local jid = require "util.jid"; local timer = require "util.timer"; local http = require "net.http"; local http_timeout = 30; local have_async, async = pcall(require, "util.async"); local http_headers = { ["User-Agent"] = "Prosody ("..prosody.version.."; "..prosody.platform..")" }; local muc_domain_prefix = module:get_option_string("muc_mapper_domain_prefix", "conference"); -- defaults to module.host, the module that uses the utility local muc_domain_base = module:get_option_string("muc_mapper_domain_base", module.host); -- The "real" MUC domain that we are proxying to local muc_domain = module:get_option_string( "muc_mapper_domain", muc_domain_prefix.."."..muc_domain_base); local escaped_muc_domain_base = muc_domain_base:gsub("%p", "%%%1"); local escaped_muc_domain_prefix = muc_domain_prefix:gsub("%p", "%%%1"); -- The pattern used to extract the target subdomain -- (e.g. extract 'foo' from 'foo.muc.example.com') local target_subdomain_pattern = "^"..escaped_muc_domain_prefix..".([^%.]+)%."..escaped_muc_domain_base; -- Utility function to split room JID to include room name and subdomain local function room_jid_split_subdomain(room_jid) local node, host, resource = jid.split(room_jid); local target_subdomain = host and host:match(target_subdomain_pattern); return node, host, resource, target_subdomain end --- Utility function to check and convert a room JID from -- virtual room1@muc.foo.example.com to real [foo]room1@muc.example.com -- @param room_jid the room jid to match and rewrite if needed -- @return returns room jid [foo]room1@muc.example.com when it has subdomain -- otherwise room1@muc.example.com(the room_jid value untouched) local function room_jid_match_rewrite(room_jid) local node, host, resource, target_subdomain = room_jid_split_subdomain(room_jid); if not target_subdomain then module:log("debug", "No need to rewrite out 'to' %s", room_jid); return room_jid; end -- Ok, rewrite room_jid address to new format local new_node, new_host, new_resource = "["..target_subdomain.."]"..node, muc_domain, resource; room_jid = jid.join(new_node, new_host, new_resource); module:log("debug", "Rewrote to %s", room_jid); return room_jid end local function internal_room_jid_match_rewrite(room_jid) local node, host, resource = jid.split(room_jid); if host ~= muc_domain or not node then module:log("debug", "No need to rewrite %s (not from the MUC host)", room_jid); return room_jid; end local target_subdomain, target_node = node:match("^%[([^%]]+)%](.+)$"); if not (target_node and target_subdomain) then module:log("debug", "Not rewriting... unexpected node format: %s", node); return room_jid; end -- Ok, rewrite room_jid address to pretty format local new_node, new_host, new_resource = target_node, muc_domain_prefix..".".. target_subdomain.."."..muc_domain_base, resource; room_jid = jid.join(new_node, new_host, new_resource); module:log("debug", "Rewrote to %s", room_jid); return room_jid end --- Finds and returns room by its jid -- @param room_jid the room jid to search in the muc component -- @return returns room if found or nil function get_room_from_jid(room_jid) local _, host = jid.split(room_jid); local component = hosts[host]; if component then local muc = component.modules.muc if muc and rawget(muc,"rooms") then -- We're running 0.9.x or 0.10 (old MUC API) return muc.rooms[room_jid]; elseif muc and rawget(muc,"get_room_from_jid") then -- We're running >0.10 (new MUC API) return muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); else return end end end function async_handler_wrapper(event, handler) if not have_async then module:log("error", "requires a version of Prosody with util.async"); return nil; end local runner = async.runner; -- Grab a local response so that we can send the http response when -- the handler is done. local response = event.response; local async_func = runner( function (event) local result = handler(event) -- If there is a status code in the result from the -- wrapped handler then add it to the response. if tonumber(result.status_code) ~= nil then response.status_code = result.status_code end -- If there are headers in the result from the -- wrapped handler then add them to the response. if result.headers ~= nil then response.headers = result.headers end -- Send the response to the waiting http client with -- or without the body from the wrapped handler. if result.body ~= nil then response:send(result.body) else response:send(); end end ) async_func:run(event) -- return true to keep