// @flow import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles'; import React, { type Node, useCallback } from 'react'; import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar'; import { ListItem } from '../../../base/components'; import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n'; import { ACTION_TRIGGER, AudioStateIcons, MEDIA_STATE, type ActionTrigger, type MediaState, VideoStateIcons } from '../../constants'; import { RaisedHandIndicator } from './RaisedHandIndicator'; type Props = { /** * Type of trigger for the participant actions. */ actionsTrigger?: ActionTrigger, /** * Media state for audio. */ audioMediaState?: MediaState, /** * React children. */ children?: Node, /** * Whether or not to disable the moderator indicator. */ disableModeratorIndicator: boolean, /** * The name of the participant. Used for showing lobby names. */ displayName: string, /** * Is this item highlighted/raised. */ isHighlighted?: boolean, /** * Whether or not the participant is a moderator. */ isModerator: boolean, /** * True if the participant is local. */ local: boolean, /** * Opens a drawer with participant actions. */ openDrawerForParticipant?: Function, /** * Callback for when the mouse leaves this component. */ onLeave?: Function, /** * If an overflow drawer can be opened. */ overflowDrawer?: boolean, /** * The ID of the participant. */ participantID: string, /** * True if the participant have raised hand. */ raisedHand?: boolean, /** * Media state for video. */ videoMediaState?: MediaState, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function, /** * The translated "you" text. */ youText?: string } const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => { return { nameContainer: { display: 'flex', flex: 1, overflow: 'hidden' }, name: { overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }, moderatorLabel: { ...theme.typography.labelRegular, lineHeight: `${theme.typography.labelRegular.lineHeight}px`, color: theme.palette.text03 } }; }); /** * A component representing a participant entry in ParticipantPane and Lobby. * * @param {Props} props - The props of the component. * @returns {ReactNode} */ function ParticipantItem({ actionsTrigger = ACTION_TRIGGER.HOVER, audioMediaState = MEDIA_STATE.NONE, children, disableModeratorIndicator, displayName, isHighlighted, isModerator, local, onLeave, openDrawerForParticipant, overflowDrawer, participantID, raisedHand, t, videoMediaState = MEDIA_STATE.NONE, youText }: Props) { const onClick = useCallback( () => openDrawerForParticipant && openDrawerForParticipant({ participantID, displayName })); const styles = useStyles(); const icon = ( ); const text = ( <>
{local ?  ({youText}) : null}
{isModerator && !disableModeratorIndicator &&
} ); const indicators = ( <> {raisedHand && } {VideoStateIcons[videoMediaState]} {AudioStateIcons[audioMediaState]} ); return ( ); } export default translate(ParticipantItem);