// @flow import Logger from 'jitsi-meet-logger'; import { createApiEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../react/features/analytics'; import { getCurrentConference, sendTones, setPassword, setSubject } from '../../react/features/base/conference'; import { overwriteConfig, getWhitelistedJSON } from '../../react/features/base/config'; import { parseJWTFromURLParams } from '../../react/features/base/jwt'; import JitsiMeetJS, { JitsiRecordingConstants } from '../../react/features/base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../../react/features/base/media'; import { pinParticipant, getParticipantById, kickParticipant } from '../../react/features/base/participants'; import { setPrivateMessageRecipient } from '../../react/features/chat/actions'; import { openChat } from '../../react/features/chat/actions.web'; import { processExternalDeviceRequest } from '../../react/features/device-selection/functions'; import { isEnabled as isDropboxEnabled } from '../../react/features/dropbox'; import { toggleE2EE } from '../../react/features/e2ee/actions'; import { invite } from '../../react/features/invite'; import { captureLargeVideoScreenshot, resizeLargeVideo, selectParticipantInLargeVideo } from '../../react/features/large-video/actions'; import { toggleLobbyMode } from '../../react/features/lobby/actions.web'; import { RECORDING_TYPES } from '../../react/features/recording/constants'; import { getActiveSession } from '../../react/features/recording/functions'; import { muteAllParticipants } from '../../react/features/remote-video-menu/actions'; import { toggleTileView } from '../../react/features/video-layout'; import { setVideoQuality } from '../../react/features/video-quality'; import { getJitsiMeetTransport } from '../transport'; import { API_ID, ENDPOINT_TEXT_MESSAGE_NAME } from './constants'; const logger = Logger.getLogger(__filename); declare var APP: Object; /** * List of the available commands. */ let commands = {}; /** * The transport instance used for communication with external apps. * * @type {Transport} */ const transport = getJitsiMeetTransport(); /** * The current audio availability. * * @type {boolean} */ let audioAvailable = true; /** * The current video availability. * * @type {boolean} */ let videoAvailable = true; /** * Initializes supported commands. * * @returns {void} */ function initCommands() { commands = { 'display-name': displayName => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('display.name.changed')); APP.conference.changeLocalDisplayName(displayName); }, 'mute-everyone': mediaType => { const muteMediaType = mediaType ? mediaType : MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO; sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('muted-everyone')); const participants = APP.store.getState()['features/base/participants']; const localIds = participants .filter(participant => participant.local) .filter(participant => participant.role === 'moderator') .map(participant => participant.id); APP.store.dispatch(muteAllParticipants(localIds, muteMediaType)); }, 'toggle-lobby': isLobbyEnabled => { APP.store.dispatch(toggleLobbyMode(isLobbyEnabled)); }, 'password': password => { const { conference, passwordRequired } = APP.store.getState()['features/base/conference']; if (passwordRequired) { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('submit.password')); APP.store.dispatch(setPassword( passwordRequired, passwordRequired.join, password )); } else { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('password.changed')); APP.store.dispatch(setPassword( conference, conference.lock, password )); } }, 'pin-participant': id => { logger.debug('Pin participant command received'); sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('participant.pinned')); APP.store.dispatch(pinParticipant(id)); }, 'proxy-connection-event': event => { APP.conference.onProxyConnectionEvent(event); }, 'resize-large-video': (width, height) => { logger.debug('Resize large video command received'); sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('largevideo.resized')); APP.store.dispatch(resizeLargeVideo(width, height)); }, 'send-tones': (options = {}) => { const { duration, tones, pause } = options; APP.store.dispatch(sendTones(tones, duration, pause)); }, 'set-large-video-participant': participantId => { logger.debug('Set large video participant command received'); sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('largevideo.participant.set')); APP.store.dispatch(selectParticipantInLargeVideo(participantId)); }, 'subject': subject => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('subject.changed')); APP.store.dispatch(setSubject(subject)); }, 'submit-feedback': feedback => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('submit.feedback')); APP.conference.submitFeedback(feedback.score, feedback.message); }, 'toggle-audio': () => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('toggle-audio')); logger.log('Audio toggle: API command received'); APP.conference.toggleAudioMuted(false /* no UI */); }, 'toggle-video': () => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('toggle-video')); logger.log('Video toggle: API command received'); APP.conference.toggleVideoMuted(false /* no UI */); }, 'toggle-film-strip': () => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('film.strip.toggled')); APP.UI.toggleFilmstrip(); }, 'toggle-chat': () => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('chat.toggled')); APP.UI.toggleChat(); }, /** * Callback to invoke when the "toggle-share-screen" command is received. * * @param {Object} options - Additional details of how to perform * the action. Note this parameter is undocumented and experimental. * @param {boolean} options.enable - Whether trying to enable screen * sharing or to turn it off. * @returns {void} */ 'toggle-share-screen': (options = {}) => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('screen.sharing.toggled')); toggleScreenSharing(options.enable); }, 'toggle-tile-view': () => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('tile-view.toggled')); APP.store.dispatch(toggleTileView()); }, 'video-hangup': (showFeedbackDialog = true) => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('video.hangup')); APP.conference.hangup(showFeedbackDialog); }, 'email': email => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('email.changed')); APP.conference.changeLocalEmail(email); }, 'avatar-url': avatarUrl => { sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('avatar.url.changed')); APP.conference.changeLocalAvatarUrl(avatarUrl); }, 'send-endpoint-text-message': (to, text) => { logger.debug('Send endpoint message command received'); try { APP.conference.sendEndpointMessage(to, { name: ENDPOINT_TEXT_MESSAGE_NAME, text }); } catch (err) { logger.error('Failed sending endpoint text message', err); } }, 'toggle-e2ee': enabled => { logger.debug('Toggle E2EE key command received'); APP.store.dispatch(toggleE2EE(enabled)); }, 'set-video-quality': frameHeight => { logger.debug('Set video quality command received'); sendAnalytics(createApiEvent('set.video.quality')); APP.store.dispatch(setVideoQuality(frameHeight)); }, /** * Starts a file recording or streaming session depending on the passed on params. * For RTMP streams, `rtmpStreamKey` must be passed on. `rtmpBroadcastID` is optional. * For youtube streams, `youtubeStreamKey` must be passed on. `youtubeBroadcastID` is optional. * For dropbox recording, recording `mode` should be `file` and a dropbox oauth2 token must be provided. * For file recording, recording `mode` should be `file` and optionally `shouldShare` could be passed on. * No other params should be passed. * * @param { string } arg.mode - Recording mode, either `file` or `stream`. * @param { string } arg.dropboxToken - Dropbox oauth2 token. * @param { string } arg.rtmpStreamKey - The RTMP stream key. * @param { string } arg.rtmpBroadcastID - The RTMP braodcast ID. * @param { boolean } arg.shouldShare - Whether the recording should be shared with the participants or not. * Only applies to certain jitsi meet deploys. * @param { string } arg.youtubeStreamKey - The youtube stream key. * @param { string } arg.youtubeBroadcastID - The youtube broacast ID. * @returns {void} */ 'start-recording': ({ mode, dropboxToken, shouldShare, rtmpStreamKey, rtmpBroadcastID, youtubeStreamKey, youtubeBroadcastID }) => { const state = APP.store.getState(); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); if (!conference) { logger.error('Conference is not defined'); return; } if (dropboxToken && !isDropboxEnabled(state)) { logger.error('Failed starting recording: dropbox is not enabled on this deployment'); return; } if (mode === JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM && !(youtubeStreamKey || rtmpStreamKey)) { logger.error('Failed starting recording: missing youtube or RTMP stream key'); return; } let recordingConfig; if (mode === JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.FILE) { if (dropboxToken) { recordingConfig = { mode: JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.FILE, appData: JSON.stringify({ 'file_recording_metadata': { 'upload_credentials': { 'service_name': RECORDING_TYPES.DROPBOX, 'token': dropboxToken } } }) }; } else { recordingConfig = { mode: JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.FILE, appData: JSON.stringify({ 'file_recording_metadata': { 'share': shouldShare } }) }; } } else if (mode === JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM) { recordingConfig = { broadcastId: youtubeBroadcastID || rtmpBroadcastID, mode: JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM, streamId: youtubeStreamKey || rtmpStreamKey }; } else { logger.error('Invalid recording mode provided'); return; } conference.startRecording(recordingConfig); }, /** * Stops a recording or streaming in progress. * * @param {string} mode - `file` or `stream`. * @returns {void} */ 'stop-recording': mode => { const state = APP.store.getState(); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); if (!conference) { logger.error('Conference is not defined'); return; } if (![ JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.FILE, JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM ].includes(mode)) { logger.error('Invalid recording mode provided!'); return; } const activeSession = getActiveSession(state, mode); if (activeSession && activeSession.id) { conference.stopRecording(activeSession.id); } else { logger.error('No recording or streaming session found'); } }, 'initiate-private-chat': participantId => { const state = APP.store.getState(); const participant = getParticipantById(state, participantId); if (participant) { const { isOpen: isChatOpen } = state['features/chat']; if (!isChatOpen) { APP.UI.toggleChat(); } APP.store.dispatch(openChat(participant)); } else { logger.error('No participant found for the given participantId'); } }, 'cancel-private-chat': () => { APP.store.dispatch(setPrivateMessageRecipient()); }, 'kick-participant': participantId => { APP.store.dispatch(kickParticipant(participantId)); }, 'overwrite-config': config => { const whitelistedConfig = getWhitelistedJSON('config', config); APP.store.dispatch(overwriteConfig(whitelistedConfig)); } }; transport.on('event', ({ data, name }) => { if (name && commands[name]) { commands[name](...data); return true; } return false; }); transport.on('request', (request, callback) => { const { dispatch, getState } = APP.store; if (processExternalDeviceRequest(dispatch, getState, request, callback)) { return true; } const { name } = request; switch (name) { case 'capture-largevideo-screenshot' : APP.store.dispatch(captureLargeVideoScreenshot()) .then(dataURL => { let error; if (!dataURL) { error = new Error('No large video found!'); } callback({ error, dataURL }); }); break; case 'invite': { const { invitees } = request; if (!Array.isArray(invitees) || invitees.length === 0) { callback({ error: new Error('Unexpected format of invitees') }); break; } // The store should be already available because API.init is called // on appWillMount action. APP.store.dispatch( invite(invitees, true)) .then(failedInvitees => { let error; let result; if (failedInvitees.length) { error = new Error('One or more invites failed!'); } else { result = true; } callback({ error, result }); }); break; } case 'is-audio-muted': callback(APP.conference.isLocalAudioMuted()); break; case 'is-video-muted': callback(APP.conference.isLocalVideoMuted()); break; case 'is-audio-available': callback(audioAvailable); break; case 'is-video-available': callback(videoAvailable); break; case 'is-sharing-screen': callback(Boolean(APP.conference.isSharingScreen)); break; case 'get-content-sharing-participants': { const tracks = getState()['features/base/tracks']; const sharingParticipantIds = tracks.filter(tr => tr.videoType === 'desktop').map(t => t.participantId); callback({ sharingParticipantIds }); break; } case 'get-livestream-url': { const state = APP.store.getState(); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); let livestreamUrl; if (conference) { const activeSession = getActiveSession(state, JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM); livestreamUrl = activeSession?.liveStreamViewURL; } else { logger.error('Conference is not defined'); } callback({ livestreamUrl }); break; } default: return false; } return true; }); } /** * Check whether the API should be enabled or not. * * @returns {boolean} */ function shouldBeEnabled() { return ( typeof API_ID === 'number' // XXX Enable the API when a JSON Web Token (JWT) is specified in // the location/URL because then it is very likely that the Jitsi // Meet (Web) app is being used by an external/wrapping (Web) app // and, consequently, the latter will need to communicate with the // former. (The described logic is merely a heuristic though.) || parseJWTFromURLParams()); } /** * Executes on toggle-share-screen command. * * @param {boolean} [enable] - Whether this toggle is to explicitly enable or * disable screensharing. If not defined, the application will automatically * attempt to toggle between enabled and disabled. This boolean is useful for * explicitly setting desired screensharing state. * @returns {void} */ function toggleScreenSharing(enable) { if (JitsiMeetJS.isDesktopSharingEnabled()) { APP.conference.toggleScreenSharing(enable).catch(() => { logger.warn('Failed to toggle screen-sharing'); }); } } /** * Implements API class that communicates with external API class and provides * interface to access Jitsi Meet features by external applications that embed * Jitsi Meet. */ class API { _enabled: boolean; /** * Initializes the API. Setups message event listeners that will receive * information from external applications that embed Jitsi Meet. It also * sends a message to the external application that API is initialized. * * @param {Object} options - Optional parameters. * @returns {void} */ init() { if (!shouldBeEnabled()) { return; } /** * Current status (enabled/disabled) of API. * * @private * @type {boolean} */ this._enabled = true; initCommands(); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the large video * visibility changed. * * @param {boolean} isHidden - True if the large video is hidden and false * otherwise. * @returns {void} */ notifyLargeVideoVisibilityChanged(isHidden: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'large-video-visibility-changed', isVisible: !isHidden }); } /** * Notifies the external application (spot) that the local jitsi-participant * has a status update. * * @param {Object} event - The message to pass onto spot. * @returns {void} */ sendProxyConnectionEvent(event: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'proxy-connection-event', ...event }); } /** * Sends event to the external application. * * @param {Object} event - The event to be sent. * @returns {void} */ _sendEvent(event: Object = {}) { if (this._enabled) { transport.sendEvent(event); } } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the chat state has been updated. * * @param {number} unreadCount - The unread messages counter. * @param {boolean} isOpen - True if the chat panel is open. * @returns {void} */ notifyChatUpdated(unreadCount: number, isOpen: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'chat-updated', unreadCount, isOpen }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that message was sent. * * @param {string} message - Message body. * @param {boolean} privateMessage - True if the message was a private message. * @returns {void} */ notifySendingChatMessage(message: string, privateMessage: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'outgoing-message', message, privateMessage }); } /** * Notify external application that the video quality setting has changed. * * @param {number} videoQuality - The video quality. The number represents the maximum height of the video streams. * @returns {void} */ notifyVideoQualityChanged(videoQuality: number) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-quality-changed', videoQuality }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that message was * received. * * @param {Object} options - Object with the message properties. * @returns {void} */ notifyReceivedChatMessage( { body, id, nick, privateMessage, ts }: { body: *, id: string, nick: string, privateMessage: boolean, ts: * } = {}) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { return; } this._sendEvent({ name: 'incoming-message', from: id, message: body, nick, privateMessage, stamp: ts }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user joined the * conference. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {Object} props - The display name of the user. * @returns {void} */ notifyUserJoined(id: string, props: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'participant-joined', id, ...props }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user left the * conference. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @returns {void} */ notifyUserLeft(id: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'participant-left', id }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the user role * has changed. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {string} role - The new user role. * @returns {void} */ notifyUserRoleChanged(id: string, role: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'participant-role-changed', id, role }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user changed their * avatar. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {string} avatarURL - The new avatar URL of the participant. * @returns {void} */ notifyAvatarChanged(id: string, avatarURL: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'avatar-changed', avatarURL, id }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user received * a text message through datachannels. * * @param {Object} data - The event data. * @returns {void} */ notifyEndpointTextMessageReceived(data: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'endpoint-text-message-received', data }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the list of sharing participants changed. * * @param {Object} data - The event data. * @returns {void} */ notifySharingParticipantsChanged(data: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'content-sharing-participants-changed', data }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the device list has * changed. * * @param {Object} devices - The new device list. * @returns {void} */ notifyDeviceListChanged(devices: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'device-list-changed', devices }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user changed their * nickname. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {string} displayname - User nickname. * @param {string} formattedDisplayName - The display name shown in Jitsi * meet's UI for the user. * @returns {void} */ notifyDisplayNameChanged( id: string, { displayName, formattedDisplayName }: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'display-name-change', displayname: displayName, formattedDisplayName, id }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user changed their * email. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {string} email - The new email of the participant. * @returns {void} */ notifyEmailChanged( id: string, { email }: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'email-change', email, id }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the an error has been logged. * * @param {string} logLevel - The message log level. * @param {Array} args - Array of strings composing the log message. * @returns {void} */ notifyLog(logLevel: string, args: Array) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'log', logLevel, args }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the conference has * been joined. * * @param {string} roomName - The room name. * @param {string} id - The id of the local user. * @param {Object} props - The display name and avatar URL of the local * user. * @returns {void} */ notifyConferenceJoined(roomName: string, id: string, props: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-conference-joined', roomName, id, ...props }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that local user has left the conference. * * @param {string} roomName - User id. * @returns {void} */ notifyConferenceLeft(roomName: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-conference-left', roomName }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that we are ready to be * closed. * * @returns {void} */ notifyReadyToClose() { this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-ready-to-close' }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that a suspend event in host computer. * * @returns {void} */ notifySuspendDetected() { this._sendEvent({ name: 'suspend-detected' }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) for audio muted status * changed. * * @param {boolean} muted - The new muted status. * @returns {void} */ notifyAudioMutedStatusChanged(muted: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'audio-mute-status-changed', muted }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) for video muted status * changed. * * @param {boolean} muted - The new muted status. * @returns {void} */ notifyVideoMutedStatusChanged(muted: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-mute-status-changed', muted }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) for audio availability * changed. * * @param {boolean} available - True if available and false otherwise. * @returns {void} */ notifyAudioAvailabilityChanged(available: boolean) { audioAvailable = available; this._sendEvent({ name: 'audio-availability-changed', available }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) for video available * status changed. * * @param {boolean} available - True if available and false otherwise. * @returns {void} */ notifyVideoAvailabilityChanged(available: boolean) { videoAvailable = available; this._sendEvent({ name: 'video-availability-changed', available }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the on stage * participant has changed. * * @param {string} id - User id of the new on stage participant. * @returns {void} */ notifyOnStageParticipantChanged(id: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'on-stage-participant-changed', id }); } /** * Notify external application of an unexpected camera-related error having * occurred. * * @param {string} type - The type of the camera error. * @param {string} message - Additional information about the error. * @returns {void} */ notifyOnCameraError(type: string, message: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'camera-error', type, message }); } /** * Notify external application of an unexpected mic-related error having * occurred. * * @param {string} type - The type of the mic error. * @param {string} message - Additional information about the error. * @returns {void} */ notifyOnMicError(type: string, message: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'mic-error', type, message }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that conference feedback * has been submitted. Intended to be used in conjunction with the * submit-feedback command to get notified if feedback was submitted. * * @param {string} error - A failure message, if any. * @returns {void} */ notifyFeedbackSubmitted(error: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'feedback-submitted', error }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the feedback prompt * has been displayed. * * @returns {void} */ notifyFeedbackPromptDisplayed() { this._sendEvent({ name: 'feedback-prompt-displayed' }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the display * configuration of the filmstrip has been changed. * * @param {boolean} visible - Whether or not the filmstrip has been set to * be displayed or hidden. * @returns {void} */ notifyFilmstripDisplayChanged(visible: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'filmstrip-display-changed', visible }); } /** * Notify external application of a participant, remote or local, being * removed from the conference by another participant. * * @param {string} kicked - The ID of the participant removed from the * conference. * @param {string} kicker - The ID of the participant that removed the * other participant. * @returns {void} */ notifyKickedOut(kicked: Object, kicker: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'participant-kicked-out', kicked, kicker }); } /** * Notify external application of the current meeting requiring a password * to join. * * @returns {void} */ notifyOnPasswordRequired() { this._sendEvent({ name: 'password-required' }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the screen sharing * has been turned on/off. * * @param {boolean} on - True if screen sharing is enabled. * @param {Object} details - Additional information about the screen * sharing. * @param {string} details.sourceType - Type of device or window the screen * share is capturing. * @returns {void} */ notifyScreenSharingStatusChanged(on: boolean, details: Object) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'screen-sharing-status-changed', on, details }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the dominant speaker * has been turned on/off. * * @param {string} id - Id of the dominant participant. * @returns {void} */ notifyDominantSpeakerChanged(id: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'dominant-speaker-changed', id }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the conference * changed their subject. * * @param {string} subject - Conference subject. * @returns {void} */ notifySubjectChanged(subject: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'subject-change', subject }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that tile view has been * entered or exited. * * @param {string} enabled - True if tile view is currently displayed, false * otherwise. * @returns {void} */ notifyTileViewChanged(enabled: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'tile-view-changed', enabled }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that the localStorage has changed. * * @param {string} localStorageContent - The new localStorageContent. * @returns {void} */ notifyLocalStorageChanged(localStorageContent: string) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'local-storage-changed', localStorageContent }); } /** * Notify external application (if API is enabled) that user updated their hand raised. * * @param {string} id - User id. * @param {boolean} handRaised - Whether user has raised hand. * @returns {void} */ notifyRaiseHandUpdated(id: string, handRaised: boolean) { this._sendEvent({ name: 'raise-hand-updated', handRaised, id }); } /** * Disposes the allocated resources. * * @returns {void} */ dispose() { if (this._enabled) { this._enabled = false; } } } export default new API();