var SimulcastLogger = require("./SimulcastLogger"); var SimulcastUtils = require("./SimulcastUtils"); function SimulcastSender() { this.simulcastUtils = new SimulcastUtils(); this.logger = new SimulcastLogger('SimulcastSender', 1); } SimulcastSender.prototype.displayedLocalVideoStream = null; SimulcastSender.prototype._generateGuid = (function () { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return function () { return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); }; }()); // Returns a random integer between min (included) and max (excluded) // Using Math.round() gives a non-uniform distribution! SimulcastSender.prototype._generateRandomSSRC = function () { var min = 0, max = 0xffffffff; return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; }; SimulcastSender.prototype.getLocalVideoStream = function () { return (this.displayedLocalVideoStream != null) ? this.displayedLocalVideoStream // in case we have no simulcast at all, i.e. we didn't perform the GUM : APP.RTC.localVideo.getOriginalStream(); }; function NativeSimulcastSender() {; // call the super constructor. } NativeSimulcastSender.prototype = Object.create(SimulcastSender.prototype); NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._localExplosionMap = {}; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._isUsingScreenStream = false; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._localVideoSourceCache = ''; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.reset = function () { this._localExplosionMap = {}; this._isUsingScreenStream = APP.desktopsharing.isUsingScreenStream(); }; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._cacheLocalVideoSources = function (lines) { this._localVideoSourceCache = this.simulcastUtils._getVideoSources(lines); }; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._restoreLocalVideoSources = function (lines) { this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, this._localVideoSourceCache); }; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._appendSimulcastGroup = function (lines) { var videoSources, ssrcGroup, simSSRC, numOfSubs = 2, i, sb, msid;'Appending simulcast group...'); // Get the primary SSRC information. videoSources = this.simulcastUtils.parseMedia(lines, ['video'])[0]; // Start building the SIM SSRC group. ssrcGroup = ['a=ssrc-group:SIM']; // The video source buffer. sb = []; // Create the simulcast sub-streams. for (i = 0; i < numOfSubs; i++) { // TODO(gp) prevent SSRC collision. simSSRC = this._generateRandomSSRC(); ssrcGroup.push(simSSRC); if (videoSources.base) { sb.splice.apply(sb, [sb.length, 0].concat( [["a=ssrc:", simSSRC, " cname:", videoSources.base.cname].join(''), ["a=ssrc:", simSSRC, " msid:", videoSources.base.msid].join('')] )); }['Generated substream ', i, ' with SSRC ', simSSRC, '.'].join('')); } // Add the group sim layers. sb.splice(0, 0, ssrcGroup.join(' ')) this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, sb); }; // Does the actual patching. NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._ensureSimulcastGroup = function (lines) {'Ensuring simulcast group...'); if (this.simulcastUtils._indexOfArray('a=ssrc-group:SIM', lines) === this.simulcastUtils._emptyCompoundIndex) { this._appendSimulcastGroup(lines); this._cacheLocalVideoSources(lines); } else { // verify that the ssrcs participating in the SIM group are present // in the SDP (needed for presence). this._restoreLocalVideoSources(lines); } }; /** * Produces a single stream with multiple tracks for local video sources. * * @param lines * @private */ NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._explodeSimulcastSenderSources = function (lines) { var sb, msid, sid, tid, videoSources, self;'Exploding local video sources...'); videoSources = this.simulcastUtils.parseMedia(lines, ['video'])[0]; self = this; if (videoSources.groups && videoSources.groups.length !== 0) { videoSources.groups.forEach(function (group) { if (group.semantics === 'SIM') { group.ssrcs.forEach(function (ssrc) { // Get the msid for this ssrc.. if (self._localExplosionMap[ssrc]) { // .. either from the explosion map.. msid = self._localExplosionMap[ssrc]; } else { // .. or generate a new one (msid). sid = videoSources.sources[ssrc].msid .substring(0, videoSources.sources[ssrc].msid.indexOf(' ')); tid = self._generateGuid(); msid = [sid, tid].join(' '); self._localExplosionMap[ssrc] = msid; } // Assign it to the source object. videoSources.sources[ssrc].msid = msid; // TODO(gp) Change the msid of associated sources. }); } }); } sb = this.simulcastUtils._compileVideoSources(videoSources); this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, sb); }; /** * GUM for simulcast. * * @param constraints * @param success * @param err */ NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.getUserMedia = function (constraints, success, err) { // There's nothing special to do for native simulcast, so just do a normal GUM. navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints, function (hqStream) { success(hqStream); }, err); }; /** * Prepares the local description for public usage (i.e. to be signaled * through Jingle to the focus). * * @param desc * @returns {RTCSessionDescription} */ NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.reverseTransformLocalDescription = function (desc) { var sb; if (!this.simulcastUtils.isValidDescription(desc) || this._isUsingScreenStream) { return desc; } sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n'); this._explodeSimulcastSenderSources(sb); desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: desc.type, sdp: sb.join('\r\n') }); this.logger.fine(['Exploded local video sources', desc.sdp].join(' ')); return desc; }; /** * Ensures that the simulcast group is present in the answer, _if_ native * simulcast is enabled, * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.transformAnswer = function (desc) { if (!this.simulcastUtils.isValidDescription(desc) || this._isUsingScreenStream) { return desc; } var sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n'); // Even if we have enabled native simulcasting previously // (with a call to SLD with an appropriate SDP, for example), // createAnswer seems to consistently generate incomplete SDP // with missing SSRCS. // // So, subsequent calls to SLD will have missing SSRCS and presence // won't have the complete list of SRCs. this._ensureSimulcastGroup(sb); desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: desc.type, sdp: sb.join('\r\n') }); this.logger.fine(['Transformed answer', desc.sdp].join(' ')); return desc; }; /** * * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.transformLocalDescription = function (desc) { return desc; }; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled = function (ssrc, enabled) { // Nothing to do here, native simulcast does that auto-magically. }; NativeSimulcastSender.prototype.constructor = NativeSimulcastSender; function SimpleSimulcastSender() {; } SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype = Object.create(SimulcastSender.prototype); SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.localStream = null; SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype._localMaps = { msids: [], msid2ssrc: {} }; /** * Groups local video sources together in the ssrc-group:SIM group. * * @param lines * @private */ SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype._groupLocalVideoSources = function (lines) { var sb, videoSources, ssrcs = [], ssrc;'Grouping local video sources...'); videoSources = this.simulcastUtils.parseMedia(lines, ['video'])[0]; for (ssrc in videoSources.sources) { // jitsi-meet destroys/creates streams at various places causing // the original local stream ids to change. The only thing that // remains unchanged is the trackid. this._localMaps.msid2ssrc[videoSources.sources[ssrc].msid.split(' ')[1]] = ssrc; } var self = this; // TODO(gp) add only "free" sources. this._localMaps.msids.forEach(function (msid) { ssrcs.push(self._localMaps.msid2ssrc[msid]); }); if (!videoSources.groups) { videoSources.groups = []; } videoSources.groups.push({ 'semantics': 'SIM', 'ssrcs': ssrcs }); sb = this.simulcastUtils._compileVideoSources(videoSources); this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, sb); }; /** * GUM for simulcast. * * @param constraints * @param success * @param err */ SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.getUserMedia = function (constraints, success, err) { // TODO(gp) what if we request a resolution not supported by the hardware? // TODO(gp) make the lq stream configurable; although this wouldn't work with native simulcast var lqConstraints = { audio: false, video: { mandatory: { maxWidth: 320, maxHeight: 180, maxFrameRate: 15 } } };'HQ constraints: ', constraints);'LQ constraints: ', lqConstraints); // NOTE(gp) if we request the lq stream first webkitGetUserMedia // fails randomly. Tested with Chrome 37. As fippo suggested, the // reason appears to be that Chrome only acquires the cam once and // then downscales the picture ( var self = this; navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints, function (hqStream) { self.localStream = hqStream; // reset local maps. self._localMaps.msids = []; self._localMaps.msid2ssrc = {}; // add hq trackid to local map self._localMaps.msids.push(hqStream.getVideoTracks()[0].id); navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(lqConstraints, function (lqStream) { self.displayedLocalVideoStream = lqStream; // NOTE(gp) The specification says Array.forEach() will visit // the array elements in numeric order, and that it doesn't // visit elements that don't exist. // add lq trackid to local map self._localMaps.msids.splice(0, 0, lqStream.getVideoTracks()[0].id); self.localStream.addTrack(lqStream.getVideoTracks()[0]); success(self.localStream); }, err); }, err); }; /** * Prepares the local description for public usage (i.e. to be signaled * through Jingle to the focus). * * @param desc * @returns {RTCSessionDescription} */ SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.reverseTransformLocalDescription = function (desc) { var sb; if (!this.simulcastUtils.isValidDescription(desc)) { return desc; } sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n'); this._groupLocalVideoSources(sb); desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: desc.type, sdp: sb.join('\r\n') }); this.logger.fine('Grouped local video sources'); this.logger.fine(desc.sdp); return desc; }; /** * Ensures that the simulcast group is present in the answer, _if_ native * simulcast is enabled, * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.transformAnswer = function (desc) { return desc; }; /** * * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.transformLocalDescription = function (desc) { var sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n'); this.simulcastUtils._removeSimulcastGroup(sb); desc = new RTCSessionDescription({ type: desc.type, sdp: sb.join('\r\n') }); this.logger.fine('Transformed local description'); this.logger.fine(desc.sdp); return desc; }; SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled = function (ssrc, enabled) { var trackid; var self = this; this.logger.log(['Requested to', enabled ? 'enable' : 'disable', ssrc].join(' ')); if (Object.keys(this._localMaps.msid2ssrc).some(function (tid) { // Search for the track id that corresponds to the ssrc if (self._localMaps.msid2ssrc[tid] == ssrc) { trackid = tid; return true; } }) && self.localStream.getVideoTracks().some(function (track) { // Start/stop the track that corresponds to the track id if ( === trackid) { track.enabled = enabled; return true; } })) { this.logger.log([trackid, enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'].join(' ')); $(document).trigger(enabled ? 'simulcastlayerstarted' : 'simulcastlayerstopped'); } else { this.logger.error("I don't have a local stream with SSRC " + ssrc); } }; SimpleSimulcastSender.prototype.constructor = SimpleSimulcastSender; function NoSimulcastSender() {; } NoSimulcastSender.prototype = Object.create(SimulcastSender.prototype); /** * GUM for simulcast. * * @param constraints * @param success * @param err */ NoSimulcastSender.prototype.getUserMedia = function (constraints, success, err) { navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints, function (hqStream) { success(hqStream); }, err); }; /** * Prepares the local description for public usage (i.e. to be signaled * through Jingle to the focus). * * @param desc * @returns {RTCSessionDescription} */ NoSimulcastSender.prototype.reverseTransformLocalDescription = function (desc) { return desc; }; /** * Ensures that the simulcast group is present in the answer, _if_ native * simulcast is enabled, * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ NoSimulcastSender.prototype.transformAnswer = function (desc) { return desc; }; /** * * * @param desc * @returns {*} */ NoSimulcastSender.prototype.transformLocalDescription = function (desc) { return desc; }; NoSimulcastSender.prototype._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled = function (ssrc, enabled) { }; NoSimulcastSender.prototype.constructor = NoSimulcastSender; module.exports = { "native": NativeSimulcastSender, "no": NoSimulcastSender }