the client http connection open. return true; end --- Updates presence stanza, by adding identity node -- @param stanza the presence stanza -- @param user the user to which presence we are updating identity -- @param group the group of the user to which presence we are updating identity -- @param creator_user the user who created the user which presence we -- are updating (this is the poltergeist case, where a user creates -- a poltergeist), optional. -- @param creator_group the group of the user who created the user which -- presence we are updating (this is the poltergeist case, where a user creates -- a poltergeist), optional. function update_presence_identity( stanza, user, group, creator_user, creator_group) -- First remove any 'identity' element if it already -- exists, so it cannot be spoofed by a client stanza:maptags( function(tag) for k, v in pairs(tag) do if k == "name" and v == "identity" then return nil end end return tag end ) module:log("debug", "Presence after previous identity stripped: %s", tostring(stanza)); stanza:tag("identity"):tag("user"); for k, v in pairs(user) do stanza:tag(k):text(v):up(); end stanza:up(); -- Add the group information if it is present if group then stanza:tag("group"):text(group):up(); end -- Add the creator user information if it is present if creator_user then stanza:tag("creator_user"); for k, v in pairs(creator_user) do stanza:tag(k):text(v):up(); end stanza:up(); -- Add the creator group information if it is present if creator_group then stanza:tag("creator_group"):text(creator_group):up(); end stanza:up(); end module:log("debug", "Presence with identity inserted %s", tostring(stanza)) end -- Utility function to check whether feature is present and enabled. Allow -- a feature if there are features present in the session(coming from -- the token) and the value of the feature is true. -- If features is not present in the token we skip feature detection and allow -- everything. function is_feature_allowed(session, feature) if (session.jitsi_meet_context_features == nil or session.jitsi_meet_context_features[feature] == "true") then return true; else return false; end end function starts_with(str, start) return str:sub(1, #start) == start end -- healthcheck rooms in jicofo starts with a string '__jicofo-health-check' function is_healthcheck_room(room_jid) if starts_with(room_jid, "__jicofo-health-check") then return true; end return false; end -- Utility function to make an http get request and -- retry @param retry number of times -- @param url endpoint to be called -- @param retry nr of retries, if retry is -- nil there will be no retries -- @returns result of the http call or nil if -- the external call failed after the last retry function http_get_with_retry(url, retry) local content, code; local wait, done = async.waiter(); local function cb(content_, code_, response_, request_) code = code_; if code == 200 or code == 204 then module:log("debug", "External call was successful, content %s", content_); content = content_ else module:log("warn", "Error on public key request: Code %s, Content %s", code_, content_); end done(); end local function call_http() return http.request(url, { headers = http_headers or {}, method = "GET" }, cb); end local request = call_http(); local function cancel() -- TODO: This check is racey. Not likely to be a problem, but we should -- still stick a mutex on content / code at some point. if code == nil then -- no longer present in prosody 0.11, so check before calling if http.destroy_request ~= nil then http.destroy_request(request); end if retry == nil then module:log("debug", "External call failed and retry policy is not set"); done(); elseif retry ~= nil and retry < 1 then module:log("debug", "External call failed after retry") done(); else module:log("debug", "External call failed, retry nr %s", retry) retry = retry - 1; request = call_http() return http_timeout; end end end timer.add_task(http_timeout, cancel); wait(); if code == 200 or code == 204 then return content; end return nil; end return { is_feature_allowed = is_feature_allowed; is_healthcheck_room = is_healthcheck_room; get_room_from_jid = get_room_from_jid; async_handler_wrapper = async_handler_wrapper; room_jid_match_rewrite = room_jid_match_rewrite; room_jid_split_subdomain = room_jid_split_subdomain; internal_room_jid_match_rewrite = internal_room_jid_match_rewrite; update_presence_identity = update_presence_identity; http_get_with_retry = http_get_with_retry; };