// @flow import React from 'react'; import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar'; import { HIDDEN_EMAILS } from '../../../lobby/constants'; import NotificationButton from './NotificationButton'; type Props = { /** * Text used for button which triggeres `onApprove` action. */ approveButtonText: string, /** * Callback used when clicking the ok/approve button. */ onApprove: Function, /** * Callback used when clicking the reject button. */ onReject: Function, /** * Array of participants to be displayed. */ participants: Array, /** * Text for button which triggeres the `reject` action. */ rejectButtonText: string, /** * String prefix used for button `test-id`. */ testIdPrefix: string } /** * Component used to display a list of notifications based on a list of participants. * This is visible only to moderators. * * @returns {React$Element<'div'> | null} */ export default function({ approveButtonText, onApprove, onReject, participants, testIdPrefix, rejectButtonText }: Props): React$Element<'ul'> { return ( ); }