/** * Contact list. */ var ContactList = (function (my) { var numberOfContacts = 0; var notificationInterval; /** * Indicates if the chat is currently visible. * * @return true if the chat is currently visible, false - * otherwise */ my.isVisible = function () { return $('#contactlist').is(":visible"); }; /** * Adds a contact for the given peerJid if such doesn't yet exist. * * @param peerJid the peerJid corresponding to the contact * @param id the user's email or userId used to get the user's avatar */ my.ensureAddContact = function(peerJid, id) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid); var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]'); if (!contact || contact.length <= 0) ContactList.addContact(peerJid,id); }; /** * Adds a contact for the given peer jid. * * @param peerJid the jid of the contact to add * @param id the email or userId of the user */ my.addContact = function(peerJid, id) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid); var contactlist = $('#contactlist>ul'); var newContact = document.createElement('li'); // XXX(gp) contact click event handling is now in videolayout.js. Is the // following statement (newContact.id = resourceJid) still relevant? newContact.id = resourceJid; newContact.className = "clickable"; newContact.onclick = function(event) { if(event.currentTarget.className === "clickable") { $(ContactList).trigger('contactclicked', [peerJid]); } }; newContact.appendChild(createAvatar(id)); newContact.appendChild(createDisplayNameParagraph("Participant")); var clElement = contactlist.get(0); if (resourceJid === Strophe.getResourceFromJid(connection.emuc.myroomjid) && $('#contactlist>ul .title')[0].nextSibling.nextSibling) { clElement.insertBefore(newContact, $('#contactlist>ul .title')[0].nextSibling.nextSibling); } else { clElement.appendChild(newContact); } updateNumberOfParticipants(1); }; /** * Removes a contact for the given peer jid. * * @param peerJid the peerJid corresponding to the contact to remove */ my.removeContact = function(peerJid) { var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid); var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]'); if (contact && contact.length > 0) { var contactlist = $('#contactlist>ul'); contactlist.get(0).removeChild(contact.get(0)); updateNumberOfParticipants(-1); } }; my.setVisualNotification = function(show, stopGlowingIn) { var glower = $('#contactListButton'); function stopGlowing() { window.clearInterval(notificationInterval); notificationInterval = false; glower.removeClass('glowing'); if(!ContactList.isVisible()) { glower.removeClass('active'); } } if (show && !notificationInterval) { notificationInterval = window.setInterval(function () { glower.toggleClass('active glowing'); }, 800); } else if (!show && notificationInterval) { stopGlowing(); } if(stopGlowingIn) { setTimeout(stopGlowing, stopGlowingIn); } }; /** * Updates the number of participants in the contact list button and sets * the glow * @param delta indicates whether a new user has joined (1) or someone has * left(-1) */ function updateNumberOfParticipants(delta) { //when the user is alone we don't show the number of participants if(numberOfContacts === 0) { $("#numberOfParticipants").text(''); numberOfContacts += delta; } else if(numberOfContacts !== 0 && !ContactList.isVisible()) { ContactList.setVisualNotification(true); numberOfContacts += delta; $("#numberOfParticipants").text(numberOfContacts); } } /** * Creates the avatar element. * * @return the newly created avatar element */ function createAvatar(id) { var avatar = document.createElement('img'); avatar.className = "icon-avatar avatar"; avatar.src = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + id + "?d=retro&size=30"; return avatar; } /** * Creates the display name paragraph. * * @param displayName the display name to set */ function createDisplayNameParagraph(displayName) { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.innerText = displayName; return p; } /** * Indicates that the display name has changed. */ $(document).bind( 'displaynamechanged', function (event, peerJid, displayName) { if (peerJid === 'localVideoContainer') peerJid = connection.emuc.myroomjid; var resourceJid = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(peerJid); var contactName = $('#contactlist #' + resourceJid + '>p'); if (contactName && displayName && displayName.length > 0) contactName.text(displayName); }); my.setClickable = function(resourceJid, isClickable) { var contact = $('#contactlist>ul>li[id="' + resourceJid + '"]'); if(isClickable) { contact.addClass('clickable'); } else { contact.removeClass('clickable'); } }; return my; }(ContactList || {}));