/** * Represents a participant in (a member of) a conference. */ function JitsiParticipant(id, conference, displayName){ this._id = id; this._conference = conference; this._displayName = displayName; } /** * @returns {JitsiConference} The conference that this participant belongs to. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getConference = function() { return this._conference; } /** * @returns {Array.} The list of media tracks for this participant. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getTracks = function() { } /** * @returns {String} The ID (i.e. JID) of this participant. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getId = function() { return this._id; } /** * @returns {String} The human-readable display name of this participant. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getDisplayName = function() { return this._displayName; } /** * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant is a moderator or not. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isModerator = function() { } // Gets a link to an etherpad instance advertised by the participant? //JitsiParticipant.prototype.getEtherpad = function() { // //} /* * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant has muted their audio. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isAudioMuted = function() { } /* * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant has muted their video. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isVideoMuted = function() { } /* * @returns {???} The latest statistics reported by this participant (i.e. info used to populate the GSM bars) * TODO: do we expose this or handle it internally? */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getLatestStats = function() { } /** * @returns {String} The role of this participant. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getRole = function() { } /* * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant is the conference focus (i.e. jicofo). */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isFocus = function() { } /* * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant is a conference recorder (i.e. jirecon). */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isRecorder = function() { } /* * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant is a SIP gateway (i.e. jigasi). */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isSipGateway = function() { } /** * @returns {String} The ID for this participant's avatar. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getAvatarId = function() { } /** * @returns {Boolean} Whether this participant is currently sharing their screen. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.isScreenSharing = function() { } /** * @returns {String} The user agent of this participant (i.e. browser userAgent string). */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.getUserAgent = function() { } /** * Kicks the participant from the conference (requires certain privileges). */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.kick = function() { } /** * Asks this participant to mute themselves. */ JitsiParticipant.prototype.askToMute = function() { } module.exports = JitsiParticipant();