nextLocalLastNSet.indexOf(resourceJid) === -1) { nextLocalLastNSet.push(resourceJid); } } localLastNSet = nextLocalLastNSet; var updateLargeVideo = false; // Handle LastN/local LastN changes. $('#remoteVideos>span').each(function( index, element ) { var resourceJid = VideoLayout.getPeerContainerResourceJid(element); var isReceived = true; if (resourceJid && lastNEndpoints.indexOf(resourceJid) < 0 && localLastNSet.indexOf(resourceJid) < 0) { console.log("Remove from last N", resourceJid); remoteVideos[resourceJid].showPeerContainer('hide'); isReceived = false; } else if (resourceJid && $('#participant_' + resourceJid).is(':visible') && lastNEndpoints.indexOf(resourceJid) < 0 && localLastNSet.indexOf(resourceJid) >= 0) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].showPeerContainer('avatar'); isReceived = false; } if (!isReceived) { // resourceJid has dropped out of the server side lastN set, so // it is no longer being received. If resourceJid was being // displayed in the large video we have to switch to another // user. if (!updateLargeVideo && resourceJid === LargeVideo.getResourceJid()) { updateLargeVideo = true; } } }); if (!endpointsEnteringLastN || endpointsEnteringLastN.length < 0) endpointsEnteringLastN = lastNEndpoints; if (endpointsEnteringLastN && endpointsEnteringLastN.length > 0) { endpointsEnteringLastN.forEach(function (resourceJid) { var isVisible = $('#participant_' + resourceJid).is(':visible'); remoteVideos[resourceJid].showPeerContainer('show'); if (!isVisible) { console.log("Add to last N", resourceJid); var jid = APP.xmpp.findJidFromResource(resourceJid); var mediaStream = APP.RTC.remoteStreams[jid][MediaStreamType.VIDEO_TYPE]; var sel = $('#participant_' + resourceJid + '>' + RTC.getVideoElementName()); APP.RTC.attachMediaStream(sel,; if (lastNPickupJid == mediaStream.peerjid) { // Clean up the lastN pickup jid. lastNPickupJid = null; // Don't fire the events again, they've already // been fired in the contact list click handler. VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked( false, Strophe.getResourceFromJid(mediaStream.peerjid)); updateLargeVideo = false; } remoteVideos[resourceJid].waitForRemoteVideo(sel, mediaStream.ssrc,; } }); } // The endpoint that was being shown in the large video has dropped out // of the lastN set and there was no lastN pickup jid. We need to update // the large video now. if (updateLargeVideo) { var resource, container, src; var myResource = APP.xmpp.myResource(); // Find out which endpoint to show in the large video. for (var i = 0; i < lastNEndpoints.length; i++) { resource = lastNEndpoints[i]; if (!resource || resource === myResource) continue; // videoSrcToSsrc needs to be update for this call to succeed. LargeVideo.updateLargeVideo(resource); break; } } }; /** * Updates local stats * @param percent * @param object */ my.updateLocalConnectionStats = function (percent, object) { var resolution = null; if(object.resolution !== null) { resolution = object.resolution; object.resolution = resolution[APP.xmpp.myJid()]; delete resolution[APP.xmpp.myJid()]; } localVideoThumbnail.updateStatsIndicator(percent, object); for(var jid in resolution) { if(resolution[jid] === null) continue; var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if(remoteVideos[resourceJid] && remoteVideos[resourceJid].connectionIndicator) { remoteVideos[resourceJid].connectionIndicator.updateResolution(resolution[jid]); } } }; /** * Updates remote stats. * @param jid the jid associated with the stats * @param percent the connection quality percent * @param object the stats data */ my.updateConnectionStats = function (jid, percent, object) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if(remoteVideos[resourceJid]) remoteVideos[resourceJid].updateStatsIndicator(percent, object); }; /** * Removes the connection * @param jid */ my.removeConnectionIndicator = function (jid) { remoteVideos[Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)].removeConnectionIndicator(); }; /** * Hides the connection indicator * @param jid */ my.hideConnectionIndicator = function (jid) { remoteVideos[Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)].hideConnectionIndicator(); }; /** * Hides all the indicators */ my.onStatsStop = function () { for(var video in remoteVideos) { remoteVideos[video].hideIndicator(); } localVideoThumbnail.hideIndicator(); }; my.participantLeft = function (jid) { // Unlock large video var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid); if (focusedVideoResourceJid === resourceJid) {"Focused video owner has left the conference"); focusedVideoResourceJid = null; } }; my.onVideoTypeChanged = function (jid) { LargeVideo.onVideoTypeChanged(jid); }; my.showMore = function (jid) { if(APP.xmpp.myJid = jid) { localVideoThumbnail.connectionIndicator.showMore(); } else { remoteVideos[Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)].connectionIndicator.showMore(); } }; my.addPreziContainer = function (id) { return RemoteVideo.createContainer(id); }; my.setLargeVideoVisible = function (isVisible) { LargeVideo.setLargeVideoVisible(isVisible); if(!isVisible && focusedVideoResourceJid) { var smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(focusedVideoResourceJid); if(smallVideo) smallVideo.focus(false); smallVideo.showAvatar(); focusedVideoResourceJid = null; } }; /** * Resizes the video area * @param completeFunction a function to be called when the video space is resized */ my.resizeVideoArea = function(isVisible, completeFunction) { LargeVideo.resizeVideoAreaAnimated(isVisible, completeFunction); VideoLayout.resizeThumbnails(true); }; my.getSmallVideo = function (resourceJid) { if(resourceJid == APP.xmpp.myResource()) { return localVideoThumbnail; } else { if(!remoteVideos[resourceJid]) return null; return remoteVideos[resourceJid]; } }; my.userAvatarChanged = function(resourceJid, thumbUrl) { var smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(resourceJid); if(smallVideo) smallVideo.avatarChanged(thumbUrl); LargeVideo.updateAvatar(resourceJid, thumbUrl); }; return my; }(VideoLayout || {})); module.exports = VideoLayout;