// @flow import { isParticipantApproved, isEnabledFromState, isLocalParticipantApprovedFromState, isSupported } from '../av-moderation/functions'; import { getFeatureFlag, INVITE_ENABLED } from '../base/flags'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, type MediaType } from '../base/media/constants'; import { getDominantSpeakerParticipant, isLocalParticipantModerator, isParticipantModerator, getLocalParticipant, getRemoteParticipantsSorted, getRaiseHandsQueue } from '../base/participants/functions'; import { toState } from '../base/redux'; import { normalizeAccents } from '../base/util/strings'; import { isInBreakoutRoom } from '../breakout-rooms/functions'; import { QUICK_ACTION_BUTTON, REDUCER_KEY, MEDIA_STATE } from './constants'; /** * Find the first styled ancestor component of an element. * * @param {Element} target - Element to look up. * @param {string} cssClass - Styled component reference. * @returns {Element|null} Ancestor. */ export const findAncestorByClass = (target: Object, cssClass: string) => { if (!target || target.classList.contains(cssClass)) { return target; } return findAncestorByClass(target.parentElement, cssClass); }; /** * Checks if a participant is force muted. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant. * @param {MediaType} mediaType - The media type. * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {MediaState} */ export function isForceMuted(participant: Object, mediaType: MediaType, state: Object) { if (isEnabledFromState(mediaType, state)) { if (participant.local) { return !isLocalParticipantApprovedFromState(mediaType, state); } // moderators cannot be force muted if (isParticipantModerator(participant)) { return false; } return !isParticipantApproved(participant.id, mediaType)(state); } return false; } /** * Determines the audio media state (the mic icon) for a participant. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant. * @param {boolean} muted - The mute state of the participant. * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {MediaState} */ export function getParticipantAudioMediaState(participant: Object, muted: Boolean, state: Object) { const dominantSpeaker = getDominantSpeakerParticipant(state); if (muted) { if (isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state)) { return MEDIA_STATE.FORCE_MUTED; } return MEDIA_STATE.MUTED; } if (participant === dominantSpeaker) { return MEDIA_STATE.DOMINANT_SPEAKER; } return MEDIA_STATE.UNMUTED; } /** * Determines the video media state (the mic icon) for a participant. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant. * @param {boolean} muted - The mute state of the participant. * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {MediaState} */ export function getParticipantVideoMediaState(participant: Object, muted: Boolean, state: Object) { if (muted) { if (isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state)) { return MEDIA_STATE.FORCE_MUTED; } return MEDIA_STATE.MUTED; } return MEDIA_STATE.UNMUTED; } /** * Get a style property from a style declaration as a float. * * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles - Style declaration. * @param {string} name - Property name. * @returns {number} Float value. */ export const getFloatStyleProperty = (styles: Object, name: string) => parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue(name)); /** * Gets the outer height of an element, including margins. * * @param {Element} element - Target element. * @returns {number} Computed height. */ export const getComputedOuterHeight = (element: HTMLElement) => { const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element); return element.offsetHeight + getFloatStyleProperty(computedStyle, 'margin-top') + getFloatStyleProperty(computedStyle, 'margin-bottom'); }; /** * Returns this feature's root state. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {Object} Feature state. */ const getState = (state: Object) => state[REDUCER_KEY]; /** * Is the participants pane open. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {boolean} Is the participants pane open. */ export const getParticipantsPaneOpen = (state: Object) => Boolean(getState(state)?.isOpen); /** * Returns the type of quick action button to be displayed for a participant. * The button is displayed when hovering a participant from the participant list. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant. * @param {boolean} isAudioMuted - If audio is muted for the participant. * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {string} - The type of the quick action button. */ export function getQuickActionButtonType(participant: Object, isAudioMuted: Boolean, state: Object) { // handled only by moderators if (isLocalParticipantModerator(state)) { if (!isAudioMuted) { return QUICK_ACTION_BUTTON.MUTE; } if (isSupported()(state)) { return QUICK_ACTION_BUTTON.ASK_TO_UNMUTE; } } return QUICK_ACTION_BUTTON.NONE; } /** * Returns true if the invite button should be rendered. * * @param {Object} state - Global state. * @returns {boolean} */ export const shouldRenderInviteButton = (state: Object) => { const { disableInviteFunctions } = toState(state)['features/base/config']; const flagEnabled = getFeatureFlag(state, INVITE_ENABLED, true); const inBreakoutRoom = isInBreakoutRoom(state); return flagEnabled && !disableInviteFunctions && !inBreakoutRoom; }; /** * Selector for retrieving ids of participants in the order that they are displayed in the filmstrip (with the * exception of participants with raised hand). The participants are reordered as follows. * 1. Dominant speaker. * 2. Local participant. * 3. Participants with raised hand. * 4. Participants with screenshare sorted alphabetically by their display name. * 5. Shared video participants. * 6. Recent speakers sorted alphabetically by their display name. * 7. Rest of the participants sorted alphabetically by their display name. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state features/base/participants. * @returns {Array} */ export function getSortedParticipantIds(stateful: Object | Function): Array { const { id } = getLocalParticipant(stateful); const remoteParticipants = getRemoteParticipantsSorted(stateful); const reorderedParticipants = new Set(remoteParticipants); const raisedHandParticipants = getRaiseHandsQueue(stateful).map(({ id: particId }) => particId); const remoteRaisedHandParticipants = new Set(raisedHandParticipants || []); const dominantSpeaker = getDominantSpeakerParticipant(stateful); for (const participant of remoteRaisedHandParticipants.keys()) { // Avoid duplicates. if (reorderedParticipants.has(participant)) { reorderedParticipants.delete(participant); } } const dominant = []; const dominantId = dominantSpeaker?.id; const local = remoteRaisedHandParticipants.has(id) ? [] : [ id ]; // In case dominat speaker has raised hand, keep the order in the raised hand queue. // In case they don't have raised hand, goes first in the participants list. if (dominantId && dominantId !== id && !remoteRaisedHandParticipants.has(dominantId)) { reorderedParticipants.delete(dominantId); dominant.push(dominantId); } // Move self and participants with raised hand to the top of the list. return [ ...dominant, ...local, ...Array.from(remoteRaisedHandParticipants.keys()), ...Array.from(reorderedParticipants.keys()) ]; } /** * Checks if a participant matches the search string. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant to be checked. * @param {string} searchString - The participants search string. * @returns {boolean} */ export function participantMatchesSearch(participant: Object, searchString: string) { if (searchString === '') { return true; } const names = normalizeAccents(participant?.name || participant?.displayName || '') .toLowerCase() .split(' '); const lowerCaseSearchString = searchString.toLowerCase(); for (const name of names) { if (name.startsWith(lowerCaseSearchString)) { return true; } } return false; }